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Does SWTOR need to follow the old legend continuity?


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I don't think the EU is totally garbage, but the post RotJ one is horrible, and there is no way the EU could attract many fans compare to the movies, even TV shows. So it's very reasonable to clear them, especially the post RotJ ones since there is no way to make new post RotJ movies if you want to follow the EU. They also start to pick some good elements and put them in the new canon.


Set it on 200 ABY or so far in to the past,there is a lot of room to manaeuver if you don't want to deal with Vong or Krayt,just spot a few references and make a book if need be but overall if you set it 200 ABY or a little more into the future you can have your own original story without being bothered by what's going to happen next.

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No, that's not what I said at all. But when you have such a wide variety of different authors(hundreds?) all contributing to a pool of content, there's just simply no possible way that it'll be completely consistent and coherent, as others have pointed out multiple times in this thread. A small group of authors working in tandem is different from this.


I mean, you don't have to buy into anything I'm saying, take it from the horse's mouth himself. Lucas flat out said that the EU never mattered to him and to him, they were totally separate from the rest of his vision and world of Star Wars. And if he says it's not an official continuation of his work, then it simply isn't. End of.








It is a bit of a shame that EU works that tried to make sense and expand on the films were cut. As we all know, George went a bit off the deep end with the prequels and even in the OT, there were some inconsistencies that the EU would try to fill. Things like that being cut is somewhat unfortunate. But then you have edgy edgelords who's sole existence contradicts major parts from the films (the vong being outside of the force? Really?) being created cause "muh doomsday" is just a joke.


Now that you took the time to search Lucas search for Leland chee,who was in charge of the holocron,go ahead and tell me his quotes don't make the EU canon(also while you're at it if Lucas admited Episode VII didn't follow his idea of na episode VII,are you going to discretid force awakens too or you're too much of a hypocrite?)

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Set it on 200 ABY or so far in to the past,there is a lot of room to manaeuver if you don't want to deal with Vong or Krayt,just spot a few references and make a book if need be but overall if you set it 200 ABY or a little more into the future you can have your own original story without being bothered by what's going to happen next.


Why should movie make room for EU? It makes no sense.


Even by old standard, movies are G canon and can overwrite C canon at any time.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Now that you took the time to search Lucas search for Leland chee,who was in charge of the holocron,go ahead and tell me his quotes don't make the EU canon(also while you're at it if Lucas admited Episode VII didn't follow his idea of na episode VII,are you going to discretid force awakens too or you're too much of a hypocrite?)


Except Leland Chee's word comes no where near the amount of weight of Lucas' word. I know of Leland Chee. And no, I'm not going to discredit ep VII. Why would I? It's 1) not his creative license anymore and 2) he worked with JJ and Disney while the film was being made. They still asked for his input. He was a creative consultant. So, like almost everything else you've said, that lacks any logic. I think you're getting a bit emotional over this. Looking over your posts, you seem to like to state your word as law(Trying to state as a fact that TFA wasn't good. That's not how this works here, try again). You should probably learn the difference between subjective opinion, and objective fact. Absolutely nothing I've said makes me a hypocrite. Next!


As for your other comment, no. The films shouldn't have too move over for the garbage that was the Vong. Or for any of the EU really. They're no where near as popular as the films so why should they? No, the EU moves for the films, not the other way around.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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250 novels, 700+ comics all made by different authors and you're going to tell me that it was consistent and coherent? Yeah, tune in on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! The EU was not 90% of Star Wars and it never became more popular than the films. That's why it's irrelevant.


You answered your own dilemma. Canon or not, people still invested and enjoyed the content, so it being officially declared not canon means jack ****. It doesn't matter. It's still there. It's not going anywhere. People need to get over it. It was always an AU to begin with, not an official continuation.


Disney Canon also has comics and books. It's going to get more over time and they're all going to be made by different authors and writers. In fact, many of them already are.

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Disney Canon also has comics and books. It's going to get more over time and they're all going to be made by different authors and writers. In fact, many of them already are.


Many of them most likely with the same intention of prior EU authors of just cashing in on that IP name. Then we'll probably have the exact same issue.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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Disney Canon also has comics and books. It's going to get more over time and they're all going to be made by different authors and writers. In fact, many of them already are.


But there still are movies to lead the main conflict, so the main story could not go that far.

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But there still are movies to lead the main conflict, so the main story could not go that far.


The EU was made over a period of 20+ years. At some point it will be the same as Disney Canon. We'll get to the point where the new EU will go well beyond the main movies. It's early in the life span and there's not much difference in how they're done. You can very well like the stories Disney tells or the writers at Disney put's forward but you can't say with a straight face that it's better than the old EU. I mean, the biggest complaint here about the old EU is that "It become inconsistent because multiple different authors told stories." That's pretty much the same as it is now. "Too many conflicts happened in the span of ROTJ onwards."


Sorry but if they tell stories around this period of time that's a given simply because you always need a villain. They also admitted they do intend to flesh out the inbetween time period of ROTJ and The Force Awakens. There's going to be conflict and if you think it'll become "pretty tame" when they start telling stories post the new trilogy? I think you're deluding yourself. Instead of having Luke Skywalker save the day over and over it's going to be Rey.

Edited by Rhyltran
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The EU was made over a period of 20+ years. At some point it will be the same as Disney Canon. We'll get to the point where the new EU will go well beyond the main movies. It's early in the life span and there's not much difference in how they're done. You can very well like the stories Disney tells or the writers at Disney put's forward but you can't say with a straight face that it's better than the old EU. I mean, the biggest complaint here about the old EU is that "It become inconsistent because multiple different authors told stories." That's pretty much the same as it is now. "Too many conflicts happened in the span of ROTJ onwards."


Sorry but if they tell stories around this period of time that's a given simply because you always need a villain. They also admitted they do intend to flesh out the inbetween time period of ROTJ and The Force Awakens. There's going to be conflict and if you think it'll become "pretty tame" when they start telling stories post the new trilogy? I think you're deluding yourself. Instead of having Luke Skywalker save the day over and over it's going to be Rey.


Inconsistency in itself is a major issue with a work of fiction, and could span to a bunch of different issues. It's not a singular issue, more like an entity with a bunch of different variables.


Perhaps that's another reason why Disney removed the EU, because they want a stricter hold on what can and can't be made, not wanting Vong 2.0 or something along those lines. It's still too early to claim that the Disney continuity will eventually become exactly like Legends. It's still too early to compare them at all really. Like you yourself said, Legends has over 20 years worth of content, spanning all the way back to when the OT was still being made. Disney could keep a tighter hold on the source material and the works that get published. Bottom line is, it's too early to tell. We'll see how far it goes, and if it becomes the same crap or something with actual substance. Probably the former but who knows. :rolleyes:

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The EU was made over a period of 20+ years. At some point it will be the same as Disney Canon. We'll get to the point where the new EU will go well beyond the main movies. It's early in the life span and there's not much difference in how they're done. You can very well like the stories Disney tells or the writers at Disney put's forward but you can't say with a straight face that it's better than the old EU. I mean, the biggest complaint here about the old EU is that "It become inconsistent because multiple different authors told stories." That's pretty much the same as it is now. "Too many conflicts happened in the span of ROTJ onwards."

But the major difference is that Disney will keep make movies, so a large portion of the story, especially the main story line would be the movies, that's better than the novels/comics.


It's not a big deal, if they were expanding different time period with different characters rather than stick with the big three and just one time period. We also see the big three pass on the torch and even die off.


Sorry but if they tell stories around this period of time that's a given simply because you always need a villain. They also admitted they do intend to flesh out the inbetween time period of ROTJ and The Force Awakens. There's going to be conflict and if you think it'll become "pretty tame" when they start telling stories post the new trilogy? I think you're deluding yourself. Instead of having Luke Skywalker save the day over and over it's going to be Rey.


But the main storyline are going to be the movies, it's going to be more consistent than just the EU because they target totally different characters.


Sure it might come to the same problem, but we haven't been there yet, far from it.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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i also think Disney messed up the the star wars canon when the got rid of the EU im still very angry considering some of my favorite stories came from the EU


I freely admit my two big favorites from the old EU was Death Troopers and Red Harvest. Them getting removed from the canon EU doesn't remove my copies of the books from me, and doesn't stop them from still being my faves that I do reread fairly regularly. Most who read the EU either outright hated those two or swore up and down upon high that zombies had absolutely no place whatsoever in Star Wars. To be blunt about it, the inclusion/removal of these faves of mine have zero impact on the greater Star Wars universe. Still doesn't change my enjoyment of them or how much I wish despite I know there's absolutely no way whatsoever of there be some sort of zombies as opposed to rakghouls event in SWTOR.

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Death Troopers was never considered Canon, AFAIK. Regardless of new or old EU. It was just part of the zombie apocalypse craze that had been sweeping pop culture at the time.


My favorite Star Wars stuff comes from the EU. Thrawn, Tales/KOTOR/Bane, etc.


Am I averse to the Disney Canon? No. If it's good, I'll probably like it. Problem is with both universes most of what's in them isn't good.


I read what I like and treat them as two totally separate universes. The EU just happens to be the real Star Wars universe to me. It's what I grew up with.


~ Eudoxia

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