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My take on LFG tools


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I'd like to see chat bubbles too, but that's a separate issue. While I'm not fond of LFG spam, it is a necessary evil, I think.




How can they ever hope to create a dynamic community when people can't actually talk in the game world? When they can't roleplay?


The lack of speech bubbles is unforgivable and shows the stupidity behind the whole design. This is for now a silent world.


WoW was/is full of magic. You saw people talking, yelling, doing things, right there, IN THE GAME WORLD.

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100% Opinion based on my own personal experience incoming...


My guild is rather small (fewer than 10 people) and there are rarely more than 3 or 4 of us on at once.

Needless to say, much of the time when I need a group for something I find myself typing /1.


To those who say that typing /1 every time they want to find a group is a pain in the neck, I agree. That is...If you're doing that every time you need to find a group.


The thing is, after spamming general a few times to get groups, I made a few (gasp) friends.


If/when you join a PUG group for a heroic quest or flashpoint and there are good players in that group...Add them to your friends list!

As long as you're not a terrible player or a rude (insert censored word here), they'll probably be glad to group with you again.


TL;DR - The more you group up with people, the more friends you make...Thus, reducing the need to spam chat for groups...Thus, cultivating server community.

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Why would you spend hours sitting around doing nothing but shouting for a group? what was preventing you from doing anything else while shouting for a group?


Why can't you do quests then shout in /general for a group while you quest? I did that on taris while i formed a group for hammer the other night.


I was running around questing, and shouting LFM hammer, found other people near my lvl questing who wanted to go do a dungeon, once we got 4, we left taris and went to do hammer.


When I do that I am out of the level range for the quet I was looking for at that point. Take Taris for example. I arrived there at 33 on my Sith Assasin at about 6:30PM. By 10PM I was 36 and leaving the plannet. Diring that time I was using the genral to look for players for some of the heroic quests. Not one bite. So unless I want to spend hours doign nothing but spamming LFG it won't happen.


They *NEED* and LFG system. It was probably the most brilliant idea in MMO history. It boggles my mind they don't have one.

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Also, I really encourage any guild, no matter its size, to sponsor in-game events. We're working on some cool stuff for Juyo, together with another guild to make a regular event of getting groups to run flashpoints, heroics, and maybe a world boss or two.


If you're going to play solo, you're always going to be frustrated about accessing group content. A LFG tool might help that type of player but it has far too much potential to ruin the social fabric of the community, and that impacts everyone else.


TOR is not a glorified server browser.

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The choice to not have a LFG tool removes a large portion of the playerbase from dungeoneering.


I'm not going to waste my game time sitting in the fleet spamming general hoping to get a group going. It's not fun; it's a waste of my time and my money.


They don't have to implement a Dungeon tool like wow's, but some way for me to continue questing while waiting to get a group together should be absolutely supported.


As it stands, swtor is horrible about that. I can't even turn in a damn quest while grouped without dealing with the group conversation model.

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Why would you spend hours sitting around doing nothing but shouting for a group? what was preventing you from doing anything else while shouting for a group?


Why can't you do quests then shout in /general for a group while you quest? I did that on taris while i formed a group for hammer the other night.


I was running around questing, and shouting LFM hammer, found other people near my lvl questing who wanted to go do a dungeon, once we got 4, we left taris and went to do hammer.


well 1 issue, is that its REALLY easy to out level a place before you even get there, initially at least. With no grinding, I was 20 before I got to taris, ~26 before I got to Nar Shadda, about maybe 30 before tatooine. I'm now 33 just having gotten to alderan.


there also doesnt seem to be many people in these zones looking for anything other than a group quest, the best luck I've had is spamming on the fleet.

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The choice to not have a LFG tool removes a large portion of the playerbase from dungeoneering.


No, it does not.

I'm not going to waste my game time sitting in the fleet spamming general hoping to get a group going. It's not fun; it's a waste of my time and my money.


You're obviously missing the point. As I've said before and even in the original post- if you think the only alternative to a LFG tool is spamming general, you're doing it wrong. That's as clear and simple as it can be put.


They don't have to implement a Dungeon tool like wow's, but some way for me to continue questing while waiting to get a group together should be absolutely supported.


This doesn't make sense. Are you saying it's impossible to do something else while you try and coordinate a group? If so, I can only say I don't agree.


As it stands, swtor is horrible about that. I can't even turn in a damn quest while grouped without dealing with the group conversation model.


You can't be bothered to click the "start conversation" button when you go to turn in a quest? As annoyances go, that's pretty minor.

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LFD tool =/= The WoW cross-server instancing model.



We have a metric crapton of people here. We just need ways to get them together for what they want quicker. I would support a GPP like we had in Star Wars Galaxies, for example.


I am not opposed to improved means to facilitate communication- for example, a server-wide LFG channel, or better ingame chat channel support so people can do such things themselves more effectively.


What I oppose is a tool that reduces the interaction between players to button-clicking and waiting to be bamf'd into the instance. It becomes just another impersonal multiplayer game at that point, and we end up with no one who has any skin in the game, and therefore no one who cares about the community.

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I am not opposed to improved means to facilitate communication- for example, a server-wide LFG channel, or better ingame chat channel support so people can do such things themselves more effectively.


What I oppose is a tool that reduces the interaction between players to button-clicking and waiting to be bamf'd into the instance. It becomes just another impersonal multiplayer game at that point, and we end up with no one who has any skin in the game, and therefore no one who cares about the community.


server-wide LFG channels would literally be taking all the garbage from the kitchen and moving it to the attic. The problem is there, even if you don't see it as clearly.


I'm curious about your belief in a correlation between skinless people and lack of community. Please elaborate.

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Proof, please.


It doesn't work that way. You made the assertion that not having it removes a large portion of the playerbase from dungeoneering. That means the burden of any proof requirement is on you.


I said "No, it does not." because I simply do not agree with your assertion based on my experience and the evidence I've seen. If you believe me to be incorrect, then you should come up with evidence to support your assertion.

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server-wide LFG channels would literally be taking all the garbage from the kitchen and moving it to the attic. The problem is there, even if you don't see it as clearly.


I'm curious about your belief in a correlation between skinless people and lack of community. Please elaborate.


Meaning that people who have no reason to cooperate socially have no reason to care about the community. You have to behave yourself, make friends and become part of your community to really enjoy the experience of the game, in my opinion.


People who want a simple button-clicking interface have no investment in the community- or don't want one. It amounts to the same thing.


My contention is that the people who refuse to become part of the community for any reason should not be catered to- and the community is better with ten people who are part of it, as opposed to a hundred who just want instant gratification.

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They should just implement a lfg channel and enforce it so it doesn't become another general/trade chat. Also if they have a ui to flag yourself for a flashpoint and mark it as dps/healer/whatever and what class you are would help as well so if your going to do a group for ____ you can look to see who's already interested and send them a message.




your welcome.

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Current system works, it's just no one is giving it a shot and/or they don't know how it is supposed to work.



  • There have to be leaders. Those who will take the initiative to set a group up. Usually it's a tank or healer.
  • Those players who are LFG have to flag themselves as LFG and type what you want to do.
  • Those leaders have to know that typing "LFG" into the box on the search screen will bring up a list of all those players who are LFG, no matter what world they are on.
  • Players must be patient and wait for a tell. The more people who use the system correctly, the shorter the wait.
  • Those players who do not behave properly in groups will not receive a tell for a group until they reroll and correct the behavior that got them blacklisted.



Try it before changing it.

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