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lesser known oddities about PvP


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All you other people probably knew these, but I saw them just recently...


Did you know that when you enter a PvP match, you are "Entering a Story Area"? I thought that was a bit weird.


Did you know that ACW nodes have *NAMES*... and not the snow/mid/grass names. They have actual names on the map. Snow is actually the Landing Site (although the score area calls it the Crash Site, I guess the landing didn't go so well :D ), mid is the Command Center, and grass is the Generator.


Any one got any others. There can't be only 2. :eek:

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In Voidstar the doors are called West and East (or North and East for the last pair), not left and right.


In Hypergates there are no "our" or "their" pylons, at least not until they got capped. The two sides are relatively symmetric.


In Huttball there are indicators to show which way to go with the ball, yet people still manage to walk into their own scoring area :S

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Not many know this but the door timers vary in length from map to map.


Voidstar - 30 seconds full door

Ancient Hypergate - 30 seconds full door

Huttballs - 20 seconds full door

Novare Coast - Looks like 15 seconds but not got a decent look at it on recording

Civil War - Flight down is 15 seconds


The circle in the middle of the respawn door is a countdown so for example half full circle on voidstar = 15 seconds left.

Edited by snave
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In Voidstar the doors are called West and East (or North and East for the last pair), not left and right.


I absolutely HATE when people call left/right...i'll actually ignore those calls. The mini map is like a compass if you can't remember your directions.

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This one is a tip as well, if you're in battle, you can /stuck at the end of most maps and respawn at the beginning to turn in your daily/weekly. Doesn't work in odessen or arenas but might save you a trip to the fleet terminal now and then.
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What the heck are you all doing turning this into an "actually useful" thread! So much for trivial nonsense. :p


Good tips though. I always thought the length of door timers was tied directly to the enemy planting in VS or scoring in HB... as in, the door was guaranteed to open just AFTER that happened when I'm on defense, and just in time to let them stop me when I'm on offense. :D

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What the heck are you all doing turning this into an "actually useful" thread! So much for trivial nonsense. :p


Good tips though. I always thought the length of door timers was tied directly to the enemy planting in VS or scoring in HB... as in, the door was guaranteed to open just AFTER that happened when I'm on defense, and just in time to let them stop me when I'm on offense. :D


The door timer doesnt know when someone may or may not get the plant or the score in huttball.

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The door timer doesnt know when someone may or may not get the plant or the score in huttball.


Of course it does. It must just like you, or you'd have noticed. :D


On a serious note. Another tip. If you are in a VS, and on offense, and your team just got through a door, and you died at that door... don't respawn right away. If you do it will put you back at the start location for THAT door, and you'll have to run all they way back to the action and usually through a bunch of enemy that are still there. Instead wait and watch the mini map, until someone on your team reaches the next spawn point (up by the red fences/barriers), THEN respawn. You'll respawn up there with the team, usually way ahead of the majority of the enemy (and most of the rest of you own team :eek:), since someone on your team will probably have force-sped ahead to get there quickly.

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Of course it does. It must just like you, or you'd have noticed. :D


On a serious note. Another tip. If you are in a VS, and on offense, and your team just got through a door, and you died at that door... don't respawn right away. If you do it will put you back at the start location for THAT door, and you'll have to run all they way back to the action and usually through a bunch of enemy that are still there. Instead wait and watch the mini map, until someone on your team reaches the next spawn point (up by the red fences/barriers), THEN respawn. You'll respawn up there with the team, usually way ahead of the majority of the enemy (and most of the rest of you own team :eek:), since someone on your team will probably have force-sped ahead to get there quickly.


Now that i didnt know! Good tip :)

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In Voidstar, after the first door, the reactor chasm has no laser barrier around the middle part and anyone with a leap can get across. This is important because defeated defenders usually like to stand on the edge, where the speedboost is. While it's kinda obvious when, say, a Juggernaut leaps across, stealthers can activate Blackout/Sneak and use their leaps (neither breaks stealth) to get across and plant, usually without getting noticed. An easy exploit - and by exploit I mean exploiting the stupidity of the enemy team ;)


I also believe such stealth leaps can be done to people on the edge of the elevated platform (where the power boost is), but I don't play stealthers enough to confirm it.


This also means that people with friendly leaps can leap back to the bridge control side. Sorcs can also pull revived defenders back, or they can leap to enemies running from one side to the other. (But this usually exposes them to being stealth leapt to.)

Edited by Schoock
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Hmm... Are you serious?


Uh yeah....

VS for example..you're on defense, the enemy kills you, you can spawn into respawn area with an open door and run right back into the action or you can get stuck behind a full door with 30 sec timer as snave said (depending on when they killed you). The timer on that respawn door has nothing to do with whether or not the offense plants a bomb on the objective door.


So why would you ask if i'm serious?? or did you misunderstand what i posted before?

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Some less useful ones, both spawns of Novare coast have back doors that lead to exhaustion zones, right now it just kills traitors or noobs, but may of originally been to prevent spawn camping.


From East you can get up the side of the cliff with a little skirt through the exhaustion zone.


You can see markers on the ground where a shield should come up around each terminal in Novare, suggesting that they originally planned for other game mechanics there.

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Uh yeah....

VS for example..you're on defense, the enemy kills you, you can spawn into respawn area with an open door and run right back into the action or you can get stuck behind a full door with 30 sec timer as snave said (depending on when they killed you). The timer on that respawn door has nothing to do with whether or not the offense plants a bomb on the objective door.


So why would you ask if i'm serious?? or did you misunderstand what i posted before?


I didn't know if you took Banderal seriously. I still don't.

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In the OG Huttball, everyone runs off the loading area and into the endzone but most don't know you can take a right and run behind the outer wall fence, which eventually drops you off to near the middle portion of the map.
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Not many know this but the door timers vary in length from map to map.


Voidstar - 30 seconds full door

Ancient Hypergate - 30 seconds full door

Huttballs - 20 seconds full door

Novare Coast - Looks like 15 seconds but not got a decent look at it on recording

Civil War - Flight down is 15 seconds


The circle in the middle of the respawn door is a countdown so for example half full circle on voidstar = 15 seconds left.


Nah, they all take exactly the same time: too long. ;)

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I absolutely HATE when people call left/right...i'll actually ignore those calls. The mini map is like a compass if you can't remember your directions.


I also dislike the use of left/right calls in a WZ. Left and right depend on your point of view. I've seen people use left to indicate the left side of the map, whilst others in the same WZ use left as from the point of view of the spawn area. I once had one moron try to tell me that left is always west! :rolleyes:


Left/Right calls are completely ambiguous and should not be used. East/West calls do not depend on your point of view and should be used. Most people learn their cardinal directions as soon as they learn to read a map, there is no reason for any of us to keep using ambiguous calls.

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... Most people learn their cardinal directions as soon as they learn to read a map, there is no reason for any of us to keep using ambiguous calls.


... so, never.


I wish I had a screenshot of that conversation where someone lessoned me that I should not use cardinal directions, because they depend on the point of view. Left/right, however...


A friend of mine once recommended to call with port and starboard sides. Maybe one day I'll try that too... :D

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... so, never.


I wish I had a screenshot of that conversation where someone lessoned me that I should not use cardinal directions, because they depend on the point of view. Left/right, however...


A friend of mine once recommended to call with port and starboard sides. Maybe one day I'll try that too... :D


I thought the same thing about people learning to read a map. Who has to do that now? You just plug your destination into your Google Maps app, and it tells you when to turn LEFT and RIGHT. :( (OK, actually :), because that is awesome when you are going some place you've never been before.)


And, we must have been talking to the same person, because I also had someone say that East/West was relative. In my case, they claimed it was different depending on if you were attacker or defender in VS!

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I thought the same thing about people learning to read a map. Who has to do that now? You just plug your destination into your Google Maps app, and it tells you when to turn LEFT and RIGHT. :( (OK, actually :), because that is awesome when you are going some place you've never been before.)


And, we must have been talking to the same person, because I also had someone say that East/West was relative. In my case, they claimed it was different depending on if you were attacker or defender in VS!


just this one topic is a testament to the quality of players PVP has been reduced to.

its off topic, sorry.

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