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It's been one year since <Remnants of Hope> moved here. Thank you Ebon Hawk!


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It's been one year since we moved to the Ebon Hawk. One year since we left the slowly emptying server of Jung Ma, one year since we stepped foot onto a server that was not only filled with life but also filled with players just like us.


Our guild started off over 7 years ago in Star Wars Galaxies. We've been through a lot since then - SWG closing down, anticipating Star Wars: The Old Republic, the game's launch, and even opening up our doors to other games including GW2 and Wildstar. SWTOR had an extremely strong launch - and although at times between expansions the playerbase dropped, we never expected to wind up on a "dead" server. Our fleets were decimated, and hadn't reached 100 visitors in almost a year. Other guilds fled. Others stayed, but only because of their ties to each other. There were very few players joining the server, and as a reflection of that, very few people to join our guild. As older members found new games to play or were claimed by real life changes, our group previously of well over 100 shrunk slowly over time and never recouped. We worried that our guild would simply wither away - at 1,000 cartel coins a pop, we couldn't afford to transfer.


Then 90 cartel coin transfers happened. It was as if a door had opened that was closed before. We had a huge discussion throughout our guild, with over 50 members chiming in their thoughts and opinions. Almost none of us wanted to stay on our old server, but we were worried about what we would lose if we moved. We would lose our 50 million credit flagship, and everything we put into it. All of us would lose at least one of our character's names, and many of us would have to rename our characters we've had since launch. In the end, we came to a consensus - our strongholds and our flagships were just things - as a community we valued people, and being able to play with other people, far more.


When we started to look into servers, a few were proposed, but Ebon Hawk stood out. Although we are not specifically a roleplay guild, many of us are roleplayers, and almost all of us feel strong ties to both our characters stories and to the lore and settings in SWTOR. We started by making level 1 characters to scope out the new servers... and those who journeyed there were immediately greeted by roleplay happening on the Jedi world of Tython. I was an auspicious sign, that was then helped by members visiting the well-populated fleet and reporting back about the numbers they'd seen. Ebon Hawk also welcomed us with arms wide open.

We've since regained both our flagships, and our Republic one is even bigger and better than before, through donations by both guildmates... and strangers! Including a generous donor from Ebon Hawk who was leaving the game, and another from Shadowlands who heard about our difficulties in moving. We've even started getting back on the boards for conquest... on Jung Ma, we often were able to compete for first place, on Ebon Hawk we have to work and coordinate to make the top ten - you guys seems to like conquests just as much as we do. We've gotten to pvp with you, ranked with you, do ops with you, run flashpoints with you, attend server meetings with you, and occasionally roleplay with you. We've welcomed some of you into our guild, others of you we've just had fun chatting with whether it's in gen chat on the fleet or while levelling new characters out in the open world.


It's been a great year Ebon Hawk. Thanks for being such great, welcoming lot! One year on this server, and here's to many more!




Remnants of Hope


Vestige of Despair

Edited by LadyAdmiral
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Hello Ebon Hawk!!!


First of all, I want to say: Thank you for being so awesome!!!:D


I started playing on Jung Ma, that server watched my first steps into SWTOR and I have many memories from those first months. After a year and half of playing, I found my home within RoH and loved every single moment with it, not only for the opportunity to do what a guildless player can't do, but above all, for the opportunity to get to know the amazing type of members it had and continues to have. Such was my love, that I even became the Division Commander for the guild, and was the one responsible, along with all our leaders, to raise funds for our flagship and eventually, buying it and decorating it.


Alas, real life claimed me and I had to go away from the game and my dear RoH for two long years. Upon my return, you can imagine my surprise when I found that we had moved to another server. I was unsure of moving my characters, I didn't want to leave everything behind, it was a tough desicion to make. Now I can say, that I made the right choice and although I had to rename two of my toons (one of them my main: Dymlos), now I'm very happy to see the amazing server Ebon Hawk is and the wonderful people I've met being part of it.


Thank you so much for everything, from the bottom of my heart. I know I still have a lot to see, people to meet, frined sto make... but it'll come in given time, I'm certain of it.


Finally, know that everyone is Remnants of Hope is a possible friend, and that we are always eager to meet new people. Hope to play sometime with you ;)

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I came back to the game after an over three year hiatus in August of 2015. I chose Ebon Hawk (I can't remember what the ultimate destination server was for my characters after all the merges,) because I had heard how great the server community was. After a few months playing, deciding I actually was going to stay for a while, and after having joined one of those" join us please guilds - no app required - no CoC - we just want numbers!" guilds - I started researching for a home.


I found RoH and one of the things that struck me was the fact they had made a move from Jung Ma together to here. I thought - wow - what a close knit community. How dedicated are the members - and how dedicated and visionary are the leaders! So I joined, and many months later, I'm still here. Happy to be a part of RoH and a part of Ebon Hawk. So thank you Ebon Hawk for providing a home for my gaming family! Thank you for being so welcoming to us!

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One year already??? Wow.


Just wanted to say thanks to the community here. You guys have been so great and we're so very lucky to be here with y'all in all of our shenanigans.


Here's to another year (clink)!!

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I am glad to be on Ebon Hawk and that Remnants of Hope has chosen this server to be its home! This guild has set the bar high. Not because it requires crazy amounts of effort, time or energy from its members, but because its standards are high while keeping the focus on having fun. As a mentor once said to me "it's not important to be serious, but be serious about what's important." That is Remnants of Hope and I am proud to be a member.
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I just rejoined after a two and a half year hiatus, and I'm surprised that Jung Ma is dying. But luckily Ebon Hawk was where I was originally, so I'm glad to hear it's still doing well. Also, just wanted to say that RoH's story was actually pretty heart warming.
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Just wanted to say thanks to the community here. You guys have been so great and we're so very lucky to be here with y'all in all of our shenanigans.


Cheers! *clink*


Oh! Not to totally derail your SWToR thread, but are you also a Tarnished Coast guild (GW2)?


Yeah we are on Carnished Toast on GW2 :) [HOPE]

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Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Is there someone I can contact in game to talk to about joining RoH and VoD? I tried going through the RoH website but the application process doesn't seem to be working and I can't post there. Thank you for your time. Edited by Stewhead
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  • 4 weeks later...
Oh! Not to totally derail your SWToR thread, but are you also a Tarnished Coast guild (GW2)?


Just saw your post and sorry for the very very late response. Yes we are. We have a very vibrant GW2 community as well as divisions in ESO and Wildstar and a lot of folks playing WoW, Overwatch, ARK, Secret World and other games together. We are truly a gaming community :)

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