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Bugged 100% HM FP Achievement - 87% Done?


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Cannot confirm this bug; for me this achievement ("The Commander") is showing Chapters 10-15 as completed. Have you already logged in with the character that completed those chapters?

You are lucky, then. Run chapter 16 on my main yesterday and on my DvL char today. While I got Champion and Eternal tiers, the Commander achieve shows only chapter 16 as completed.

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Folks... BioWare is going to fix it. Everybody will get Legendary Level eventually. I know some of you want to boast about completing it at a certain time and at a certain day before everybody else. However, you'll still get the title, the armor, the vehicle, and of course the DVL packs.
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Folks... BioWare is going to fix it. Everybody will get Legendary Level eventually. I know some of you want to boast about completing it at a certain time and at a certain day before everybody else. However, you'll still get the title, the armor, the vehicle, and of course the DVL packs.


Setting aside the butt-kissing, how about some specifics...


WHEN will it be fixed?

WHY was it released broken?

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So. Let me get this straight. 4.7 was delayed becouse of "high quality bug free" and crap like that and we get this? Seriously?


Game studios do not delay content to make sure it's high quality and bug free. If getting content to a certain level of bug free quality was part of their policy, then there would not have been a need for any delay, and if it is not part of their policy, they're certainly not suddenly changing their entire approach a few weeks before a release just because they suddenly had this idea to make it more shiny than all the other content.


If a game studio delays content, it means they are running late. Running late can mean that they found an unexpected problem that they needed to fix, so in a way you could argue that there might be bug fixes, though it may also simply mean that they're simply running behind schedule and can't get all their work done in time.


What does this mean? If a game studio is running behind, whether because of fixing a big problem or just having made slow progress, it means they are rushing, it means they are working as hard as they can to get the content out there, and never ever ever ever does this result in less bugs than if everything had gone according to schedule. At best they don't cut corners and the quality will be similar to what has come before.


The game studio will not want to put themselves into a negative light, so they will tell people that the delay is not because they've been working too slowly, but in fact to make this the best content they have ever made, and even though such delays never result in a more polished product, so many people seem to just swallow it and praise the game studio for taking their time to make it completely bug free.



Note that I am not talking specifically about BW:A here, this is the same with every mainstream game studio out there, but it just bugs me every time I see someone mention a delay and polish or making something bug free in one sentence.. >.>

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Have you logged into any of your inquisitors since 4.7? When the achievement was released, they did not make it retroactive, but 4.7 made the achievement retroactive. I logged into all of my different 65 classes that I did not level to 65 during DvL and the achievements popped for me.


you where right the inquisitor problem was fixed, the Xalek problem i still have.

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I have passed this issue on to the team. I will let you know as soon as I have information to share.





Problem mention, but silent on the solution. If we have to wait a month to six weeks for a fix there are going to be a lot of angry people, myself included.

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From another thread on the bugged HM Manaan.


The HM Flashpoint Achievement missing from the Legendary Achievement will be fixed with 4.7.


We are still working through the other three and are planning to address them likely in 4.7.1. We are working through how this will impact anyone who has completed tier 6 at that point. We don't want to cause a negative effect on anyone's progress with any changes that we make.


I will pass on updates as I have them!




So will those of us who should have been able to achieve Legendary with the release of Chapter 16, see a fix incoming for 4.7.1 Eric? Seeing as the changes made caused a negative effect on players progress.

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The HM Flashpoint Achievement missing from the Legendary Achievement will be fixed with 4.7.


We are still working through the other three and are planning to address them likely in 4.7.1. We are working through how this will impact anyone who has completed tier 6 at that point. We don't want to cause a negative effect on anyone's progress with any changes that we make.


I will pass on updates as I have them!




I'm just waiting for BW to fix FP Master achievement in 4.7.1 only to delay the release to next month due to "QA" concerns, but happen to not apply retroactive credit to the additional missing achievements they are re-adding to legendary (ie. Big Spender, etc). We'll have to wait another month for *that* fix before we finally get our packs, but that's October already. I just hope they finally get it all sorted out before the end of the event.

Edited by GndAdmiralThrawn
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Hey folks,


Quick update! The team believes they have a fix to correct the issue, which will properly grant the HM FP Achievement progress towards the last tier. Our current plan is to release this fix in the next patch that we make available.


I don't have exact timing on that patch yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We know that you all worked hard for that progress and so we want to get it addressed as soon as we can.


Thanks everyone.



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Hey folks,


Quick update! The team believes they have a fix to correct the issue, which will properly grant the HM FP Achievement progress towards the last tier. Our current plan is to release this fix in the next patch that we make available.


I don't have exact timing on that patch yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We know that you all worked hard for that progress and so we want to get it addressed as soon as we can.


Thanks everyone.




Great Eric, hopefully the team can get the fix and update out in the next day or two. It's a bummer to do the entire DvL Event and only be stopped stopped by an administrative bug... ouch.

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so with the release of 4.7 they have still NOT fixed the flash point mission bug i still am not getting credit for depths of manaan, and as such am not being granted my event completions!!! can we get an actual and reasonable time line for this bug fix???? I filed tickets and bug reports and was told it would be fixed with 4.7 obviously that is NOT happening. So how about a reasonable time line, and compensation, since this issue has persisted for more then a month and you have failed to provide a fix in more then reasonable time. Some doo dad decoration or sumthing would be cool and show your good faith and certainly prolong our continued tolerance.


I total agree ... it's not our hard work to get progress, it's our hard earned money they threw out the windows withoutresolutions on time

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Be sure to let them know to let us complete the Legendary tier at the same time of the previous achievement was done IE: Eternal for most, cause that would kind of be unfair if it only counted after it was supposed to be completed
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Quick update! The team believes they have a fix to correct the issue, which will properly grant the HM FP Achievement progress towards the last tier. Our current plan is to release this fix in the next patch that we make available.


I don't have exact timing on that patch yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We know that you all worked hard for that progress and so we want to get it addressed as soon as we can.


Thanks for the update Eric, it's pretty frustrating to not get the achievements after doing all that, and it's a big relief to know the issue is taken seriously, and we won't have to wait for a month for a fix.

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Hey folks,


Quick update! The team believes they have a fix to correct the issue, which will properly grant the HM FP Achievement progress towards the last tier. Our current plan is to release this fix in the next patch that we make available.


I don't have exact timing on that patch yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We know that you all worked hard for that progress and so we want to get it addressed as soon as we can.


Thanks everyone.




Damned Eric,

I get very angry about your Programmers. Nice, if others can discuss about HM-bugs and so on. But many peoples can't play this game since server-down on 08.08. ... You didn't have fixed the "versioning error". I can't play the game! Do you read THIS? I CAN'T LOGIN! And I and many others paid for your and programers job. PLEASE, DO IT!


Summary: Pop up Window "versionary error" ignored.

pressed play at a Char.

loader starts and stoped at 90% up to 93%. - thats all. after ten mins = same. allways same.

Starting a new Char:

after starting the prologue: u can't use any buffs. no sprint, no talk with medicine-droid, no fighting ....

every day the same ....


Why are u release Patches without a former QA?


sry for my English, cause I'm German. But You will understand, what I tell You?! In Germany, we love Quality, more than Quantity:mad:

Edited by Gruppe_Hoth
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Simply healthily, will "we correct but we do not know when" and you pay pay, why must I pay errors ?

why was it impossible to correct it in the last disconnecting of servers ?

Why I must suffer from after to the not competence of working group, and why upon my request not whoever reacts !!!!! : :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by XyMaDart
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Hey folks,


Quick update! The team believes they have a fix to correct the issue, which will properly grant the HM FP Achievement progress towards the last tier. Our current plan is to release this fix in the next patch that we make available.


I don't have exact timing on that patch yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We know that you all worked hard for that progress and so we want to get it addressed as soon as we can.


Thanks everyone.




Thanks for the update Eric :rak_01::rak_04::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03:

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Hey folks,


Quick update! The team believes they have a fix to correct the issue, which will properly grant the HM FP Achievement progress towards the last tier. Our current plan is to release this fix in the next patch that we make available.


I don't have exact timing on that patch yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. We know that you all worked hard for that progress and so we want to get it addressed as soon as we can.


Thanks everyone.




Thank you for the update. But I (and I expect many others) have to ask.


If you have a fix, why wait until 4.7.1 to roll it out? You guys frequently do back-end maintenance and can probably implement this in a very brief server reset.


Please ask the powers-that-be to consider an immediate implementation. Remind them the final completion was already delayed by 3 weeks when Chapter 16 was pushed back. Now, for those of us who did all of the work, it is only - and unfairly - being delayed further.


Please reply so we aren't left to speculate...

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Thank you for the update. But I (and I expect many others) have to ask.


If you have a fix, why wait until 4.7.1 to roll it out? You guys frequently do back-end maintenance and can probably implement this in a very brief server reset.


Please ask the powers-that-be to consider an immediate implementation. Remind them the final completion was already delayed by 3 weeks when Chapter 16 was pushed back. Now, for those of us who did all of the work, it is only - and unfairly - being delayed further.


Please reply so we aren't left to speculate...


This all of this. What's the point in wanting to do the speed runs, which most people I know called this event, if by the time you can actually get the stuff you worked for, everyone else that entered, has the prize?

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Thank you for the update. But I (and I expect many others) have to ask.


If you have a fix, why wait until 4.7.1 to roll it out? You guys frequently do back-end maintenance and can probably implement this in a very brief server reset.


Please ask the powers-that-be to consider an immediate implementation. Remind them the final completion was already delayed by 3 weeks when Chapter 16 was pushed back. Now, for those of us who did all of the work, it is only - and unfairly - being delayed further.


Please reply so we aren't left to speculate...


Fair question, I am happy to try to provide some clarification. When we say something like "back-end maintenance," that typically means that we are changing something that doesn't require a patch. The fix for this issue will require a patch/maintenance, and so it unfortunately goes beyond just a quick server restart.


The current plan is that we will have a maintenance on Tuesday of next week, which is where we will deploy a fix to the issue. I will pass on more information as I have it.



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I have something a little different:


All I had left was HM Blood Hunt and HM Rishi. I just finished HM Blood Hunt and now DvL displays the following:




The tracker shows I still need Battle of Rishi (which is correct) and the Legend tracker shows I need Flashpoint Master (which is also correct) but the display for Flashpoint Master says I have completed it (the date / time on it changes to the current time every time I open it up).


I also have 2/1 Depths of Manaan.

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