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Forget Jaesa...


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Which is why I'm saying it's ridiculous to claim Jaesa is as interesting as a plank of wood. She has far more character development than any other companion in the game... Only Risha and Kira come close to getting the same detail. Guss is one of the companions who gets the least amount of development. I didn't even care that Guss was the "healer," I still refused to use him. I preferred just going sawbones instead of using Guss.


But I don't think the backstory is the problem. She is interesting until she actually becomes your companion, then her dialogue is "as interesting as a plank of wood". She becomes very one dimensional after the recruitment, just like every other secondary companion.


The shame is that Bioware only really developed the 1st companion's story after recruitment (ones with individual missions). If they would of put some effort into the other 4 it would of been alot better and probably allowed for better understanding of motivations and personalities.

Edited by devincor
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Guss cracks me up, I love his outbursts in combat and his comments. Now that he is a jedi, I find it very amusing to use him on my sorc that is doing kotfe. I use him on one of my smugglers, and now I like using him on this sorc.


To each, his own.

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But I don't think the backstory is the problem. She is interesting until she actually becomes your companion, then her dialogue is "as interesting as a plank of wood". She becomes very one dimensional after the recruitment, just like every other secondary companion.


The shame is that Bioware only really developed the 1st companion's story after recruitment (ones with individual missions). If they would of put some effort into the other 4 it would of been alot better and probably allowed for better understanding of motivations and personalities.


That's where I disagree... Contrary to popular belief that she's either a psychopath or a droneless Jedi, Jaesa has more gravitas than that. Especially as Dark Jaesa, she struggles with her new understanding of the Force and even has a dilemma in which she seeks help from the Jedi and is denied. What makes her interesting is how she has to re-acclimate herself to Sith culture and I find that incredibly insightful and intriguing. What does Guss ever talk about? How he's a failed Jedi and he was bullied. He's about as cliche as you can get with a companion.

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But I don't think the backstory is the problem. She is interesting until she actually becomes your companion, then her dialogue is "as interesting as a plank of wood". She becomes very one dimensional after the recruitment, just like every other secondary companion.


The shame is that Bioware only really developed the 1st companion's story after recruitment (ones with individual missions). If they would of put some effort into the other 4 it would of been alot better and probably allowed for better understanding of motivations and personalities.


It doesn't help that some companions suffer from what I consider the "came too late to the story" syndrome. The first companion you get has the most development, the second's development while present, just isn't as extensive as the first companion and so on until the last companion you get is lucky to get a few extra lines of dialog if you pick the right dialog choices. For example, Xalek's the last companion the Inquisitor gets and with what little you experience with him, he does feel a bit like a third wheel waste. I had no use for him with my Inquisitor and only took him out long enough to ding the 1000 kills achievement. But when I did his Alliance Alert, my opinion of him changed because it detailed more about him so now he had some nuance to him.


Guss suffers the same in that he's the last companion for the Smuggler so all we get to see is a rushed impression that he's a bumbler who was paranoid my Smuggler was going to drop kick him out the airlock despite even at his worst, he really hadn't done anything worthy of getting the boot off the ship compared to others in the crew.

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Aowin, while i loved jaesa as a companion for SW, I also loved Guss as a smuggler companion. I personally hate treek. All that shrieking she does is like nails on a chalkboard for me . I CANT even stand next to a player that has her out without leaving or hitting mute.- but Im not going to go around telling people shes a terrible companion.


We get it, you dont like guss but Youre dead wrong about him being universally hated. The only companion that would probably have such a title would be if they were to create a gungan companion with the identical personality and voice of jarjar binks.

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Which is why I'm saying it's ridiculous to claim Jaesa is as interesting as a plank of wood. She has far more character development than any other companion in the game... Only Risha and Kira come close to getting the same detail. Guss is one of the companions who gets the least amount of development. I didn't even care that Guss was the "healer," I still refused to use him. I preferred just going sawbones instead of using Guss.


The problem is that Jaesa becomes very boring character after you get her as companion. It's either girl who is way too stereotypical LS or brainless psychopath.

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We get it, you dont like guss but Youre dead wrong about him being universally hated. The only companion that would probably have such a title would be if they were to create a gungan companion with the identical personality and voice of jarjar binks.


What I find hysterical about this comment is Guss reminds me A LOT of Jar Jar Binks. He's over-the-top slapstick comedy for the sake of having some sort of comic relief. Jar Jar wasn't funny because he was in our faces all the time trying too hard to be funny. Guss is the same way. As far as I'm concerned, Guss is no better than Jar Jar Binks.

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What I find hysterical about this comment is Guss reminds me A LOT of Jar Jar Binks. He's over-the-top slapstick comedy for the sake of having some sort of comic relief. Jar Jar wasn't funny because he was in our faces all the time trying to hard to be funny. Guss is the same way. As far as I'm concerned, Guss is no better than Jar Jar Binks.


I can appreciate that youve included "as far youre concerned" I dont share that view, aside from being a comic relief guss and jarjar are nothing alike to me...but everyones sense of humor differs.


If i were looking to paint a negative picture of jaesa - I could just as well state her character is very similar to haydens performance of vader based simply off of them sharing similar character roles.

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What im saying is you made a broad generalization based off character roles. There are plenty of reasons why guss made me chuckle and jarjar made me cringe.


Not at all. Guss is a buffoon. Jar Jar is a buffoon. Both are there to be comic relief and offer little else to the story. Either one could be removed and the integrity of the story would be unchanged. They are needless and forgettable. Nothing "broad" or "general" about my statements. You merely do not agree. That is fine. If you enjoy Guss, please continue to do so. I'm happy ejecting him out of an escape hatch.

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A comic relief is very seldom integral to the plot of the story and many of the companions in game offer very little to the story. I dont know where you got the impression that i thought gus or jarjar was integral. I hope i just misunderstood you. They are needless i agree - forgettable? Hardly. Ill always hate jarjar and guss will always be that favorite comical companion for me.


Make no mistake - I prefer jaesa over guss but theres nothing wrong with a little comic relief in a game if done right. especially if we have the option to put him away. Jarjar was in our face and the voice actor was a lot less tolerable . Im glad we can agree to disagree. I just found it pretty bold to state guss was universally hated.

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Some people like Jaesa some people like Guss.


Personally I would much rather have Jaesa back, either as light,dark or grey. However given Rachel Leigh Cook is probably outside of the budget for ToR these days I suspect its not going to happen, that or she is going to have a really sore throat and talk funny.

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Some people like Jaesa some people like Guss.


Personally I would much rather have Jaesa back, either as light,dark or grey. However given Rachel Leigh Cook is probably outside of the budget for ToR these days I suspect its not going to happen, that or she is going to have a really sore throat and talk funny.

Hardly a reason. She doesn't exactly have a distinct voice. Not like the transition from say Arleen Sorkin to Grey Delisle. Or Michael Beattie to William Salyers (that's a Bioware one so its not unprecedented.

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Some people like Jaesa some people like Guss.


Personally I would much rather have Jaesa back, either as light,dark or grey. However given Rachel Leigh Cook is probably outside of the budget for ToR these days I suspect its not going to happen, that or she is going to have a really sore throat and talk funny.


What is it that has changed since 2013 or so when she last did SWTOR? According to IMDB, she still does voice work.


Hardly a reason. She doesn't exactly have a distinct voice. Not like the transition from say Arleen Sorkin to Grey Delisle. Or Michael Beattie to William Salyers (that's a Bioware one so its not unprecedented.


She has a very distinct voice. I can always recognize it when I hear it.

Edited by OldVengeance
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What is it that has changed since 2013 or so when she last did SWTOR? According to IMDB, she still does voice work.




She has a very distinct voice. I can always recognize it when I hear it.

Either way, voice acting conflicts with said actress has hardly ever stopped a character from appearing. As I said, they can recast in the unlikely event that the price is too high...which it probably isn't because you're dealing with contracts and the guilds (I.e screen actors guild).


If they can recast Harley Quinn (Arleen Sorkin - who had been voicing her since 1992) then Jaesa recast would be virtually nothing in comparison.


If anything is stopping a reappearance it's the mechanics of the game itself...

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If anything is stopping a reappearance it's the mechanics of the game itself...


I am not sure Jaesa is coming back. Based on her letter she sends you.




How great would it be to find out that the "someone to replace you as the dark center of her universe" is Arcann. She has been his courtesan for the past 5 years while you were a carbon popsicle. Make it happen Bioware! :D


**sits back with popcorn to hear all the bad Hayden Christian Vader screams :p**

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Either way, voice acting conflicts with said actress has hardly ever stopped a character from appearing. As I said, they can recast in the unlikely event that the price is too high...which it probably isn't because you're dealing with contracts and the guilds (I.e screen actors guild).


If they can recast Harley Quinn (Arleen Sorkin - who had been voicing her since 1992) then Jaesa recast would be virtually nothing in comparison.


If anything is stopping a reappearance it's the mechanics of the game itself...


Arleen Sorkin always voiced DCAU Harley. She was only really "recast" in other version of the character, which obviously would have a different voice.

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What is it that has changed since 2013 or so when she last did SWTOR? According to IMDB, she still does voice work.




She has a very distinct voice. I can always recognize it when I hear it.

I keep wondering this. I've seen a number of people talk as if she's somehow out of reach, but I haven't heard of any official statement by her or anyone else that indicates such. Wondering if it's just rumors or what.


One rumor I hear (and this one was actually squashed, I think in a livestream, though people still say it on occasion) is that the new dashade is to replace Khem, which they confirmed is not the case. So that's why I'm wondering if this is just some random BS people made up as an explanation for her not being back yet.

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Arleen Sorkin always voiced DCAU Harley. She was only really "recast" in other version of the character, which obviously would have a different voice.

She provided Harley's voice in both DC Online (trailers at least) and in Arkham Asylum until she retired from the role and was replaced by Grey Deslie in the sequels.

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I'm fairly certain Guss is universally hated and this is a troll thread. No one has ever liked Guss (especially compared to Jaesa) and every time I saw him on my Smuggler I wanted to kill him. If I had the option to kill him back at launch, Guss would have been dead a long time ago.


"Universally hated"? Um, no. Polarizing? Probably.


Guss is without question my favorite npc in this entire game and easily the most entertaining companion available, IMO. Whereas neither version of Jaesa appeals much to me personally, TBH. There are a lot of different people with a wide variety of tastes who play this game. I think saying "universally" anything is almost always a mistake.

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