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What race are do you think they are going to bring out next and when?


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1. Wrong forum, this should be in General Discussion, this forum is for discussion of the wider lore of SWTOR

2. if they release another one, almost 100% Nautolan. There was a poll awhile back that put Cathar at 1, Togruta at 2 and Nautolan at 3, which they seem to be following thus far.

3. Trandoshan will never happen. Does not speak Basic, won't work with romances and will not fit into existing cutscenes. Pretty much violates every rule for new species.

Edited by MadDutchman
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As much as I would like a new species (and I would) I would prefer some of the original species we have get some love with more customisations.


I would like Nautolan to be next though.

This. Totally hoping for nautolan, but I would like to see some updated character customization choices first. Next to all my kofte companions my characters look a little low-res. Some higher detail complexion options, a few of the really horrid face presets seriously need help because they look like they're hard and swollen or made of plastic. Eugh. I'd like to see eye/eyelid clipping fixed as well. Some better normal mapping on the face and skin would be great, too. Twi'leks ( female at least) only have 2 good face complexions, the rest all suck.


But I strongly suspect the next playable race will be nautolan. Somebody else mentioned the poll, and while I don't remember what the top 3 races were, I don't remember Cathar being #1. However, the top 3 were, if memory serves, nautolan, cathar, and togruta and not necessarily in that order. It'll almost certainly be nautolan. I don't remember Cathar being #1, but they were probably the easiest to implement.


My wishlist that we will never get for reasons somebody else already mentioned? Rodian and Trandoshan. The voice acting and in some cases cutscene camera angles would just make it terrible, though, so it'll never happen. Can you imagine a Trandoshan bounty hunter with Grey DeLisle's voice? I mean come on :rolleyes:

Edited by eldefail
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Oh I've hoped for a Nautolan from the day I started playing, love the look of them. Would also, rather strangely, like to play as a Selkath, but for the same reasons as Rodians and Trandoshans, I do not see this happening.


Maybe I just have a thing for aquatic species...

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I'm almost certain it will be Nautolan or Rodian.



There isn't many species in game outside of the playable species that have female models. Outside of the vanilla playable species Cathar, Togruta, Nautolan and Rodian are the only species I believe to have both male and female models in game.



Other aliens in game that could be playable are all males as far as I know. Kel Dor, Kaleesh, Devaronion, etc. Which would require a bit more work to make female models for them as well I guess. And it doesn't make sense to put in the extra work when Nautolans and Rodians are pretty heavily requested as well

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Other aliens in game that could be playable are all males as far as I know. Kel Dor, Kaleesh, Devaronion, etc. Which would require a bit more work to make female models for them as well I guess. And it doesn't make sense to put in the extra work when Nautolans and Rodians are pretty heavily requested as well

There *are* female Devaronians (but, as you say, not in-game) - apparently they are more human-looking than the males, as they don't have the horns. And there are ... issues with both Nautolans and Rodians. Rodians, I think, aren't "human" enough in appearance (look at the current playable species - they all have faces that are like human faces), and you could probably say the same about Nautolans, especially because of their eyes.

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