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Unbind items!


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I think that you should be to unbind items. When I was a beginner, I got a revan reborn helmet, I thought it looked really cool and equipped it cause I had no actual helmet at the time. A few days ago, I decided to look it up and see how much it was worth on the gtn. It is worth 30,000,000. I cannot sell it though because it is bound to me. I think that you should be able to unbind items or bye a one time unbound from the cartel market or something like that. Edited by GraspingLight
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Based on the language of your post, you are hoping to unbind stuff so you can sell it on the GTN.


Think of the larger potential consequences of that. The one that sticks in my mind is PuG Ops groups everyone clicking need simply because they'd be able to sell the items on the GTN.

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I guess all of that is true. It could be possible to put one time unbund item token on the cartel market for a very high price.


Well if an item is from the Cartel Market you can always unlock it through collections so you can use it on any character you like. Those fees are small, but they are limited to your account (you cannot unlock a CM item, and then sell it on the GTN)

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Well if an item is from the Cartel Market you can always unlock it through collections so you can use it on any character you like. Those fees are small, but they are limited to your account (you cannot unlock a CM item, and then sell it on the GTN)

I understand what your saying, but they could try sell it for a very high price.

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Where do you believe the cartel coin cost would fall as to be cost prohibitive from mass use but not so cost prohibitive as to make it pointless?


I'm not sure how expensive most things are the cartel market are so I don't really no what is alot and what is to little but I would say at least 5kor-10k or something like that, but someone a bit more experienced would probably have to give it a price

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I'm for it. It'll never happen, because EA loves money too much though.


And in case it wasn't obvious, "loving money" isn't the bad part, the "too much" is the bad part.


Did you read what MadDutchman said? That's exactly what would happen. People would be 'needing' everything just so they could sell it on the GTN and I can just see the rage-posts about it now.


Also, enough with this "BioWare is only in it for the money" trash. I know it's fashionable to rip on the developers but enough is enough. If "too much money" *were* the case then everything in the game would cost Cartel Coins. If "too much money" *were* the case they'd have already done this.


The takeaway from this is people need to take responsibility for themselves and not just freak out and demand changes when all they have to do is learn what to do and what not to do through experience. We all mess up now and then but is it fair to try and blame the developers and try and force a change for no real reason?


TL;DR - What MadDutchman said.

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Did you read what MadDutchman said? That's exactly what would happen. People would be 'needing' everything just so they could sell it on the GTN and I can just see the rage-posts about it now.

As opposed to now, where people "need" everything anyway. Well, anything above a green at least.


Not to mention that supply for pretty much everything would rise, so if you didn't get something on a roll, just buy it.


Also, enough with this "BioWare is only in it for the money" trash. I know it's fashionable to rip on the developers but enough is enough. If "too much money" *were* the case then everything in the game would cost Cartel Coins. If "too much money" *were* the case they'd have already done this.


The takeaway from this is people need to take responsibility for themselves and not just freak out and demand changes when all they have to do is learn what to do and what not to do through experience. We all mess up now and then but is it fair to try and blame the developers and try and force a change for no real reason?


TL;DR - What MadDutchman said.

Oh you've got it all wrong. The fashion trend seems to be white knighting them, not dissing them. Case in point.


And don't be silly. Everything costs CC? People say screw it and leave. But RNG? Oh, a "chance" at the shiny. That evidently draws in suckers by the truck full. So yeah, 90% of shinies behind RNG, and said RNG is where the most consistent effort by the devs is going in. Sounds like greed to me. Especially when there are friendlier systems that still yield a profit for the company.


But do go on and tell me how people getting duplicates or unusable gear in this crappy "event" is something they "need to take responsability for" and "learn how not to do".

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I'm not trying to be mean to the devs when I asked this. I love swtor and think it's a great game. I just to see what people would say about this. I agree 100% with everything that has been said. I am not very advanced at the game yet and I wanted to know what people had to say.
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I don't think it's a great idea to be able to un-bind items, as much as I could use it myself. It would just bring more chaos to the market than they could ever hope to contain. Everyone would have access to more items to sell, it would make things cheaper and people would end up with so much credits on their hands that they don't know what to do with, and pretty much render economy useless for all but newer players.


I think that it's best to leave this alone.

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