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Jedi Consular VS Sith Inquisitor (From a Story Perspective)


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So I've just completed the Smuggler and Agent stories, and would really like to do one of these two classes. I've played Consular to Chapter 2 and Inquisitor through Chapter 1, and they were both good. I'm going to be leaning more to the light side, no matter which class I go, and I'm just wondering which one you think is more worth the time.
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Let me put it to ya this way: Would you prefer playing more of a Yoda story (a wise sage) or more of a Voldemort story (an occultist dark lord)? The comparisons are not exact... don't expect to feel "like Yoda" or "like Voldemort," but they were the best I could think of to give you a sense of the kind of character you play.
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So I've just completed the Smuggler and Agent stories, and would really like to do one of these two classes. I've played Consular to Chapter 2 and Inquisitor through Chapter 1, and they were both good. I'm going to be leaning more to the light side, no matter which class I go, and I'm just wondering which one you think is more worth the time.


It depends upon what you like. I've found all the Sith stories to be better than the Jedi stories because they're more complex, more nuanced. The Inquisitor's story is more personal since it's your life that's on the line, not your masters, plus I also enjoyed building my powerbase, and the way that from Chapter 3 onwards, completing the planet Quests ties into your class story in a way no other class does since you're building contacts to assist in your eventual rise to power.


That being said, I liked the Knight's story, especially from Chapter 2 onwards and found it marginally superior to the Warrior's. It's rather grey in its approach to how Jedi normally act and are perceived which was great. That being said, in both the Sith stories, I feel you should have felt more hunted than you are, but that's a minor thing.


It really depends upon what type of stories you like. Personally I dislike black and white, preferring shades of grey. I like nuanced stories, The Witcher 3 rather than Inquisition, for example. If you prefer the latter then you'll probably prefer most of the light side stories. If you prefer the former you'll probably enjoy the former.

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I would recommand you play Sith Inquisitor as a DS . because repb DS are very...lame .


And to do consular first . Because at least for me..once you do Imp side stories..all repb side stories feel kinda boring in comparaison .


Oh and do a LS Sith warrior . :D

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I find that the Consular story drags as it goes on. The Prologue on Tython is, for me, the *best* prologue in the game, with an epic Star Wars feel to it, but Chapter 2 is particularly draggy.


The SI story, on the other hand, is intensely personal, the whole way through. ("Pure" DS is impossible without doing some profoundly stupid things, notably on Belsavis, but ...) I'd also suggest that it is the most likely to do well if you pick one of the "plain-headed"(1) non-PBS alien species to emphasize the depth of the depths from which you drag yourself up.


(That said, Ladra revealed the truth about my Warrior the other day. Let me show you a picture of her identical twin. This character is, apparently, a Pureblood Sith. Ladra said so.)


(1) A certain NPC imposes a restriction by his appearance - it isn't definitively binding, but it seems a bit odd for a Twi'lek's ancestor to not have lekku...

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I think it comes down to which you like more, archaeology and history, or people.


The Consular starts with archaeology, and that's what drew me in. But then it switches to people, and it lost me then.


The Inquisitor is all about history and ancient powers.


(Also, my canon Inquisitor will always be Miraluka.)

Edited by Cedia
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I have done both but only the Consular one twice. But depends on what you are looking for. I knew going in that the Consular is going to be more of a diplomatic tone than a lot of the other force once. I actually did the story twice on this one where as the inquisitor I did the story once and then did an assassin with an instant 60.
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I heard a rumor that not all the stories were finished when they had a major shakeup to the writing staff, and believe me it shows. All the stories start out strong, but only a few actually maintain that quality to the end. The Inquisitor story does, and does so beautifully. The consular-- really doesn't. Like, at all. You can usually tell which ones got hit the hardest because the first act doesn't seem to have anything to do with the second and third, whereas with the Inquisitor, Warrior, and Agent, they actually feel like a one continuous story in chapters and arcs.


The only one pub-side that really comes close is the Smuggler, and even that could have been done way better.

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The only one pub-side that really comes close is the Smuggler, and even that could have been done way better.

Curious. I would have said it was the Trooper story, where there is a real from chapter to chapter (especially Chapter 2 to Chapter 3).


Shrug. Analysis of stories is highly subjective. I'm always amused by the people who come on and say "I don't want to do the Trooper story because I heard it's bad." W T F dudes! Form your own opinions about things for once!

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I heard a rumor that not all the stories were finished when they had a major shakeup to the writing staff, and believe me it shows. All the stories start out strong, but only a few actually maintain that quality to the end. The Inquisitor story does, and does so beautifully. The consular-- really doesn't. Like, at all. You can usually tell which ones got hit the hardest because the first act doesn't seem to have anything to do with the second and third, whereas with the Inquisitor, Warrior, and Agent, they actually feel like a one continuous story in chapters and arcs.


The only one pub-side that really comes close is the Smuggler, and even that could have been done way better.


Did you feel like the BH storyline was rushed? I have completed all Imp storylines and the Jedi Knight, but BH felt totally different to me, shorter than the others. It had the feeling like it was the last one to be done, and the team was running against a clock and just did what they needed to in order to meet the deadline.

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Did you feel like the BH storyline was rushed? I have completed all Imp storylines and the Jedi Knight, but BH felt totally different to me, shorter than the others. It had the feeling like it was the last one to be done, and the team was running against a clock and just did what they needed to in order to meet the deadline.


I think the BH feels rushed because it's pretty much about... bounty hunting the whole way through. A lot does happen, though, with the Mandalorians and the Republic, so no, I don't feel that it was rushed out the door.

Edited by Cedia
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