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Does SWTOR need to follow the old legend continuity?


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Prequels also introduced a new generation to Star Wars,and the franchise was living on,there was great oportunity for movies without the need for a reboot.


EU repeating itself=bad,Disney=ok


yes the majority don't even read,but since you're at it why is Disney bothering to make na EU then?the majority doesn't read,it's so damaging to have books at the best seller list to give you sweet Money...so bad...


and the LEGENDS wasn't making it live on?i myself only got interested in Star Wars after playing SWTOR and Reading through the legends continuity.


Star Wars was pretty much in the same boat as Star Trek was/is. The original works came out decades ago before the modern concepts of fandom were even a thing. Back then, who really cared that there be multiple fighting styles for lightsabers or background actor #978's character actually have a full out backstory. Even now most people don't care about that sort of thing beyond the portions of the fandom who have to have a detail for everything. Granted, I'm speaking as someone who saw Star Wars on the big screen back in '77 and still remember the title crawl as it was before they added the Episode IV: A New Hope header and the thought of any other movies to follow was just a fandom dream.


To have the franchise be beholden to the extreme detail that some demand does tie the hands of those creating additional content to the franchise. And when some of that extreme detail conflicts with where the franchise wants to go, something is going to have to give and it's for better longevity for the franchise to cull its EU especially when it dates back far enough before they had to assign staff to monitor continuity. The majority of EU material at it's core is paid author fanfic and of the exact variable quality that fanfic can be. Many a time I'd be at a book store and flip through the SW books and shake my head that they killed trees to make this **** because they were that awful.


To me, the route taken of cutting all that bloated weight of EU so the franchise can have a free reign to create anew is the best choice. I want to see the folks working on storylines for SWTOR to not have to be bound to whatever author A decided X has to be a certain way when authors B-J ignored it or glossed it over for whatever personal reasons. I just wish they didn't tend to fall into the same trap a lot of the Trek writers did/do with their primary timeline of unable to think beyond TNG/DS9/VOY when presented with being able to create outside of that era.

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We got Snoke, SK base after so many years so what? Do we have major threats after major threats and tons of Superweapons poping out in less than 3 decades after RotJ?


Because Luke got 0 experience and without much help, it's very hard to rebuild the organization?


Because with the movie, people will get interested and read these materials, but the main focus is still the movies.


So you'd rather Luke to be shown 2 hours taking care of moisture farms?


And it wasn't hard to rebuilt in the EU?the point is just because some things went wrong Luke should have not given up,that isn't a good guy's action,more like a coward.


I doubt that just because there is a new movie the majority will suddenly start buying staff,if they didn't care before they won't care now,they're casuals,and there's nothing wrong with that just to make it clear.

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Star Wars was pretty much in the same boat as Star Trek was/is. The original works came out decades ago before the modern concepts of fandom were even a thing. Back then, who really cared that there be multiple fighting styles for lightsabers or background actor #978's character actually have a full out backstory. Even now most people don't care about that sort of thing beyond the portions of the fandom who have to have a detail for everything. Granted, I'm speaking as someone who saw Star Wars on the big screen back in '77 and still remember the title crawl as it was before they added the Episode IV: A New Hope header and the thought of any other movies to follow was just a fandom dream.


To have the franchise be beholden to the extreme detail that some demand does tie the hands of those creating additional content to the franchise. And when some of that extreme detail conflicts with where the franchise wants to go, something is going to have to give and it's for better longevity for the franchise to cull its EU especially when it dates back far enough before they had to assign staff to monitor continuity. The majority of EU material at it's core is paid author fanfic and of the exact variable quality that fanfic can be. Many a time I'd be at a book store and flip through the SW books and shake my head that they killed trees to make this **** because they were that awful.


To me, the route taken of cutting all that bloated weight of EU so the franchise can have a free reign to create anew is the best choice. I want to see the folks working on storylines for SWTOR to not have to be bound to whatever author A decided X has to be a certain way when authors B-J ignored it or glossed it over for whatever personal reasons. I just wish they didn't tend to fall into the same trap a lot of the Trek writers did/do with their primary timeline of unable to think beyond TNG/DS9/VOY when presented with being able to create outside of that era.


So...screw continuity?i get the free reign idea but they have a lot of free reign,they are in a era that wasn't really dwelled much further,few characters here and here some histories here and there but they have more free reign than somebody writing about the prequels for example,i want to see the folks of LucasFilm creating new stuff,personally i understand your reason for wanting that but i still prefer to keep the continuity rather than just throw it all away.

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So you'd rather Luke to be shown 2 hours taking care of moisture farms?


And it wasn't hard to rebuilt in the EU?the point is just because some things went wrong Luke should have not given up,that isn't a good guy's action,more like a coward.


I doubt that just because there is a new movie the majority will suddenly start buying staff,if they didn't care before they won't care now,they're casuals,and there's nothing wrong with that just to make it clear.


I prefer Luke to do his job, and pass the torch later rather than still saving the galaxy in his 70s with his "new order" and "bunch of awesome Skywalker family kids".


It wasn't, it was built up after like less than 2 decades, no thanks.


We don't ask the majority to buy stuff, but with the movie, the EU group will keep up. Without the movies, it will become very niche.

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So...screw continuity?i get the free reign idea but they have a lot of free reign,they are in a era that wasn't really dwelled much further,few characters here and here some histories here and there but they have more free reign than somebody writing about the prequels for example,i want to see the folks of LucasFilm creating new stuff,personally i understand your reason for wanting that but i still prefer to keep the continuity rather than just throw it all away.


Ehhh, saying screw continuity's a bit extreme. I'd say it's more continuity's fine up to the point it's not fine. To borrow from what others have said earlier in this thread and others similar to it, did almost everything in the post ROTJ material always have to center around Han/Luke/Leia and thier assorted children? Material such as the Rogue Squadron stuff was far and few between.


I guess what I'm trying to say and probably burying it under too much wordiness is what I end up saying to the people in the assorted horror movie discussion groups I belong to when they're all spiking their blood pressures at the merest mention of a remake. The original is still there, it's always going to be there. It's not like the studios are dispatching the Filmdom police to come pounding on your door to confiscate your copies and perform icepick lobotomies to destroy your memories of it. It's just it may or may not be reflected on in future films. The same applies to the former Star Wars EU, it's still there for you to enjoy. Hell, I still read through my old Alan Dean Foster books from back in the day. But now the writers aren't beholden to all of it beyond what was good from it. Being that it's still early timewise in establishing the revised canon, there's still a chance more could be restored.


However I will still be happy if all the Killik Dark Nest drek remains dead and buried.


EDIT- And returning to the levels of canon...oh GAWD no. That was a complete mess of it's own and a clear sign the EU was a mess already.

Edited by Limariko
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The EU wasn't really messed up until Filoni's Clone Wars came out. That turned the entire rise of the Empire era into a jumbled cluster****.


TBH, as I have said elsewhere, they didn't need to throw it ALL out. The Thrawn Trilogy, (with edits from Zahn to match the prequels), Outbound Flight, Zahn's books on Mara Jade (Choices of One/Allegiance/etc), and the Hand of Thrawn Books should have been kept. X-Wing should have been kept. Truce at Bakura should have been kept.


The reason why they don't keep KOTOR, despite its distance from the movies, is because of force ghosts. Disney wants to establish this idea that only the lightside can achieve the force-ghost immortality, just all light versus dark religions (like Christianity, etc.) In KOTOR, Tales, and the Darth Bane novels, Dark Side force ghosts exist which go against Disney canon.


However, judging by the Bendu in Rebels it appears they are keeping the Ashla vs. Bogan concept of the unfinished Dawn of the Jedi series.


And no, not all of us will continue to buy in to Disney's crap. I've read the Disneyverse and it's just as bad as the EU, and it's only been around for 2 years. Most of the authors are the same thing: crap authors writing officially sanctioned fanfics to cash in on the IP. A couple are good, like Tarkin. I'm looking forward to reading Thrawn because Zahn has clearly shown he's intent on drawing on his EU works for it. But I'm not buying the rest of the crap Disney keeps putting out. I'll go see the movies, play this game, buy the Legos and EU action figures Hasbro is making like Revan and Jaina Solo, fine. That's about it.


We're not all slaves to a corporation that crushes artistic freedom and turns beloved franchises into cheap materialism (okay Star Wars and Marvel were always cash-in franchises but at least some of them had heart put into them. I can't say that about anything Disney has produced yet).


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The EU wasn't really messed up until Filoni's Clone Wars came out. That turned the entire rise of the Empire era into a jumbled cluster****.


TBH, as I have said elsewhere, they didn't need to throw it ALL out. The Thrawn Trilogy, (with edits from Zahn to match the prequels), Outbound Flight, Zahn's books on Mara Jade (Choices of One/Allegiance/etc), and the Hand of Thrawn Books should have been kept. X-Wing should have been kept. Truce at Bakura should have been kept.


The reason why they don't keep KOTOR, despite its distance from the movies, is because of force ghosts. Disney wants to establish this idea that only the lightside can achieve the force-ghost immortality, just all light versus dark religions (like Christianity, etc.) In KOTOR, Tales, and the Darth Bane novels, Dark Side force ghosts exist which go against Disney canon.


However, judging by the Bendu in Rebels it appears they are keeping the Ashla vs. Bogan concept of the unfinished Dawn of the Jedi series.


And no, not all of us will continue to buy in to Disney's crap. I've read the Disneyverse and it's just as bad as the EU, and it's only been around for 2 years. Most of the authors are the same thing: crap authors writing officially sanctioned fanfics to cash in on the IP. A couple are good, like Tarkin. I'm looking forward to reading Thrawn because Zahn has clearly shown he's intent on drawing on his EU works for it. But I'm not buying the rest of the crap Disney keeps putting out. I'll go see the movies, play this game, buy the Legos and EU action figures Hasbro is making like Revan and Jaina Solo, fine. That's about it.


We're not all slaves to a corporation that crushes artistic freedom and turns beloved franchises into cheap materialism (okay Star Wars and Marvel were always cash-in franchises but at least some of them had heart put into them. I can't say that about anything Disney has produced yet).


~ Eudoxia


The EU was already a mess from the beginning, when they focus on the endless major conflicts after RotJ.

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The EU wasn't really messed up until Filoni's Clone Wars came out. That turned the entire rise of the Empire era into a jumbled cluster****.




The reason why they don't keep KOTOR, despite its distance from the movies, is because of force ghosts. Disney wants to establish this idea that only the lightside can achieve the force-ghost immortality, just all light versus dark religions (like Christianity, etc.) In KOTOR, Tales, and the Darth Bane novels, Dark Side force ghosts exist which go against Disney canon.




~ Eudoxia


There has to be something more to it than just that particular issue... as Darth Bane's Force Ghost is in Filoni's Clone Wars (and, thus, darkside force ghosts exist).



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The EU wasn't really messed up until Filoni's Clone Wars came out. That turned the entire rise of the Empire era into a jumbled cluster****.


TBH, as I have said elsewhere, they didn't need to throw it ALL out. The Thrawn Trilogy, (with edits from Zahn to match the prequels), Outbound Flight, Zahn's books on Mara Jade (Choices of One/Allegiance/etc), and the Hand of Thrawn Books should have been kept. X-Wing should have been kept. Truce at Bakura should have been kept.


The reason why they don't keep KOTOR, despite its distance from the movies, is because of force ghosts. Disney wants to establish this idea that only the lightside can achieve the force-ghost immortality, just all light versus dark religions (like Christianity, etc.) In KOTOR, Tales, and the Darth Bane novels, Dark Side force ghosts exist which go against Disney canon.


However, judging by the Bendu in Rebels it appears they are keeping the Ashla vs. Bogan concept of the unfinished Dawn of the Jedi series.


And no, not all of us will continue to buy in to Disney's crap. I've read the Disneyverse and it's just as bad as the EU, and it's only been around for 2 years. Most of the authors are the same thing: crap authors writing officially sanctioned fanfics to cash in on the IP. A couple are good, like Tarkin. I'm looking forward to reading Thrawn because Zahn has clearly shown he's intent on drawing on his EU works for it. But I'm not buying the rest of the crap Disney keeps putting out. I'll go see the movies, play this game, buy the Legos and EU action figures Hasbro is making like Revan and Jaina Solo, fine. That's about it.


We're not all slaves to a corporation that crushes artistic freedom and turns beloved franchises into cheap materialism (okay Star Wars and Marvel were always cash-in franchises but at least some of them had heart put into them. I can't say that about anything Disney has produced yet).


~ Eudoxia


If i'm not mistaken Leland manage to dodge that with the fact that TCW would be imperial propaganda so not meant to be taken seriusly.

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There is a great, great deal of room in both time and narrative before SWTOR would contradict something important. The Emperor won't destroy the galaxy, the Sith or Zakuul or whomever won't win in any lasting sense. It's set as far in the past as it is for a reason.


The biggest "clash" is reasonably sane Sith Lords. Besides how that goes against Lucas and most cliche fantasy tropes it causes huge problems with the Jedi. Besides not keeping records of the decent Dark Siders - and there are several canon ones, not just PC characters making odd choices - it is difficult to see how the post-KoTFE Jedi Order comes back around to utter Sith destruction. KoTFE even has a girl Jedi padewan and boy Sith acolyte/apprentice who hang out together.


This stuff is too cuddly for what is supposed to be Gandalf & Mordor and that's without all the Voss/Odessen unity material.

Edited by Canareth
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I don't even get why this is such an issue. George Lucas never cared for the EU, and pretty much considered the content non-canon to begin with. Disney just outright said what he wanted to say but was never clear on. So why's this an issue? It was all practically irrelevant and non-canon to begin with. And regardless of your opinion on Lucas, he WAS the spoken law of Star Wars continuity. And considering JJ and Disney still work closely with him regarding the new films, he still has a say in it. Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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I don't even get why this is such an issue. George Lucas never cared for the EU, and pretty much considered the content non-canon to begin with. Disney just outright said what he wanted to say but was never clear on. So why's this an issue? It was all practically irrelevant and non-canon to begin with. And regardless of your opinion on Lucas, he WAS the spoken law of Star Wars continuity. And considering JJ and Disney still work closely with him regarding the new films, he still has a say in it.

I really don't get the whole "George Lucas didn't follow the EU, so why does it matter?" line of thought. There were around 250 novels, over 700 comics books, and dozens of video games in the "Legends" universe. They were all a part of a coherent, consistent continuity, telling a multitude of individual compelling stories and also building off of each other across decades. It's rather strange to me to consider over 90% of Star Wars works "irrelevant".


Whether George Lucas considered it to be canon or not, many readers were invested in this overarching vision of the Star Wars universe, a vision that had been providing the vast majority of Star Wars stories for years, and was still ongoing and developing before it was replaced by the New Canon.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I really don't get the whole "George Lucas didn't follow the EU, so why does it matter?" line of thought. There were around 250 novels, over 700 comics books, and dozens of video games in the "Legends" universe. They were all a part of a coherent, consistent continuity, telling a multitude of individual compelling stories and also building off of each other across decades. It's rather strange to me to consider over 90% of Star Wars works "irrelevant".


Whether George Lucas considered it to be canon or not, many readers were invested in this overarching vision of the Star Wars universe, that had Leia became Chief of State and a Jedi rather than the General of the Resistance, that introduced and developed Jaina Solo and Ben Skywalker, that had Han Solo survive and suffer through the death of his best friend Chewbacca instead of the other way around, where the Jedi were founded on Tython rather than Ahch-To, etc. etc. etc.


250 novels, 700+ comics all made by different authors and you're going to tell me that it was consistent and coherent? Yeah, tune in on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! The EU was not 90% of Star Wars and it never became more popular than the films. That's why it's irrelevant.


You answered your own dilemma. Canon or not, people still invested and enjoyed the content, so it being officially declared not canon means jack ****. It doesn't matter. It's still there. It's not going anywhere. People need to get over it. It was always an AU to begin with, not an official continuation.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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Just to clarify, I'm not at all bothered by the new movies establishing a separate "Canon" continuity (IMO that was the right move to give them the freedom to tell an accessible story), or about the current crop of comics, novels and games being set in that continuity - I'm really enjoying the new Canon stories and looking forward to seeing more of it. I don't care about that new continuity having the label "Canon" while the old EU has the label "Legends."


I just disagree with the conception floating around that C-Canon (to use the old term) wasn't any sort of canon at all.

250 novels, 700+ comics all made by different authors and you're going to tell me that it was consistent and coherent? Yeah, tune in on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! The EU was not 90% of Star Wars and it never became more popular than the films. That's why it's irrelevant.


You answered your own dilemma. Canon or not, people still invested and enjoyed the content, so it being officially declared not canon means jack ****. It doesn't matter. It's still there. It's not going anywhere. People need to get over it. It was always an AU to begin with, not an official continuation.

Your standard for a fictional work to have a coherent, consistent continuity is that it can't have different authors? So pretty much no TV show has a coherent, consistent continuity?


Sorry, but I don't buy that just because Lucas didn't endorse the EU that means it wasn't an "official continuation" any more than I would buy a claim that Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and all the Next Generation movies weren't the "official continuation" of Star Trek just because Gene Roddenberry didn't have a role. LucasArts published all those books, they weren't showing up on fanfiction.net or anything like that; many of them were work-for-hire stores assigned to authors based on storylines and outlines that were approved or even originated at LucasArts; and LucasArts made a point of keeping the continuity straight in them - heck, that was Leland Chee's main job at LucasArts. This wasn't some free-for-all or random assortment of fanfiction.


Were there variations in tone and quality from one work to the other? Sure. But they had a consistent continuity that they were required to follow. Reading the books and novels told an ongoing story of the Star Wars universe. Some episodes in that story were better than others, but that's true of the movies too. (IMO plenty of the books and comics were better than the prequel movies, and some were even better than RotJ.)


Speaking for myself (others seem to think the EU should have been continued in the new movies which I believe would have been a mistake), I'm perfectly happy with Legends being treated as an AU with its own distinct canon, as long as they kept it going. The fact that they discontinued those works is the only thing I dislike about the New Canon change - as I mentioned above, I like the Canon continuity itself.


I wanted to see the Sword of the Jedi trilogy that had been announced, I wanted to see stories about the rise of the Fel Empire, more stories of Mara Jade during her time as the Emperor's Hand, more stories set during the Dawn of the Jedi era, and more stories surrounding the Old Republic Era that Dark Horse Comics and BioWare fleshed out. I wish they had kept those stories going under the Legends imprint the same way Marvel had its 'mainstream' universe and its 'Ultimate' universe imprint.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Just to clarify, I'm not at all bothered by the new movies establishing a separate "Canon" continuity (IMO that was the right move to give them the freedom to tell an accessible story), or about the current crop of comics, novels and games being set in that continuity - I'm really enjoying the new Canon stories and looking forward to seeing more of it. I don't care about that new continuity having the label "Canon" while the old EU has the label "Legends."


I just disagree with the conception floating around that C-Canon (to use the old term) wasn't any sort of canon at all.


Your standard for a fictional work to have a coherent, consistent continuity is that it can't have different authors? So pretty much no TV show has a coherent, consistent continuity?


Sorry, but I don't buy that just because Lucas didn't endorse the EU that means it wasn't an "official continuation" any more than I would buy a claim that Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and all the Next Generation movies weren't the "official continuation" of Star Trek just because Gene Roddenberry didn't have a role. LucasArts published all those books, they weren't showing up on fanfiction.net or anything like that; many of them were work-for-hire stores assigned to authors based on storylines and outlines that were approved or even originated at LucasArts; and LucasArts made a point of keeping the continuity straight in them - heck, that was Leland Chee's main job at LucasArts. This wasn't some free-for-all or random assortment of fanfiction.


Were there variations in tone and quality from one work to the other? Sure. But they had a consistent continuity that they were required to follow. Reading the books and novels told an ongoing story of the Star Wars universe. Some episodes in that story were better than others, but that's true of the movies too. (IMO plenty of the books and comics were better than the prequel movies, and some were even better than RotJ.)


Speaking for myself (others seem to think the EU should have been continued in the new movies which I believe would have been a mistake), I'm perfectly happy with Legends being treated as an AU with its own distinct canon, as long as they kept it going. The fact that they discontinued those works is the only thing I dislike about the New Canon change - as I mentioned above, I like the Canon continuity itself.


I wanted to see the Sword of the Jedi trilogy that had been announced, I wanted to see stories about the rise of the Fel Empire, more stories of Mara Jade during her time as the Emperor's Hand, more stories set during the Dawn of the Jedi era, and more stories surrounding the Old Republic Era that Dark Horse Comics and BioWare fleshed out. I wish they had kept those stories going under the Legends imprint the same way Marvel had its 'mainstream' universe and its 'Ultimate' universe imprint.


Coudn't have put it better myself.

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But Disney gave a more reasonable time period, it's not like so many major conflicts happened in less than 3-4 decades.


We still don't know about the majority of stuff that happened between Episode VI and Force Awakens,they might as well put the major conflicts you so much hate,also while we're at it,hasn't the Disney/Lucasfilm basically said"F You"and let the rebellion continue for 30 years without winning against the empire?isn't that exactly a MAJOR conflict?

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We still don't know about the majority of stuff that happened between Episode VI and Force Awakens,they might as well put the major conflicts you so much hate,also while we're at it,hasn't the Disney/Lucasfilm basically said"F You"and let the rebellion continue for 30 years without winning against the empire?isn't that exactly a MAJOR conflict?


Might, yeah. If Disney had gone that route we could blame it as well, but now, no.


No, they won against the Empire and signed the treaty.


With movies, we can see the big three actually die, we can see pass on torch as well.

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Just to clarify, I'm not at all bothered by the new movies establishing a separate "Canon" continuity (IMO that was the right move to give them the freedom to tell an accessible story), or about the current crop of comics, novels and games being set in that continuity - I'm really enjoying the new Canon stories and looking forward to seeing more of it. I don't care about that new continuity having the label "Canon" while the old EU has the label "Legends."


I just disagree with the conception floating around that C-Canon (to use the old term) wasn't any sort of canon at all.


Your standard for a fictional work to have a coherent, consistent continuity is that it can't have different authors? So pretty much no TV show has a coherent, consistent continuity?


Sorry, but I don't buy that just because Lucas didn't endorse the EU that means it wasn't an "official continuation" any more than I would buy a claim that Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and all the Next Generation movies weren't the "official continuation" of Star Trek just because Gene Roddenberry didn't have a role. LucasArts published all those books, they weren't showing up on fanfiction.net or anything like that; many of them were work-for-hire stores assigned to authors based on storylines and outlines that were approved or even originated at LucasArts; and LucasArts made a point of keeping the continuity straight in them - heck, that was Leland Chee's main job at LucasArts. This wasn't some free-for-all or random assortment of fanfiction.


Were there variations in tone and quality from one work to the other? Sure. But they had a consistent continuity that they were required to follow. Reading the books and novels told an ongoing story of the Star Wars universe. Some episodes in that story were better than others, but that's true of the movies too. (IMO plenty of the books and comics were better than the prequel movies, and some were even better than RotJ.)


Speaking for myself (others seem to think the EU should have been continued in the new movies which I believe would have been a mistake), I'm perfectly happy with Legends being treated as an AU with its own distinct canon, as long as they kept it going. The fact that they discontinued those works is the only thing I dislike about the New Canon change - as I mentioned above, I like the Canon continuity itself.


I wanted to see the Sword of the Jedi trilogy that had been announced, I wanted to see stories about the rise of the Fel Empire, more stories of Mara Jade during her time as the Emperor's Hand, more stories set during the Dawn of the Jedi era, and more stories surrounding the Old Republic Era that Dark Horse Comics and BioWare fleshed out. I wish they had kept those stories going under the Legends imprint the same way Marvel had its 'mainstream' universe and its 'Ultimate' universe imprint.


No, that's not what I said at all. But when you have such a wide variety of different authors(hundreds?) all contributing to a pool of content, there's just simply no possible way that it'll be completely consistent and coherent, as others have pointed out multiple times in this thread. A small group of authors working in tandem is different from this.


I mean, you don't have to buy into anything I'm saying, take it from the horse's mouth himself. Lucas flat out said that the EU never mattered to him and to him, they were totally separate from the rest of his vision and world of Star Wars. And if he says it's not an official continuation of his work, then it simply isn't. End of.








It is a bit of a shame that EU works that tried to make sense and expand on the films were cut. As we all know, George went a bit off the deep end with the prequels and even in the OT, there were some inconsistencies that the EU would try to fill. Things like that being cut is somewhat unfortunate. But then you have edgy edgelords who's sole existence contradicts major parts from the films (the vong being outside of the force? Really?) being created cause "muh doomsday" is just a joke.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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I don't think the EU is totally garbage, but the post RotJ one is horrible, and there is no way the EU could attract many fans compare to the movies, even TV shows. So it's very reasonable to clear them, especially the post RotJ ones since there is no way to make new post RotJ movies if you want to follow the EU. They also start to pick some good elements and put them in the new canon.
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Legends doesn't have continuity anymore. That's why they are Legends. It's like the crew of a freighter passing stories about "That time I met Han Solo".


Its the stories told in-universe. Like "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter". Nobody believes it's true, but it's a story that people have heard. Legends, not alternate universe

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