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  1. So my character was made before the tokens for KotET came out but I really love the Level 65 token gear for the Imperial Operative, and I was wondering if there's any way to obtain it without using my token?
  2. Aha, as long as I get my character back BioWare can do whatever they want!
  3. I gave them character name, race, gender, class, and last location before it was deleted so I think it's enough
  4. So recently I was selling & shifting things to my legacy storage bank to send from one character to another and I accidentally deleted a character of mine. I had clicked Delete instead of play, and had typed Delete without thinking on it too much since I was doing homework at the time. I was wondering if there is any way at all for BioWare or EA to bring my character back. I sent in a support ticket and I totally understand if they cannot since it was my fault, I just feel awful since he was a level 70 with a lot of titles and stuff, but it was my fault I accidentally deleted him so if not I understand.
  5. So recently I was selling & shifting things to my legacy storage bank to send from one character to another and I accidentally deleted a character of mine. I had clicked Delete instead of play, and had typed Delete without thinking on it too much since I was doing homework at the time. I was wondering if there is any way at all for BioWare or EA to bring my character back. I sent in a support ticket and I totally understand if they cannot since it was my fault, I just feel awful since he was a level 70 with a lot of titles and stuff, but it was my fault I accidentally deleted him so if not I understand.
  6. So I've just completed the Smuggler and Agent stories, and would really like to do one of these two classes. I've played Consular to Chapter 2 and Inquisitor through Chapter 1, and they were both good. I'm going to be leaning more to the light side, no matter which class I go, and I'm just wondering which one you think is more worth the time.
  7. Okay, Lukenas here. I'm thinking that at the end of all of this Eternal Throne business, that we should be given three options. Give the throne to Senya (Assuming she's alive, Light Side), Let Zakuul form its own government (Light Side), become the new Emperor of Zakuul, dictator style (Dark Side). Personally I think this would be a great conclusion because of the fact that we've been fighting over Zakuul, so why not reward ourselves?
  8. I've done some poking through the settings, I am indeed a subscriber, I just can't find any way to set my pic.
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