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*SPOILERS* which race would make more sense for sith inquisitor


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Red and Black striped Twi'Lek is Mmmmmmmm reminds me of Drth Talon.

But with one of the missions on the Sith Side, is one about "racial/Blood" purity and given by a pureblood sith I would nominate the full blood as the "best" inquisitor match, despite staring out as a slave

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How about Rattataki? I don't remember if you can choose it for SI by default as a sub, or if you need the unlock. But I think it would fit well with being a slave, while also having some powerful ancestry mixed in and a penchant for dominating others through violence. Since Rattataki are basically a warrior race.
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Well lore wise I think human is the only one that actually works since in the Annihilation novel there's a Sith Lord who becomes the first alien on the dark council and it takes place after the class stories.




Gameplay wise anything other then Twilek or Togruta I guess works due to your ancestor. But given your ancestor lived in a timeline that Sith where even less tolerant to aliens I guess Human or Pureblood makes the most sense.

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I have a Pure Sith Inquisitor. But, if you want to make a Twi'lek just think that somewhere down the line that another ancestor had a thing with a twi'lek


Darth Malgus originally was in a relationship with one so why not


I don't think Twi'Leks can reproduce with humans though and likely most of the other playable species in game

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How about Rattataki? I don't remember if you can choose it for SI by default as a sub, or if you need the unlock. But I think it would fit well with being a slave, while also having some powerful ancestry mixed in and a penchant for dominating others through violence. Since Rattataki are basically a warrior race.

I did a Rattataki Sorc (Lightning). BT1 Female, which made Chapter X hysterical, with these two skinny Rattataki women, both madder than a box of frogs, running around blowing stuff up.


By the blindest of coincidences, I had picked the same face as Kaliyo's default appearance, and one of the cosmetics/tattoo options that leaves you with tattooed lips (ewwwww), just like Kaliyo, so it went beyond two crazy skinny females, and almost into identical twin sisters...


That said, the warrior race thing suggests that they'd be well suited to SW as well.

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I don't think Twi'Leks can reproduce with humans though and likely most of the other playable species in game


Not sure about that but in the Clone Wars tv series that is legend canon and canon canon there was a episode about a former clone trooper who had twi'lek wife and 2 twi'lek, human children. There where not his but their real father was a human. Well the twi'lek wife said that but no human features there. Maybe their like Assari from Mass Effect no matter who the father is they are still Assari.

All the other races in the game besides the Togruta and Cathars can breed with humans without any issues because mostly their humans who suffered some mutations because of their environment but still humans.

Edited by adormitul
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Not sure about that but in the Clone Wars tv series that is legend canon and canon canon there was a episode about a former clone trooper who had twi'lek wife and 2 twi'lek, human children. There where not his but their real father was a human. Well the twi'lek wife said that but no human features there. Maybe their like Assari from Mass Effect no matter who the father is they are still Assari.

All the other races in the game besides the Togruta and Cathars can breed with humans without any issues because mostly their humans who suffered some mutations because of their environment but still humans.


I'm a huge fan of TCW and I'm 90% sure it was never mentioned that the children's real father was a human.

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i can't decide which race to make my SI, i was thinking Twi'lek because your a slave but then i realised your ancestor docent have any Lekku. i don't want to make it a human because it's kind of boring. Thanks


Spoiler that is actually from the SI quests:



The Inquisitor encounters an Infinite Empire-vintage AI machine that claims to have made Twi'leks and Zabreks, among others. So I doubt normal biological rules apply to most of the species.


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Kallig lived during the old Sith Empire, so he probably was a Sith Pureblood, (meaning a Human/Sith hybrid). However, Kallig was known for his pro alien sentiments. Also, since the SI was born a slave and that he/she didn't know his/her ancestry, the Sith blood was probably very diluted in him/her after so many generations. So really any race is good, in my opinion. I would say though that Sith Pureblood is the least likely. Even then, you could take the weakest Sith features when you customize your character (no tendrils, no horns, the palest shade of red available, etc.).
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I'm a huge fan of TCW and I'm 90% sure it was never mentioned that the children's real father was a human.


Pablo Hidalgo confirmed that Cut Lawquane's adoptive children were intended to be human/twi'lek hybrids. Besides, there skins are both blue and "human" pink. We never saw bicolored twi'leks before.

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I did a Rattataki Sorc (Lightning). BT1 Female, which made Chapter X hysterical, with these two skinny Rattataki women, both madder than a box of frogs, running around blowing stuff up.


By the blindest of coincidences, I had picked the same face as Kaliyo's default appearance, and one of the cosmetics/tattoo options that leaves you with tattooed lips (ewwwww), just like Kaliyo, so it went beyond two crazy skinny females, and almost into identical twin sisters...


That said, the warrior race thing suggests that they'd be well suited to SW as well.

That's a fun mental image. :D


And yes, I agree. I think Rattataki would make a good SW too.

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Yes. Evidence is in Star Wars The Clone Wars. One of the clones has a boy and a girl that are half twi'lek.


I have no idea where the previous answerer got that, but Humans and Twi'leks dont have enough of the same genetic material, but then again they could just adopt a child. In the book "Order 66" it is specifically stated that Twi'leks and Humans can't interbreed.


The first answer is correct. In one of the episodes of Clone Wars, a rogue Clone Trooper and his Twi'lek wife have two children, each has lekku, but their skin is that of a human.


Just because it's in the Clone Wars TV series doesn't mean it's correct (they gave Anakin his facial scar way before he actually receives it). These are just conflicting sources. Regardless, it has always been understood that Humans and Twileks can't reproduce with each other.


- hey hey Clone Wars tv-series is higher canon (according by Lucas himself) than any books- so if those two kids would be hybrids then answer would be yes (and previous info about that being impossible would be non-canon) but actually episode guide says that kids of Suu and Cut Lawquane were ADOPTED- so they weren't hybrids- there is ordinary twileks with human skincolor (at least in Jedi Academy) so probably Cut wasn't father of those kids (however it could have been another human as well)- also this takes place during the first year of the war- there is not enough time for children to grow up that fast -they are 3-5 years old already - but i think that human twi'lek intebreeding wouldn't be that hard- Aurra Sing is halfbreed human and her father was member of pretty non-human species- twi'leks are very much like human- Lekku's and skincolor are different...

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I think any specie would do , but my vote is Human . I would say Twilek cose Twilek in Hood would look ****** , but lazy BW will never fix that . So human it is .


You do get a small dialogue on Hoth about (alien) if you go with any specie other then Human .

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i can't decide which race to make my SI, i was thinking Twi'lek because your a slave but then i realised your ancestor docent have any Lekku. i don't want to make it a human because it's kind of boring. Thanks


Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Chiss, Mirialan, Rattataki, and Cathar all make sense as an SI. However, the 2 that make the most sense are either a human or Zabrak. As the SI design is inspired by both Darth Maul and Darth Sidious

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Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Chiss, Mirialan, Rattataki, and Cathar all make sense as an SI. However, the 2 that make the most sense are either a human or Zabrak. As the SI design is inspired by both Darth Maul and Darth Sidious

Thing is Chiss make no sense at all. At all. Chances of your ancestor being one is one to million. As much as I understand they could not possibly keep all of their kind hidden away, a few surely left or escaped the Ascendancy but chances of that one escapee to be Force-sensitive is another one to million :p

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Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Chiss, Mirialan, Rattataki, and Cathar all make sense as an SI. However, the 2 that make the most sense are either a human or Zabrak. As the SI design is inspired by both Darth Maul and Darth Sidious


I really can't agree with Chiss due to the fact that force sensitive with the Chiss is very rare as evidenced by this:


Sev'rance Tann was a Chiss female born on the planet Csilla during the waning days of the Galactic Republic. She was one of very few Force-sensitive Chiss on record,


Yes there may be a few but they were very rare so having your ancestor be a Chiss is very unlikely.

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I believe a Human is the most fitting, since you're a slave from some Sith occupied planet. My Assassins are both females and I believe is more fiting humans than anyother since your companion Talos implies the tendency of your ancestor to favor other alien races... (I believe that's a reason to be human or cyborg)


Keep us posted, what do you think?:rak_02:

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i can't decide which race to make my SI, i was thinking Twi'lek because your a slave but then i realised your ancestor docent have any Lekku. i don't want to make it a human because it's kind of boring. Thanks


Your ancestor might not have been a Twi'lek, but that doesn't mean that he or somebody else down the bloodline didn't get it on with one which one way or another resulted in you.


That said given the mask thing toward the end of chapter 1 and such I agree Twi'lek is a bit of a stretch since you're supposed to be able to wear it.


That could also put a damper on Zabrak, or may be not, depends on just how picky you are about the helmet.


I played a female twi'lek through chapter 1 and found it quite fitting, though. I think human fits best, though, to be honest. I think most of the 8 classes have an alien race that fits at least as well as human, but the inquisitor just feels "human" to me.

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I, personally, like a Ratattaki inquisitor. It really lives up to the "alien slave" character that is thrown on you in chapter one, and the aesthetic of the race just SCREAMS inquisitor, with the smokey-shaped tattoos and the gray skin. But, that's just my opinion.
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Another reason I like human for inquisitor? It has to do with an inversion of the Sith Warrior Korriban story. The Warrior seems to be from a noble bloodline, probably pureblood, and his rival is a human nobody from Balmorra. Your overseer is trying to snuff out your competition, wanting to see the lowborn wretch fail miserably.


Harkun wants to see the inquisitor fail miserably, pitting you against Pfon, a pureblood from a better bloodline with ostensibly more potential and snobbishly considers him your better because shut up.


I just like how the pureblood vs human slave/nobody dynamic plays out in both stories in the beginning on Korriban, the warrior giving the high born pureblood perspective, the inquisitor the baseborn wretch perspective.

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I, personally, like a Ratattaki inquisitor. It really lives up to the "alien slave" character that is thrown on you in chapter one, and the aesthetic of the race just SCREAMS inquisitor, with the smokey-shaped tattoos and the gray skin. But, that's just my opinion.

This, and make it BT1 Female Dark V. Then run Chapter X, with you and Kaliyo....

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