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<Legacy> PvE/PvP/RP Come Start A Legacy!


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I was a homeless bounty hunter on Hutta doing odd jobs for the various gangs just to have something to eat on a daily basis. Then I found Legacy. First they gave me a fish, then they gave me a fishing pole, then they made me fish until I could provide enough for a fish fry every Friday. At least I'm not homeless any more...now I can afford to live in a box under the bridge by the waterworks. I hope to some day have enough to buy an escape pod. They allow me to go with on raids, but it's usually to clean the blood and guts off their armor and weaponry. Sometimes the remains of the mobs are in good enough condition to cook...I eat well on those nights. They promised me my very own set of blasters if I keep the guild ship clean.


I have a blast in this guild - a lot of fun people, and enjoy raiding and pvp. There's always someone around to group with, or chat with - great folks in this guild.

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Join a PvE/PvP/RP and Conquest Guild that takes part in all aspects of the game,Alliance Themed, Extremely active (Hitting a milestone of 44 members online as of 3/36/17) stop being lonely come Start a Legacy with us!
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I joined the guild about a month ago - the event calendar is packed, PVE, PVP, RP, end game content, commander runs, and fun nights like fleet take overs. Yes we take the game seriously but we have fun doing it, and we have fun without it always being serious game play. If you're new and need some help we've got specialists in every class and spec. If you're a veteran then our new members can always use some help, join up and mentor.


If you're looking for a good group of people to play the game with look no further.


Start YOUR Legacy today........

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Evolution of Legacy


Once more the leaders of Legacy called a meeting. The war with Zakuul forefront in all of their minds. Things had not progressed as they had planned and as such a new strategy needed to be developed. They needed to evolve their thinking beyond how things were when the Empire was strong because it had failed. The separation into three factions was no longer working.


Legacy had learned some hard lessons in their battles against Zakuul. Direct skirmishes with Zakuul had shown their force users proficient in use of the force in new ways. This eternal empire had weapons and technologies that far outperformed those which Legacy had access to. Legacy didn't have access to the information and secrets of Zakuul that would level the playing field. Legacy needed to leverage it's fighters and organize a military to crush this enemy. Funding Legacy and the war was expensive and there were few that admitted to having the aptitude to acquire the necessary funds or had the contacts to make such dealings possible. Also Legacy had need of those willing to take on the high risk missions with no reward other than creating havoc for the enemy.


As nods of agreement went around the table the discussion produced ideas to form four different divisions of the Legacy alliance. Alliance Force Order (A.F.O.) would cover all things dealing with the force and also organize and train our force sensitives to achieve their maximum potential. Alliance Research and Development (A.R.D.) would devise new weapons, locate relics, and research new technologies. Alliance Military Division (A.M.D.) would organize, train, and run covert operations to ready our military to defeat the enemy. Alliance Underworld Coalition (A.U.C) would obtain the necessary funds, items, and enemy chaos we need by whatever means necessary. With the help of these divisions Legacy would have its best chance to take down Zakuul once and for all.




What’s going on?


Legacy is restructuring itself. As the resistance against Zakuul deepens and picks up traction, the classic Imperial triumvirate is being cast aside, in favor of a new organization that mirrors the four divisions of the Alliance.


What are our four new branches going to be?


AFO - Alliance Force Order. Oversees all things to do with the force. Sith and other Force-sensitives gather in the Force Order to learn, practice their skills, and explore the mysteries of the Force. As we are no longer officially part of the Empire, Sith are not the only Force-users that may train here.

  • In-character Leader: Eysia


ARD - Alliance Research & Development. Here, our scholars and scientists study captured enemy technology, acquire and unravel ancient knowledge, and develop new weapons and tools to assist in battling a seemingly invincible enemy.

  • In-character Leader: Vae'yada


AMD - Alliance Military Division. This is where development meets execution. Our spies gather intel, our strategists create battle plans, and our soldiers launch strikes at the enemy. Covert operations and brute force both find a use here.

  • In-Character Leader: Mativ


AUC - Alliance Underworld Coalition. We do not have entire worlds under our command anymore. We’re also up to things we don’t want Zakuul to know about. We need resources, we need them without getting caught, and sometimes we’re going to need a really loud distraction. Our connections within the underworld will accomplish this for us, for a price.

  • In-Character Leader: Xhera


So where does your character fit in?


We encourage all RPers to choose which division best suits their character’s interests and talents, and do what they can in their RP to further the goals of the Alliance. Whether that means gathering your fellow nerds to study an ancient text, or conduct training drills with other warriors, scheme with your fellow spies, the overarching goal of Legacy’s RP story now is to prepare itself for battle against Zakuul.


(Yes, if you are wondering, in our guild RP story, the events of KotET have not happened yet.)


The divisions are not disconnected entities. A Sith Scholar might lend his expertise to the ARD on a project. The AMD’s covert ops might supply leads to the AUC on sources of necessary equipment to “acquire”. Don’t think just because your character is in the Force Order, that she can’t bring lightning and saber to lead the AMD to battle.


So get out there and form some plans! Knock your allies around for “practice”! Network with some pirates! Lead an expedition team to retrieve some exotic technology for your next experiment!


And if you have an idea for a plot or an event, contact the officers to put it on the calendar and make it happen. (Remember, running RP events is one of the possible criteria for rank promotions!)

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Hey folks, couple tasty morsels of news on Legacy, Ebon Hawk's funnest Impside Alliance Themed Guild!


1. We have ramped up a Discord server so we're even cooler, and easier to keep up with all the delicious memes

2. Bacon is now hame end chiss and is gril irl

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Legacy is having its one year Anniversary event on April 29th! a year has pasted by and in that time we have Grown to hit 300+ Unique accounts within the Guild (Current for the past Month), Conquered 85% of all planets in conquest, Built up our RP to be something unique and great for all involving a In depth Alliance of Four divisions and our Guild story always expanding, Three Eight man PvP premades going at once (8 people in a operation group x3 yeah.. that active) 16 mans for the guild and numerous 8 man Runs since our start. We have expanded into our pub side and has turned legacy from just a guild into now a Community with our RP being interlocked. What has truly been the success of our guild is not the amount of committed members to the guild but the Roots that we have came from and with held, we have never lost sight of Friendship and communication being the Key to a successful guild.


I want to give a shout to all my Amazing members for all the awesome things you guys have done for this Guild this past year, We never stop being New player friendly or Veteran friendly, people have goals to strive for within legacy with our Ranking/Trial system, always able to grow!


so if you liked any of things i said above then check us out! Visit our Guild website below and see if it fits you! Legacy will keep Trugging alone! for the many years to come within swtor!




Come start a Legacy!

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This is a dead guild where only 20 to 30+ members are on during prime time. I mean if you don't like to enjoy in every facet of the game from pvp to pve, RP, conquest, talking with other like minded SWTOR players that enjoy building a community, in one guild where everyone knows your name, then you should probably join some other guild.


Seriously though. Great guild at great people. The GM is named bacon, everyone loves bacon amirite?

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<Legacy> and <Republic's Legacy> are still looking for more SWTOR obsessed casuals and scrubs to join up! We have events happening every single day, including:

PvP - both regs and ranked

OWPvP - come shutter with us on Iokath!

PVE - Flashpoint and Uprisings, regular 8M and 16M fun operation runs, and we have reset our HM progression for 5.2 as well!

RP - very well prepared RP backstory covering multiple factions

Fun events - Fox Hunt, Battlechess, Bullseye, Red Light Green Light of Death, and so much more!


We have a formal and simple guild ranking system and rotate our officer core multiple times a year as well, so you can always have the opportunity to grow and take a leadership position.


Visit us at ourlegacystarts.enjin.com and register today!

Edited by Baletraeger
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Our community for <Legacy> and <Republic's Legacy> passed 1000 signed up members on our website. This is a signifigant milestone and a great metric to show the health and continuing growth of our community.


If you are looking to join a stable and dynamic guild community, just looking for a change, like stale memes, into Chiss ERP, or just want to get sith done, come give us a try at ourlegacystarts.enjin.com

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Recently hitting 1,000+ members on our Guild website and 320+ unique members within our Guild, we have a lot going on, stress free raiding environment, active all through out the day.... its not every day you get to see 30-40+ players online everyday... oh wait that happens every day within legacy. With and established and Structured foundation and recently celebrating our one year anniversary come check us out and give us a try!


go to our guild website and take a peak!



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Legacy Continues to Grow. Two 16 man Raids Weekly among Numerous stress free Story mode 8 man raids throughout the week. Forum RP as well as in game Guild RP stories expanding our Guild story and Monthly Ceremonies to introduce Newer members into our Guild and Alliance. Active Discord, Active Community as well as a Active guild website.



so if you liked any of things i said above then check us out! Visit our Guild website below and see if it fits you! Legacy will keep Trugging alone! for the many years to come within swtor!




Come start a Legacy!

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