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Blood Hunt Jos & Valk fight.

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Can something be done about this fight in tactical mode? Currently, the fight itself is fine except for one small thing; the location of the kolto stations. They're at the edge of the platform. Valk has an ability to leap towards a target player and knock them back, and more often than not, that player is running to said kolto station to heal themselves or their party, killing them instantly. I propose a very simple fix that does not change the fight at all for both story and hard modes: Move the kolto stations closer to the center. It's one thing to make a fight difficult, but when there's a mechanic that queues onto any player that gets to close to the edge to instantly knock them off, and you put the only thing that can keep your group alive at the edge, there's a problem.
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I do agree it can be a pain with four dps and having to run to those stations. I have seen many people get knocked off trying to get to one of the kolto stations. The only thing I can say is what I tried to do to avoid this is go hit the station right after you see someone get knocked back. The knockback won't happen back to back, so you will be safe for a little bit but this does mean you have to stay proactive and keep hitting the stations before some one desperately needs it which will always happen at the worse time.
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I think it makes more sense to "un-tactical" the SoR FPs.


From a purist story standpoint, they really should not be done until the player is preparing to do SoR; it doesn't make much sense to have them available as early as they are.


But from a practical standpoint, having them be level 55+ and "normal" mode makes much more sense.


I would think a separate queue with KuS/LI (50+) and the SoR FPs (55+) with a nominal weekly reward would make more sense.

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I think it makes more sense to "un-tactical" the SoR FPs.


And what exactly is so difficult in these that they should be 55+ and trinity only? Every boss fight apart from Jos&Valk and Ortuno can be soloed in tactical mode. Maybe someone can solo even these but I haven't tried. Battle of Rishi, Assault on Tython, Korriban Incursion... All pretty much faceroll for somewhat geared level 65.

Edited by Halinalle
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And what exactly is so difficult in these that they should be 55+ and trinity only? Every boss fight apart from Jos&Valk and Ortuno can be soloed in tactical mode. Maybe someone can solo even these but I haven't tried. Battle of Rishi, Assault on Tython, Korriban Incursion... All pretty much faceroll for somewhat geared level 65.


I'd happily answer your question but I sense you asked less for an answer and more to make an impression.

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I'd happily answer your question but I sense you asked less for an answer and more to make an impression.


That doesn't mean he's not right. Jos & Valk is the only fight I haven't managed to solo in tactical.


All the fights in SoR FPs are designed to be tacticals and not a conversion like many other FPs so it makes no sense to make them group versions. Maybe Jos & Valk are poorly designed and overtuned but that doesn't mean the other 11 bosses don't work as tacticals.

Edited by FireFoxed
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That doesn't mean he's not right. Jos & Valk is the only fight I haven't managed to solo in tactical.


All the fights in SoR FPs are designed to be tacticals and not a conversion like many other FPs so it makes no sense to make them group versions. Maybe Jos & Valk are poorly designed and overtuned but that doesn't mean the other 11 bosses don't work as tacticals.


I would imagine many of the fights - in the above mentioned as well as in general - are way easier to solo with a geared 65 than with a 4-low-level-dps tactical. I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.


I guess I'm biased in that I think tacticals are about the stupidest idea this game has ever come up with. So that might be clouding my thinking. But I think there are more than enough without the above mentioned ones.


I think normal mode flashpoints ought to have a weekly, and I think there aren't enough of them as it is anymore.


As they tend to be the ones most groups struggle with - and since there's already a solo mode - it seems to make sense to me for them to be normal mode rather than tacticals.


YMMV /shrug


I don't see the relevance to being able to solo something at 65 with the suggestion I made.

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BTW I just tried soloing it in tactical, tried a couple different things and the closest I got was on a PT tank with a heal comp, Jos was under 5% when my comp died. I did not last much longer. I was using the ship droid, level 23 influence, had to micro it a lot. I think a different companion might have made it easier. I am pretty sure a higher level comp would have made it pretty easy. It's just annoyingly slow.


When only one is up it is trivial though, had I gotten Jos down I am pretty sure it would have been academic. Literally just stand in middle and passive the droid back if he gets knocked out. You can eat all of the damage - everything. When they are both up it's quite a bit trickier and the companion needed a lot more attention. I used heroic moment but I forgot about Unity.


I was using a 220 tank MH, and I do use tank relics on that character. I would use something else if I wanted to suffer through it again.


Just throwing it out there if you guys were hellbent on checking it off the list.

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I guess I'm biased in that I think tacticals are about the stupidest idea this game has ever come up with. So that might be clouding my thinking. But I think there are more than enough without the above mentioned ones.


So, that's why people decline if they don't see tank and healer? What makes you think tank or healer would help if I see constantly Deception Assassins in Dark Charge who queued as tanks (though I never see Voltaic Slash), Madness Sorcerers who queued as healer., etc.

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The last time I used the kolto I was punched from the platform into the wall to magically return on the platform. I think that's how it's supposed to work. The problem is when you fall into the lava running to the kolto station.


It's not trivial but I think the Prison fight with bugged Ugly Face sniper is much harder than this.


BTW if you are not 65 there's no reason to run BH anyway, low exp gain, high risk of failing.

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So, that's why people decline if they don't see tank and healer? What makes you think tank or healer would help if I see constantly Deception Assassins in Dark Charge who queued as tanks (though I never see Voltaic Slash), Madness Sorcerers who queued as healer., etc.


Err, huh? What does this have to do with me saying tacticals are stupid? I did Blood Hunt yesterday on a dps, GF grouped me with 3 tanks.


Doable? Of course. But is this the sort of gameplay anyone is looking for? I do not think so.

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Err, huh? What does this have to do with me saying tacticals are stupid? I did Blood Hunt yesterday on a dps, GF grouped me with 3 tanks.


Doable? Of course. But is this the sort of gameplay anyone is looking for? I do not think so.


With that attitude you will be in trouble in SM ops if main tank wants to solo tank = dps with taunt must be prepared to off tank. Or if healer wants to solo heal like you see a lot in EV (dps with off heals must be prepared to heal in another group on Pylons).

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With that attitude you will be in trouble in SM ops if main tank wants to solo tank = dps with taunt must be prepared to off tank. Or if healer wants to solo heal like you see a lot in EV (dps with off heals must be prepared to heal in another group on Pylons).

If the tank is geared you don't need 2nd tank even in EV HM and KP HM! Not even taunting DPS(yes, you can overheal 10 stacks).


In SM operations you need 2nd tank in EC and Rav. That's it, otherwise 2nd tank is bored to death. Believe me, I was there as 2nd tank many times. As a tank you expect a monster hitting you giving you some goodies - in many cases energy to do things(e.g. guardian). So not only you are not that useful, your energy management is broken and your DPS is pathetic =)

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With that attitude you will be in trouble in SM ops if main tank wants to solo tank = dps with taunt must be prepared to off tank. Or if healer wants to solo heal like you see a lot in EV (dps with off heals must be prepared to heal in another group on Pylons).


I doubt many people prefer to solo tank or solo heal. Most of the time i do it because i no longer believe in pug dps being able to pull the required numbers( yes, i've seen enrages in SM ).


Anyway that has nothing to do with the fact that for most FPS tactical is terrible idea. They were designed as trinity fights and making them tactical means they are either nerfed really hard to make it possible to do them without tank and healer or close to impossible for most pugs. The only FP that feels right as tactical is Kuat Drive precisely because it was designed as tactical.

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Anyway that has nothing to do with the fact that for most FPS tactical is terrible idea. They were designed as trinity fights and making them tactical means they are either nerfed really hard to make it possible to do them without tank and healer or close to impossible for most pugs. The only FP that feels right as tactical is Kuat Drive precisely because it was designed as tactical.


You're assuming:

- low level dps group

- nobody knows what they are doing (no basic knowledge of their class, no situational awareness etc)


What are the chances for that to happen through GF? Very low. You will have better chance to get high level players who think they know everything, won't stop to heal between fights and generally just use brute force to get through difficult pulls.

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You're assuming:

- low level dps group

- nobody knows what they are doing (no basic knowledge of their class, no situational awareness etc)


What are the chances for that to happen through GF? Very low. You will have better chance to get high level players who think they know everything, won't stop to heal between fights and generally just use brute force to get through difficult pulls.


I'm not assuming anything. I'm saying that when they converted the SM FPs to TFPs the fights became boring because they are supposed to be done by 4 dps. For most TFPs trash is harder than the boss fights. At the same time when the FPs were not tactical people learnt not to use only aoes and how to CC, use interrupts, proper kill order, etc.

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There still are non tactical FPs out there, and horribly tuned flahspoints that have been made into tacticals that still require mechanics.


It isn't perfect but it ended one of the major problems, people spamming endlessly for groups. If you can't que and go relatively quickly into dungeons a game dies these days and fast.


Edit: Though I admit I miss Colicoid war games...the starship troopers vibe there was kinda fun.

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