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Bug/technical issue


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ok first there should be a forum for technical support and bugs because i find other players so much more helpful then support.... and the support page is just a robot...but anyhow


Since the last update have had 2 bugs


#1 the EXP rewards from missions are no longer stacking and have a bound to character timer on them not sure if that timer has all ways been there but I have to wait of the timers to run out before i can stack them


#2 when using CTRL+CLICK to preview an item the avatar view window bugs out and the toon diapers or looks all wrong

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ok first there should be a forum for technical support and bugs because i find other players so much more helpful then support.... and the support page is just a robot...but anyhow


Since the last update have had 2 bugs


#1 the EXP rewards from missions are no longer stacking and have a bound to character timer on them not sure if that timer has all ways been there but I have to wait of the timers to run out before i can stack them


#2 when using CTRL+CLICK to preview an item the avatar view window bugs out and the toon diapers or looks all wrong


Regarding the two issues...

1. The XP rewards from missions should stack (I have not confirmed it personally though) once the bound timers wears off - they cannot stack prior to that because each one has its own timer, so they are not identical/fungible.

2. I have seen that issue come up a few times in swtor, but not since 4.7 was released. Whenever it has come up in the past though, I have been unable to reproduce the problem after a restart of the computer (not just logging out and back in to the game, but a complete system reboot). Is the preview window bugged for you every time, and does a reboot resolve the problem?

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2. I have seen that issue come up a few times in swtor, but not since 4.7 was released. Whenever it has come up in the past though, I have been unable to reproduce the problem after a restart of the computer (not just logging out and back in to the game, but a complete system reboot). Is the preview window bugged for you every time, and does a reboot resolve the problem?
I saw this just yesterday (or maybe Thursday, but definitely since 4.7) when previewing some companion customizations at a vendor. The first one would come up, but after that, my comp was headless. I got around it, I think by previewing the first customization, then previewing it again, to "reset" the preview window to the current look of my companion before previewing the next one. I haven't tried it again, so don't know if it is 'fixed", though I have completely quit game and shut down my PC more than once since it happened.
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