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Torian Cadera Conversation Issue Update XVI


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I realize there are other threads about this, but this is a confirmation of the issue pertaining to Chapter XVI.


So, yes, I have written here ad nauseam about the missing Torian conversation on my Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. I can now officially confirm that the conversation is bugged. This conversation does NOT trigger.


I had considered perhaps they had removed it for some reason or another--but something happened and my Mando BH did NOT get the "Didn't I promise to teach you Mando'a" conversation, which makes the new conversation make little to no sense at all as far as in-game content.


In the newest conversation I have with Torian the following dialogue takes place:


Torian: "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."


BH: "Today is a good day for someone else to die"


Torian: "You remember our lessons."


BH: "Don't look so surprised, you were a good teacher."


Clearly, the game has the conversation in it, as I don't think they would have wasted time with a NEW conversation about an OLD conversation they had removed.


So...either the game believes I received the conversation where he taught me to speak Mando'a and is clearly referencing that conversation which I never received, or your developers created a new conversation that references one that is no longer in the game. Which is it?

Edited by Cayoimeah
Spoilers notice!
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Has anyone done any testing recently with Torian's conversations? Is it time to place yet another bug report?


The last time I took a female Mandalorian through was right after 4.0 launched.


I never received the "Ways of the Warrior" conversation, and I received shooting lessons instead of Mando'a lessons.


Honestly, I'd really like to play through again someday...

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Aww his conversations are bugged? Dang. I just made another BH just for him


Maybe test it for us? Honestly, I was thinking about making a throwaway and skipping all the movies to get to the crucial point just to see if it was just me.


But there have been many posts on this issue and BioWare has not acknowledged the bug, so I'm guessing it's just not a priority, sadly. Maybe after they fix these DvL bugs they can get to it.

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I'll let you know when I get there. I made another post and someone mentioned that it's being accepted as a Mandalorian doesn't trigger the right flag for female BH. So, I'll give it a go. You'll hear from me if it's not a success heh. Torian has to be the sweetest and I lost all of my old vids of his conversations. Hopefully it's not bugged still...but yeah...so many bugs.
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Ok, just became Mandalorian. I made sure to choose every conversation option that I was Mando. So in following conversations, it showed and accepted that I was a Mandalorian, including the one on the ship where you have the option to tell Gault that you're Mandalorian. If I remember correctly, that's the flag that doesn't get marked on the female BH? I believe I had her say it in 3 different convos that she was Mandalorian. So, I'll try to speed my way through the romance/class quests as fast as possible to see if I get the language lessons and whatnot. Edited by americanaussie
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Ok, just became Mandalorian. I made sure to choose every conversation option that I was Mando. So in following conversations, it showed and accepted that I was a Mandalorian, including the one on the ship where you have the option to tell Gault that you're Mandalorian. If I remember correctly, that's the flag that doesn't get marked on the female BH? I believe I had her say it in 3 different convos that she was Mandalorian. So, I'll try to speed my way through the romance/class quests as fast as possible to see if I get the language lessons and whatnot.


Thanks for the update! I'm glad the other Mando flags are working properly, it is the romance ones that we are still concerned about. :)

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I am anxiously awaiting your responses!!!! EEP! If it is fixed I will be making a new BH immediately just to get my missing conversations recorded! haha


I do agree, it's got to be some kind of trigger related to the Mandalorian side of things, but everything else, including NPC's and such ALL referred to me as "Mandalorian" in conversations and things, but I still didn't get the right fade to black scene.

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Sorry to keep you in suspense! Just reached Belsavis and so far, so good. Of course, I've been shouting out to the world (or anyone who even asks how I am) I'm Mandalorian, to make sure that flag sticks :D I just watched a non mando youtube video published 11 mo ago and my cut scenes are not going that way. Latest cutscene was Torian asking me if I ever had Mandalorian food at my adoption - and that he'd make me a dish of Tiingilar later, which is not what he says to non mandos. 9 more levels to 50 to make sure there isn't a glitch. I'll try to do this (hopefully tomorrow) before any patches just in case it's similar to the suspected Lana ch 9 bug that removes flags on patch day.
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Sorry to keep you in suspense! Just reached Belsavis and so far, so good. Of course, I've been shouting out to the world (or anyone who even asks how I am) I'm Mandalorian, to make sure that flag sticks :D I just watched a non mando youtube video published 11 mo ago and my cut scenes are not going that way. Latest cutscene was Torian asking me if I ever had Mandalorian food at my adoption - and that he'd make me a dish of Tiingilar later, which is not what he says to non mandos. 9 more levels to 50 to make sure there isn't a glitch. I'll try to do this (hopefully tomorrow) before any patches just in case it's similar to the suspected Lana ch 9 bug that removes flags on patch day.


Welll, you're close. The tingular one is the last one that was correct for me after 4.0 (both times).

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Thank you, thank you, thank you americanaussie!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm so thankful you are running through it and reporting your scenes to us! (again! THANK YOU!)


Welll, you're close. The tingular one is the last one that was correct for me after 4.0 (both times).


Same. The Tiingilar conversation was the last one that went the way a flagged Mandalorian should go!


Fingers crossed.

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It's been about 5 yrs since I've done the BH quests, but I remember being in a relationship with Torian prior to his kidnapping after Belsavis. His quests are coming slow, one at a time, whereas Gault and Mako drop quests a couple at a time sometimes. The kidnapping quest started out like we were in a relationship, but I didn't receive any quests after the tiingilar one. It ended differently than I remember but I didn't take Mako and have not had the convo where she talks about a romantic interest in Torian either. I didn't want to do too many Mako quests as there's a bug about Torian disappearing after taking a Mako quest. :rolleyes: Anyway, on Voss with a level 18 Torian and still no more quest drops from him. Strange.
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Finally, they started popping. The next 2 or 3 went correctly, but I just received the shooting lessons cut scene so I guess it's still bugged. :(


So we have our answer. :(


Thanks again for doing this, I will link this thread in my sig and submit another bug report in game.

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Just wanna say, I'm the sort of person who records, well, everything and I just went to check on my post 4.0-BH and I can't believe I didn't notice that conversation didn't trigger. It's not in any of my recorded files and I'm pretty obsessive about recording stuff. I remember thinking that the conversation about shooting was one I'd never encountered before. So can confirm again that it's broken. Guess there's no point in rerolling for that convo until they fix it, though :/ Edited by RebeccaDaniels
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Ok, been talking to CS, and I've filed a bug report. About to follow up on that. This is what we're missing.




Torian Missing Scene #1

"Never thanked you for not making a big deal over me taking off...Good to see my brothers are still alive. Corridan owes me 50 credits."


"Been meaning to ask you something. Did Mandalore tell you the Resol'nare when you were adopted into the clan?" (He then goes on to explain Mandalorian life. Crucial missing scene - first bugged scene. For some reason this scene does not trigger any more)


Torian Missing Scene #2 This scene does not trigger at all any more either

"Been working on a new shot. Something I picked up watching you. Want to check it out?"


These two missing scenes must trigger the wrong cut scene for Mando'a/Shooting (Mandalorian vs Non Mandalorian)


So female Mandalorian bounty hunters do not receive any missions from Torian from Hoth until Voss so basically from level 40 to 46, I received no word from Torian.

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Ok, been talking to CS, and I've filed a bug report. About to follow up on that. This is what we're missing.




Torian Missing Scene #1

"Never thanked you for not making a big deal over me taking off...Good to see my brothers are still alive. Corridan owes me 50 credits."


"Been meaning to ask you something. Did Mandalore tell you the Resol'nare when you were adopted into the clan?" (He then goes on to explain Mandalorian life. Crucial missing scene - first bugged scene. For some reason this scene does not trigger any more)


Torian Missing Scene #2 This scene does not trigger at all any more either

"Been working on a new shot. Something I picked up watching you. Want to check it out?"


These two missing scenes must trigger the wrong cut scene for Mando'a/Shooting (Mandalorian vs Non Mandalorian)


So female Mandalorian bounty hunters do not receive any missions from Torian from Hoth until Voss so basically from level 40 to 46, I received no word from Torian.


This is sad news, and I suspect my Shadowlands-main FemBH is ruined as well. I don't remember the Resolnare convo my main BH got, but I do think she got the second one (might have been pre-4.0 however) or I'm mixing my memory of the convo and wound up not getting the Mando'a lesson.

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Ok, been talking to CS, and I've filed a bug report. About to follow up on that. This is what we're missing.




Torian Missing Scene #1

"Never thanked you for not making a big deal over me taking off...Good to see my brothers are still alive. Corridan owes me 50 credits."


"Been meaning to ask you something. Did Mandalore tell you the Resol'nare when you were adopted into the clan?" (He then goes on to explain Mandalorian life. Crucial missing scene - first bugged scene. For some reason this scene does not trigger any more)


Torian Missing Scene #2 This scene does not trigger at all any more either

"Been working on a new shot. Something I picked up watching you. Want to check it out?"


These two missing scenes must trigger the wrong cut scene for Mando'a/Shooting (Mandalorian vs Non Mandalorian)


So female Mandalorian bounty hunters do not receive any missions from Torian from Hoth until Voss so basically from level 40 to 46, I received no word from Torian.


Yep! Make sure you explain to them that the missing scene two is the Mando'a lesson one--versus the shooting scene which we all are getting now--instead of the right one.


I think I'll revamp my bug report too! It's been a while! <3 Thanks everyone!

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