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Playing a Dark Jedi Vs. Light Sith


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I play my Consular as a female Togruta. Unfortunately, I find the voice actress a bit boring, especially when I take the more goody-two-shoes and spiritual answers. So, I have decided to take number 2 and number 3 conversation choices (unless they are too dark), but I consistently make LS choices when there are LS/DS points. She ends up being that snappy, down to earth but good-hearted Jedi. I feel like Professor McGonagall...


My LS consular didn't have much patience when time was of the essence, so there were plenty of snappy one-liners despite being largely a goody two shoes when she needed to hurry people along or was dealing with the profoundly stupid. :D

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I would say the opposite. SI fits more with the Dark Side, and Warrior with the "Light" Side.


First, let's say that Light Sith is rather an oxymoron. Dark is always more logical as a Sith as Light is as a Jedi. To be honest, the LS choices that we may take as Sith have less to do with benevolence (that are usually associated with Light) than honour and patriotism. More often than not, we get LS points by choosing the best outcome for the Empire as a whole rather than for ourselves.


With that in mind, I think the "Light" Warrior is more logical. As you said, he is part of the system since his birth. That means that he may be more attached to the Empire. So he may have a more patriotic stance than the SI. He probably is more educated, had more time to reflect on the system and see its flaws, and thus have desires for reform. He may have developped a warrior's ethic and a sense of honour. Maybe. I play my Warrior as a lightsider, although I'm not afraid to get some DS points when my victim has wronged me or the Empire, is clearly a bad guy or a coward. Sith are not made to be knights in shining armour...


The Inquisitor, on the other hand, has been raised as a slave. He was raised in a climate of violence, fear, want. He probably had to fight for scrapes to survive. It's easy to hate your masters, to desire revenge in that kind of climate. His ethics are more about the ends than justify the means. Fear, anger, hate, they all lead to the Dark Side. And since he was born at the bottom of the scales (even under that), he may not be the most patriotic Sith.


As for Jedi, Light vs Dark is really the traditional Good vs Evil. So it feels more awkward to play a Dark Jedi, especially when you are working directly for the Jedi Council. They would certainly notice that you chose a dark path, so it's less rewarding.


I can agree with that take on it, The game certainly gives you room to go in that direction. The noble warrior is a possibility as some of the early choices can lead you there, like when you are being told about Vemrin at the academy, you can ask why you have to fight him rather then relishing in the thought of destroying him.


I can also see your point on the Inquisitor. personally I feel that a more moral and honourable character is fitting but you make an excellent point, a character raised as property would have a lot of anger and resentment at their lot in life and suddenly given a vast amount of power and privilege, I can easily see such a character relishing in it. Using it as an excuse to lash out.


My Inquisitor is still early on so I am feeling her out. She is not a malicious character but she is angry, she just needs to decide where that anger will go. She was pretty snappy with her overseer at the academy and that was honestly an accident at first due to Bioware's "wheel of you never know what you are really going to say" So she snarked at her overseer and it kind of worked for me. She bows her head and doesnt give any lip to the Darths and the real power players but to her peers, she is snippy and it works for her :D

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This was my experience with the consular. My dark side consular finished act 1 but I rerolled before starting act II. Why? Because the writer wrote for a light side character and I found many dark side choices were less nuanced than some of the Empire's dark side choices, and were basically evil for evil's sake and pointless chaotic stupid level dark and crazy. Not only that, but the Consular story at least failed to maintain continuity of dark side choices, up to and including some people the Consular killed still being acknowledged as alive and well at the end of act 1.


Actually found that to be the case for my Imperials as well. Very, very few "sane" DS choices. My first Jugg was supposed to be DS but the vast majority of choices just didn't sit right with my headcanon. I do have two DS characters but I had to conceptualize them as psychopathic.


Amusing enough my Sin (DS4) successfully romanced Ashara by basically lying through his teeth just so he could get into her pants. Oddly enough the dialog choices weren't tagged with [Lie.] Not sure if that was a design weakness where they overlooked it, Ahsara's ready to believe anything, or my Sin's just that good at it.

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As for Jedi, Light vs Dark is really the traditional Good vs Evil. So it feels more awkward to play a Dark Jedi, especially when you are working directly for the Jedi Council. They would certainly notice that you chose a dark path, so it's less rewarding.


If I'm remembering it rightly since it was from years back, it used to be at least for the Knight that if you were dark sided you didn't get the jedi knight title from the council but got General as a title. Apparently people complained that they still wanted to have the jedi knight title so things got changed. Something similar to that happened with the Sith Warrior not getting a Darth title but Emperor's Wrath, but people complained and Warrior got a Darth title and you get Empire's Wrath after finishing the Yavin stuff.

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