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Upcoming KOTET / SWTOR 5.0


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Meh... I was totally hyped for kotfe. I've learned my lesson. I'll likely go pick up a graphics card and try out some other games for a while and come back after all of kotet is out. Maybe sooner if they add more war zones or 8v8 ranked. I'm mainly a story player who likes to pvp. Kotfe was a big let down, imo, and I hated the monthly chapters format.
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Ahahahahaha! And then you woke up and realized you were dreaming. Look forward to a rerun of KOTFE and ONE "group" content activity towards the end of the run equivalent to Eternal Championship, though probably just a variant of the Star Fortresses.


Zero new operations.


Zero GSF update.


One PVP map. Maybe.


Never ending CM updates.


Minimal to no bug fixes.


Possible 5 level increase where we lose a key ability and have to reaquire it at 70, because BW likes to take things away and make you work for them again and again.


As for story, Arcann will get a government enforced redemption. The Outlander will be forced to team up with him to stop Vaylin, who will kill Senya. Both Vaylin and SCORPIO will be defeated by end of the season (though unlikely they will actually die) and then Valkorian will finally step up and do something to reveal he had a master plan all along at the season 2 cliffhanger, setting him up as the Big Bad for Season 3.


Oh, and Koth will do something super important at a key juncture with the Gravestone, whether he stole the ship or not.


And the Outlander will continue to be a supporting character in Bioware's Legends fanfic, portrayed as an incompetant leader, failure as a strategist, and cutscene punching bag.


LOL Nailed it perfectly. Yeah... I'm pretty much done with this game. It's clear nothing will change or ever be improved. SW games have been butchered to the ground.

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On the one hand I see the level increase to 70 as inevitable. On the other unless it comes in with a lot of end game content I'm not sure there is any point.


We saw the ops and flashpoints releveled for 65, fair play that is done. I just don't think they could relevel them for 70 and expect people to play them to regrind gear that isn't necessary for the new chapters cause any boss fight will be about hiding behind a shield over a dps check.


I think you have to have an expansion to raise the level you can't just do it when you release a couple of 30 minute single player chapters.


Yeah if there's no new group content then raising the level cap isn't all that needed, however I guess we can just pretend like level 65 cap never existed as you can easily be level 70 by the end of KOTFE before even starting the new content...

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Ahahahahaha! And then you woke up and realized you were dreaming. Look forward to a rerun of KOTFE and ONE "group" content activity towards the end of the run equivalent to Eternal Championship, though probably just a variant of the Star Fortresses.


Zero new operations.


Zero GSF update.


One PVP map. Maybe.


Never ending CM updates.


Minimal to no bug fixes.


Possible 5 level increase where we lose a key ability and have to reaquire it at 70, because BW likes to take things away and make you work for them again and again.


As for story, Arcann will get a government enforced redemption. The Outlander will be forced to team up with him to stop Vaylin, who will kill Senya. Both Vaylin and SCORPIO will be defeated by end of the season (though unlikely they will actually die) and then Valkorian will finally step up and do something to reveal he had a master plan all along at the season 2 cliffhanger, setting him up as the Big Bad for Season 3.


Oh, and Koth will do something super important at a key juncture with the Gravestone, whether he stole the ship or not.


And the Outlander will continue to be a supporting character in Bioware's Legends fanfic, portrayed as an incompetant leader, failure as a strategist, and cutscene punching bag.


Nah Bioware has said they been working on group content for a few months now and I think they realize they kind of messed up with not having any in KOTFE.... I expect at least a couple group content related stuff (ops or fps) in the initial release but likely nothing else month by month.

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Nah Bioware has said they been working on group content for a few months now and I think they realize they kind of messed up with not having any in KOTFE.... I expect at least a couple group content related stuff (ops or fps) in the initial release but likely nothing else month by month.


They did say specifically they were working on ops after kotfe, which many of us took as after it launched, but I guess they meant after it was over. Given they wont specify ops, and rather "group content" a year later after kotfe, I'm betting the ops got canned and we can look forward to morestar fortress quality group content at best.

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They did say specifically they were working on ops after kotfe, which many of us took as after it launched, but I guess they meant after it was over. Given they wont specify ops, and rather "group content" a year later after kotfe, I'm betting the ops got canned and we can look forward to morestar fortress quality group content at best.


Guess some people took that comment differently because I always thought they meant after KOTFE was finished they would be working on more group content, not after the first 9 chapters.

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Guess some people took that comment differently because I always thought they meant after KOTFE was finished they would be working on more group content, not after the first 9 chapters.


Yep. But they specified ops back then, and now they wont say more than "group content". Not a good sign for ops.

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  • 1 month later...

Concerning the OP, the parts B) and E) are imo two of the best things that could have happened to the game. The other aspects of the OP are mostly filler whines that make no sense.


B) was good because now i can choose wich companion i want to hang out with, and not be punished for it. For instance, i recently started an operative and im glad i can bring Kaliyo everywhere. She's the first one i got, she's the one i have most time to aquire influence with, she's "dark side", and the main love interest. Also, she back in KotFE, so more icing on the cake. Its just perfect.


Other ppl can of course have another comp of their choice. Like a healing Korslug (lol). In conclusion, the more choice, the better, absolutely always.


E) was good because now you can do everything at your own pace. Its not difficult, no, but it wasnt difficult beating the planet missions before either. Now i can do every mission, or none (more choice, remember?) with boing too overleveled, which means the mission becomes useless, or underleveled, which means i die more often than not.


Also, being able to solo the heroics means solo players get to see all that content too. And of course, they can be done in groups too. Simply, more choice as i said. Not to mention the heroic transport, which is imo one of the best things the game has got in its whole history.

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E: Maybe level sync doesn't work as you imagined, but does it really matter that much? For me, it doesn't really affect my personal gaming experience. I haven't seen anyone voicing an actual meaningful complaint about it, just vague "I don't like it" posts.


Then you haven't been looking.


The number one problem with level syncing is rehashed content. This affects everyone. With synced levels there's no reason to develop new flash points or heroics or operations or much of anything. You simply differentiate the gear and call it good. It's a money saver and a time saver for the company, and this is exactly why they do it. There is a HUGE dissatisfaction with stale content in this game.


There are a lot of other problems with level syncing, such as being dismounted by low level mobs and the lack of a feeling of progression. I have zero incentive to do ops. Gear has become meaningless for 99% of this game. Crafting gear for alts is a waste of time and credits. Can't sell much of it either, so with few exceptions, crafting is pointless.


And so on and so forth.


It's not rocket science to realize that level syncing in a game with levels and gear progression is, in a word, idiotic.

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No, it took away the need to be stuck with a companion you didn't want because of their role, while the one you did want to take was useless and left behind. It was a barrier to getting full use out of your companions so they changed it. And for the better. Now people can take the comp they like the best or fits their PC's personality the best without screwing themselves over.


Agreed 1,000%, too often have I been forced to take a healer/Tank I don't like and leave the good companions on the ship.


The implementation was floored in my opinion as I would have kept the unique abilities they originally had, so for instance Kira Carson would keep her DPS abilities she had in 3.0 and when you switched her to heal or tank she would only gain 'default' abilities. This would also have rewarded players who used their companions in their original pre 4.0 roles, but gave options to everyone else.

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4.0 dropped the last patch Tuesday of October. I expect either 25 October or 1 November as the launch dates of 5.0 and KotET; with the DvL event's end date being announced on 7 October for either 24 October or 31 October.


I expect no major mechanical changes to the single-player play experience; or to bolster in group activities.


I expect KoTET's structure to be nearly identical to KotFE's, with a large batch of chapters dropped at once, a gap for the winter with optional repeatable content to fill it, and a monthly release schedule after that. I hope htey get a better story.


I expect that there will be, as part of the optional repeatable content, group PvE content sized for both small (4-PC) and large (8+ PC) groups, to fill the same "game design" niche as FPs and Ops, respectively. I do not expect these to be formatted as "Classic" FPs or Ops, at least not at the "Story mode" difficulty. In particular, I expect they will continue to have "tactical" (non-Trinity) mechanics at the "Story" mode, but still balanced to engage a "Standard trinity" squad structure without being impossible for a Y * 4x DPS party. I expect Tora to be getting a lot of people's stuff as a consequence, but a slow turnaround a la the initial large negative reaction to Level Sync being slowly replaced by (possibly grudging) acceptance, as PuG queue times drop, and more people overall are introduced to the joys of group PvE via a functional GF. (I do hope the Trinity gameplay style is retained for "Hard Mode" content).


I don't expect a new PvP gameplay mode, but another map or two, and the expansion of cross-faction queuing into Huttball and Arena modes.


I don't expect new GSF content, unless they put a lot more work than I really expect into rebalancing GSF and making it more new-player-friendly (by reducing the impact of advanced gearing and/or introducing some sort of "bolster" system).


Things I'd like to see (some of which I don't expect to):

The death of "gear progression raiding," replacing the carrot with cosmetic rewards and the satisfaction of a job well done.

Which is a part of the death of "wasting player's time to artificially extend playtime and present false difficulty.


More "open space" level design in the single-player and group content, less "Corridors filled with unavoidable trash." More Tatooine, Yavin, and Chapter 14 Darvannis, less Nar Shadaa, Makeb, and Zakuul undercity. More DF, less SnV. If you want players to engage trash, make it an optional bonus mission.


Nothing that takes more than an hour without a break point, and the bell curve for time to consume for group content centered around 30 minutes and for single-player content centered around 15 minutes. Note, right now you can "leave a chapter" in the middle of it in most places (by logout, quit, or quick travel) and return to pick up from that point by logging back on or pressing play, as long as you're not in the middle of combat or cutscene.


More quick travel options. Remove the block for travel from spaceports and oribtal stations, put more planets on the priority travel terminals.

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One thing is for sure, they will either really really surprise us all, or the game will slowly and definitely die!


There's an awful lot of middle ground between those two.


Plus, the end-state of "slowly and definitely die" is a given. It's been slowly and definitely dying since launch.

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They aren't releasing any information till Oct. So 5.0 wont hit to Dec which isn't fall.


Winter does not come until December 22.


We seem to have to have this reminder every year. :p


We can now fixate and debate on: will it be "early fall" or "late fall". :D

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Concerning the OP, the parts B) and E) are imo two of the best things that could have happened to the game. The other aspects of the OP are mostly filler whines that make no sense.


B) was good because now i can choose wich companion i want to hang out with, and not be punished for it. For instance, i recently started an operative and im glad i can bring Kaliyo everywhere. She's the first one i got, she's the one i have most time to aquire influence with, she's "dark side", and the main love interest. Also, she back in KotFE, so more icing on the cake. Its just perfect.


Other ppl can of course have another comp of their choice. Like a healing Korslug (lol). In conclusion, the more choice, the better, absolutely always.


E) was good because now you can do everything at your own pace. Its not difficult, no, but it wasnt difficult beating the planet missions before either. Now i can do every mission, or none (more choice, remember?) with boing too overleveled, which means the mission becomes useless, or underleveled, which means i die more often than not.


Also, being able to solo the heroics means solo players get to see all that content too. And of course, they can be done in groups too. Simply, more choice as i said. Not to mention the heroic transport, which is imo one of the best things the game has got in its whole history.


^^ Agree with this assessment.

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Meh... I was totally hyped for kotfe. I've learned my lesson. I'll likely go pick up a graphics card and try out some other games for a while and come back after all of kotet is out. Maybe sooner if they add more war zones or 8v8 ranked. I'm mainly a story player who likes to pvp. Kotfe was a big let down, imo, and I hated the monthly chapters format.


Personally feeling hyped about an unreleased product of service = setting oneself up for disappointment. Sometimes, ones self-hype is realized, but more often then not... you end up disappointed.. particularly where entertainment products like games are concerned. Companies do not tune games for very specific players personal wants/needs.


MMOs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. Forrest Gump said so, so it must be true. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Personally feeling hyped about an unreleased product of service = setting oneself up for disappointment. Sometimes, ones self-hype is realized, but more often then not... you end up disappointed.. particularly where entertainment products like games are concerned. Companies do not tune games for very specific players personal wants/needs.


MMOs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. Forrest Gump said so, so it must be true. :p


And that's pretty much why I'm seriously considering going preferred. I'm down to one specific want and I'm willing to go preferred to buy time if they aren't reasonably responsive.

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