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Choice of companions on your personal ship


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First off if you claim your lost companions from the terminal it puts the ones and only the ones claimed on the terminal back on your ship.. not all companions which is odd.


Second off it'd be nice to choose which you wanted on your ship to begin with.


Yes I know this is mostly a role play thing.. but hey I would like it and I'm sure a lot of others would to. Thanks for listening. :csw_fett:

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This has been suggested before and many people agree with you. It's purely aesthetic, but people like the idea.


I just pray to the gods of cyberspace that they don't make it a "buy with Cartel Coins" feature like they did with the "shorter time to give companion gifts" fiasco. If they do, rest assured I will not be using it, just like I don't use the "buy the reduced companion gift giving" insult.

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