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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Issues


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Hey all!


The team has made the change and traffic to the European data center is now stable. We're going to continue to work on other efforts to improve the situation, and if any of those efforts have the potential to impact your connections, we will let you know!






Yeah just been on TRE for 3+ hours - rock solid performance.


Thanks to all involved.


All The Best

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The hackers are back at it again! The DDOS attack from last night (Aug 30) now seems to be continuing this afternoon. It's 1538 hrs EDT and so far in the past 15 min I've been booted 5 times on the Shadowlands server. Just an FYI for our players and the Devs .... I hope there can be a resolution soon.
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Crashed off JC 3 times. Tried to log in and got an empty server list 3 times. Was able to get back in game for about 10 seconds, then booted again.


I am on JC and can't even log into the launcher. "The login service is currently unavailable."

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I am having the same problem on Ebon Hawk: random disconnects without ever seeing any lag, just dumped straight to the server choice screen and no servers available.


I ran tracert several times and at every instance the error occurs at some point along the Level3 framework of the Internet backbone. At the time of this posting, there are literally 100s of reports of Level3 outages occurring randomly over the past 72 hours causing disconnects from everything and anything. It's not just a SWTOR problem. This could be a result of DDoS attacks or hardware failure. No one is making official statements at this time as to why it's occurring.


If you follow this link : http://downdetector.com/status/level3/map/ - you can see a map of how widespread the problem is.

Edited by Macmagotty
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Technically, it IS EA's fault that they have weak security on their servers to allow the attacks.


It has been stated thousands of times that there is no real defense against a DDoS attack. You can't stop until after it starts, and then it can take time to figure out how the attack is happening, how to block the attack, and return service to customers. It is why ******s like these guys love them, because there is not much you can do to stop it, and it is hard to catch them when it happens.


Meaning they get to ********** to their little act of cyber terrorism, are unlikely to suffer any consequences, and then people get mad at one of the victims (In this case EA) instead of the real scumbags that people should be upset with.

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Yep, lagspiked and booted a couple times in quick succession from Ebon Hawk.


(I'm not strong believer in capital punishment, but, hackers might fit the bill. Trolls should merely have their fingers broken and reset badly, but hackers, well, too bad so sad...)

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