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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Issues


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The most disturbing issue of all is that with Blizzard admitting to being the victims of multiple DDoS attacks, Bioware and EA have said nothing. The quickest way to alienate paying (and non-paying) customers is to ignore problems, evidently hoping that they will go away. Most of us would understand if the DDoS attacks affecting Blizzard have bled over to EA/Bioware since it's apparent that the attacks have also been on the primary supporting ISPs as well as the Blizzard servers. If in fact there have been DDoS attacks directed specifically at SWTOR, then we as players deserve to know what is going on, and what if anything, they can do about it. It's almost 3PM Central time, and the issues have been sporadically effecting us since last night around 10PM PST. That's more than 12 hours, and more than time enough for somebody in charge to have said something.....just saying.
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Just saw this- their under a DoS attack and having issues on all sorts of EA servers.



why would somebody do such thing?

What kind of mindset those who do that have?


If they really have to, aren't there better servers to make show off?? (like gold sellers, certain organizations, etc) instead of video game???

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Technically, it IS EA's fault that they have weak security on their servers to allow the attacks.


To a degree but you wouldn't steal something just because it's unattended.

You wouldn't steal someone's wallet just because they left it on the bar top and went to the bathroom or take advantage of a passed out girl because she was too drunk to say no.


The fault still falls on the person commiting the crime.


Agreed that we should take precautions, but it still takes a scum bucket to commit a crime. It's still a douche move to mess with people that are just trying to kick back and have fun.

Edited by kirorx
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Nobody is attacking EA LOL they are not THAT important they are attacking ISP in the USA hence EA is affected too.


Maybe you should look at that post right above yours. Or the one I posted a link to earlier:

Just saw this- their under a DoS attack and having issues on all sorts of EA servers.



They are most definitely under attack.

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Time to UNSUB all these freaking crashes (in the USA for me) make it impossible to get anything done. Anything.



Every time these errors occur they could give loyal subscribers like a free day of sub but NEVER do they do that, or anything......


DDOS attacks are hard to find when they start anyways, and you need to find the source, block etc. it takes some time, only ones to blame are the hackers.



Edited by josephxp
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Anybody can post any cr""# on twitter to be fair. Yesterday was stated it was an attack to ISP carries in the USA.


We are currently monitoring a DDOS attack against network providers which is affecting latency/connections to our games.


That makes sense not an attack to EA. Again they are not that important and SWTOR is currently empty.

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There hasn't been any acknowledgement of this on the SWTOR Twitter page or Bioware's page. Hopefully something can be done about this very very soon. Not being a tech geek I have no idea what it takes to stop these, I'm just hopeful they can be stopped.


Because all of their staff are trying to fix the DDOS problem <_< its basically all hands on deck their, and its EA servers.

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If these poodle kiddies really wanted to get a message accross.. how about they dDoS the gold spammer sites isntead.. they'd be getting a ton of praises then. but just goes to show you they're only kiddies that haven't discovered pubic hairs yet. oh well..
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Anybody can post any cr""# on twitter to be fair. Yesterday was stated it was an attack to ISP carries in the USA.


We are currently monitoring a DDOS attack against network providers which is affecting latency/connections to our games.


That makes sense not an attack to EA. Again they are not that important and SWTOR is currently empty.


Griefers don't need a reason to grief. They do it because they can.

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Because all of their staff are trying to fix the DDOS problem <_< its basically all hands on deck their, and its EA servers.


lol aren't you the optimist? my money is on they don't know there is a problem yet.

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Hey folks,


I can confirm that there was an EA Service issue last night which impacted SWTOR. At this time all of these issues have been resolved and you should be able to properly connect to all servers.


I do apologize that this was not communicated sooner. Again, all issues should now be resolved.


Thanks everyone.





Apparently still has "issues"


You'd think with the amount of profit that EA reports in their fiscal reports, they would be running something better than hamster powered trash.

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Griefers don't need a reason to grief. They do it because they can.


Its interesting while some of us are wasting our time on the eternal grind or posting here those Chinese teens are learning how to attack servers.... mmm. That's their personal SWTOR for them....

Edited by psikofunkster
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why would somebody do such thing?

What kind of mindset those who do that have?


If they really have to, aren't there better servers to make show off?? (like gold sellers, certain organizations, etc) instead of video game???


They do it because they can. And because that's how they get their jollies. It falls to those who manage said servers to ensure their security measures are adequate to prevent most of these attacks. BUT: there is no system that is unhackable, if those who want to get in have enough time and resources. What is generally the issue is that system security is expensive, and cuts into profits; I'm sure you can see where this is going.

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Its interesting while us are wasting our time playing or posting here those Chinese teens are learning how to attack servers.... mmm


Probably the credit sellers from fleet chat that got angry because we kept putting them on ignore. Asia not making any money today.

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