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Plz change dark side corruption


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Being deformed from darkside power is a mark of beauty among the Sith. Just as women being plump and white historically was a marker of wealth and beauty - and now you need to be skinny and tan - Beauty is dependent upon the society around it. It would be absurd to think that other Sith would look upon a woman of such power and not be awed and jealous of her "dirt mustache" as I like to call it.


Many women have needed to use beauty as a source of power because historically we have not had access to other kinds of power. When you have the power of the dark side at your command, having a pretty face becomes a diminished concern. Of course, there are times when you need to mask the dark side corruption to deceive, as Zash does. But my majestic Sith Sorceress is proud of her beauty marks.

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After 30 years of no sunlight reaching your skin you would turn pale too.


Except this is not true. Vader took his armor off regularly, and we saw an example of this in ESB. He could not live in the armor permanently, so he definitely had exposure to light.

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I would just like to point out that the words "light side" appear approximately zero times in the original trilogy, as well as the prequels. The phrasing is a simplification the expanded universe has relied upon in order to keep stories moving, and to provide a functioning mechanical framework in video games.


But star wars metaphysics do not work like dungeons and dragons. It's better to think of the force in terms of balance/imbalance.


The "force in balance" is often described in games as some middle point between dark and light which misunderstands the role of the force and the relationship force sensitives have to it in the original films.

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Except this is not true. Vader took his armor off regularly, and we saw an example of this in ESB. He could not live in the armor permanently, so he definitely had exposure to light.


The only time he could have the armor off was inside of a hyperbaric chamber, hence he was pale white under it as the only light to ever touch his skin was light that couldn't tan you. He did live in his armor because he could not breath without it. With both legs gone, an entire arm, and half of the other arm he could never take it completely off anyway.

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Indeed. If we are to get technical, there is only "The Force," and then there is the "Dark Side." You either are a Jedi and use the Force as it was intended, or you are a fallen Jedi/Dark Jedi or a Sith who has perverted the Force into the Dark Side. In order to achieve "balance in the Force," the Dark Side must be completely eradicated.


There technically is no "Light Side." It's why many Star Wars fans who do not understand the canon well easily confuse the distinction and misinterpret what the Force actually is. The Force is Good. The Dark Side is Evil. There is nothing ambiguous about how the Force works in the original trilogy and the prequels. To be seduced by the Dark Side is to be corrupted and inevitably destroyed by it.


This is why Dark Side corruption is very relevant and necessary as it gets the point across that perverting the Force into the Dark Side comes at a cost.

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