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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

August Producer Livestream Wrap-up


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We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.


Please don't make them a bunch of HK-55 rewards like last time please, it was good at first, then it went meh, then it was ok with the decor. More Revan stuff please :D or Valkorion

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Interesting theory :cool:


Is it?


It was interesting in Season 1, but y'all lost us when you failed to implement it.


I have no faith that there will be a significant increase in the development of Season 2 that would allow our choices to matter and make them materially effective for the foreseeable future.


The best thing now would be to admit that you over-stretched yourselves, ratchet it back a bit, and just write a great story.


Or do the thing that no one believes you will do anymore.

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Please don't make them a bunch of HK-55 rewards like last time please, it was good at first, then it went meh, then it was ok with the decor. More Revan stuff please :D or Valkorion


Shush. These are both terrible ideas.


How about we encourage them to make something that celebrates the Outlander, Coalition Commander role? I don't want anything to do with other characters that I hate. Make something that is new and looks to the future!

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Dear Bioware-crew, if you want me to remain a subscriber during off-season, give me one token per month which I can exchange for any CM item of my choice (bind on pickup is OK, armor sets count as one item). I don't know if there are others who would like that, but I would be satisfied at least.

For whatever small voice it's worth, I would like something like this too. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I would love it. There are so many super rare items I could want, that it's not like giving out a token for one a month would be a huge loss for BW. With how many there are, it would take years or decades for me to obtain them all in that way, so their market would be safe.


I say consider this idea BW. If you want to micromanage supply, then you could do BoP. Otherwise, you could even do BoE and use it as a way to help trickle in supply of old items... alleviate complaints about stuff being unobtainable, without needing to micromanage supply every time there's an item that people are begging to see again.


The core of it that's good is it would empower people. Make em feel like they have a little more control over what they can obtain, rather than feeling like they are a slave to the system.

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Please don't make them a bunch of HK-55 rewards like last time please, it was good at first, then it went meh, then it was ok with the decor. More Revan stuff please :D or Valkorion


Nope. If they honestly want people to sub then do something that is not related to stuff like this as some people could care less about things like this. Give people a better reason to sub and it doesn't always revolve around stuff, they need to make the game better for people who like to group up and do the stories, etc.

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Nope. If they honestly want people to sub then do something that is not related to stuff like this as some people could care less about things like this. Give people a better reason to sub and it doesn't always revolve around stuff, they need to make the game better for people who like to group up and do the stories, etc.


You wouldn't want a Valkorion armor set exclusive for subs?

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Dear Bioware-crew, if you want me to remain a subscriber during off-season, give me one token per month which I can exchange for any CM item of my choice (bind on pickup is OK, armor sets count as one item). I don't know if there are others who would like that, but I would be satisfied at least.


And if you could please do me a story-favor: Make Arcann not appear again. Let me believe that I hit the ship bad enough that they stranded somewhere in space and died arm in arm in nowhere. Or let HK hunt down Arcann in the bonus chapter and get rid of him. That would be acceptable, too.


Arcann is not a hero to me, he is the despicable evil. I don't want you to tell his story. This guy disgusts me, I feel no sympathy at all for his tragedy and I, as a purely light side player, wanted and want nothing more than to finish this guy for good.


Thank you.


I don't know... I'm guessing there are lots of players who buy many packs/month hoping for one particular item. Or people who buy packs and sell on GTN just to get one item.


I love the idea, actually. I just don't think it is realistic.

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All my hours spent in ranked pvp for a color crystal and a mount. A couple decos, and a title, which maybe 0.01% of the playerbase might see.


Good to know so I can stop taking ranked seriously.

Edited by GambitTL
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We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.


Cool, it will only be eight more weeks before you decide if you want us to sub during the time period leading up to Kotet

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Interesting theory :cool:
If that was your plan all along, the one who made that plan made a very big mistake. When you promise meaningful choice and hype it up, then have essentially none for the first whole season, it comes across as a lie. If this was your plan, you should've at least communicated, as a lot of customers felt wronged.
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will the october reveal possibly show something about the load of missing companions? Will we for example find out if all of them will be back for season 2? or are there plans to wait another year before we get some of our companions back?
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Just because the decision to leave Chapter 16 finishing on such an incomplete note was intentional does that make it the right decisions?


Seriously I don't think anyone thought it was a bug and there was another scene after, where something is resolved. The issue is that having turned the last 16 chapters into such a pointless excise of running round in circles you have kind of wasted everyones time for (if you were a sub for each chapter) somewhere in the region of 150 bucks. If you spent that on a new game you would expect more of a conclusion than was given. So why leave the players feeling so cheated in an expansion. Is that a good business model?


Well you choose to spend $150 to be subbed every month from KOTFE launch to now.



I mean you can literally sub now and pay $15 and get all 16 chapters for good... If your only interest is in the chapters then perhaps that's something to keep in mind for next year.

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All my hours spent in ranked pvp for a color crystal and a mount. A couple decos, and a title, which maybe 0.01% of the playerbase might see.


Good to know so I can stop taking ranked seriously.


Well the only people who will take notice of the ranked PVP rewards and care about them are other ranked PVP players. So not sure what the problem is?

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My sub ran out 7th of august... wasn't notified that it didn't renew. I just resubbed again.. did i miss out on the HK chapter? I've stayed subbed from january to august..


I'm in the same boat. Automatic renewal failed and I wasn't notified. We're probably boned.

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Hey eric ben and charles.so i see alot of players ************ alot ops and content group play .but im wondering why all the companions .and is there any plans you will let us please customize lana and therons gear well thats all i have .im looking forward to season 2 so i can get my wife back.
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We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.

TBH my friend the only reward im looking for along with many others is to be able to customize lana and therons gear maybe a outfit taken to unlock there gear slots i would buy it for all 40 of my characters.i did love the story didnt understand the whole scorpio droid thing but im thinking this senya will reform arcann and believe it or not im thinking scorpio will reform vaylin and valkorian helps koth hunt down senya and arcann with the help of valkorians power and koth takes the throne .remember what marr said behind arcann stands vaylin and behind her stands many others.ty all rock on my friends

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We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.


No offence Ben, but at this point pushing it away till october is no longer acceptable. Not for me at least and I hope many more think the same like me.

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We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.


You seriously need to consider the fallout of the overwhelmingly negative feedback for Ch XVI and the general dissatisfaction with KotFE as a whole.


I know you were busy slapping yourselves on the back in the Livestream, but as someone who was present at the Livestream for the first time I did notice two things: 1) You went in there with a prepared script to say how great KotFE had been and were determined to not deviate from that, and 2) because of that you failed to address a single one of the numerous issues raised in the Livestream chat by many, many players.


To all intents and purposes the Livestream was just like KotFE - devoid of any responsiveness to actions of the people it was supposed to serve.


You may as well stop doing the Livestream and just produce a nice infomercial - because as long as you refuse to adequately and meaningfully interact to and with the community the fact the Livestream is streamed live is wholly irrelevant.


Now, I'm sure your metrics will tell you KotFE has been a success; player number up, subscribers up, hours played up - I'm certain that is what the metrics will show. But taking metrics at face value renders them almost entirely useless; some critical and in this case self-critical analysis is required.


Here's the deal, the one overarching fact that actually matters. You have the market monopoly on a PC based MMORPG withing the Star Wars Intellectual Property. You are (just like Turbine with LotRO) playing to an effective captive audience. I know, I am one of them. Now, I'll forgive a lot because I get to play in the Star Wars IP; and I am betting there are thousands of players just like me. But I'll not forgive any more chapter content being as badly written and so devoid of meaningful choices as the last quarter (arguably half) of KotFE was. One more chapter that bad and my Subscription is over.


And I'll not forgive Bioware nonchalantly slapping themselves on the back for a job well done when the highlight of KotFE was no better written than a novice GM's first attempt at a tabletop RPG adventure.


Star Wars as an established IP deserves and demands better than that and frankly so do we players.


Getting subscriber rewards nailed down, and published for all to see should now be your priority - because there's precious little else worthy of a subscription.


PS: I know I have been very negative about KotFE - and some people, yourself included, may justifiably ask why do I still pay and play if that is how I feel.


My answer to that is everything in the game up to and including the final Class Story chapter. Some of the most engaging, varied and, for the main, well written MMORPG content I have ever played. And I genuinely hope SWtOR can return to that someday.


All The Best

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You seriously need to consider the fallout of the overwhelmingly negative feedback for Ch XVI and the general dissatisfaction with KotFE as a whole.


I know you were busy slapping yourselves on the back in the Livestream, but as someone who was present at the Livestream for the first time I did notice two things: 1) You went in there with a prepared script to say how great KotFE had been and were determined to not deviate from that, and 2) because of that you failed to address a single one of the numerous issues raised in the Livestream chat by many, many players.


To all intents and purposes the Livestream was just like KotFE - devoid of any responsiveness to actions of the people it was supposed to serve.


You may as well stop doing the Livestream and just produce a nice infomercial - because as long as you refuse to adequately and meaningfully interact to and with the community the fact the Livestream is streamed live is wholly irrelevant.


Now, I'm sure your metrics will tell you KotFE has been a success; player number up, subscribers up, hours played up - I'm certain that is what the metrics will show. But taking metrics at face value renders them almost entirely useless; some critical and in this case self-critical analysis is required.


Here's the deal, the one overarching fact that actually matters. You have the market monopoly on a PC based MMORPG withing the Star Wars Intellectual Property. You are (just like Turbine with LotRO) playing to an effective captive audience. I know, I am one of them. Now, I'll forgive a lot because I get to play in the Star Wars IP; and I am betting there are thousands of players just like me. But I'll not forgive any more chapter content being as badly written and so devoid of meaningful choices as the last quarter (arguably half) of KotFE was. One more chapter that bad and my Subscription is over.


And I'll not forgive Bioware nonchalantly slapping themselves on the back for a job well done when the highlight of KotFE was no better written than a novice GM's first attempt at a tabletop RPG adventure.


Star Wars as an established IP deserves and demands better than that and frankly so do we players.


Getting subscriber rewards nailed down, and published for all to see should now be your priority - because there's precious little else worthy of a subscription.


PS: I know I have been very negative about KotFE - and some people, yourself included, may justifiably ask why do I still pay and play if that is how I feel.


My answer to that is everything in the game up to and including the final Class Story chapter. Some of the most engaging, varied and, for the main, well written MMORPG content I have ever played. And I genuinely hope SWtOR can return to that someday.


All The Best


You sure seem to have an awful lot of things to complain about. But, you don't seem to include any useful feedback on what to do about it. Tell them more. Tell them what should be done differently.


For all that you wrote, it is no better than just writing, "This sucks," because you really didn't give any specifics on what was wrong or how it could be improved.

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