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GSF Nub - Some questions


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I've played the base SWTOR game for some time now, and have finally been tempted by the DvL event to dip my toe into GSF. Previously I'd tried the 'tutorial' and found it mostly just frustrating, so never gave GSF a second look.


Anyway, despite my general incompetence as a pilot, after a few battles I've found myself drawn in and wanting to do more.


I've read Stasie's guide, and got myself a Quarrel Gunship, which I'll concentrate all my efforts on. I think I'll progress better if I stick to getting vaguely competent on just the one ship at a time. I'm following his guide on which abilities etc to buy and upgrade, and when I move on to the other ships I'll do the same. I figure that when (if) I ever get more capable, I can then play about with other components.


Any way, my questions:


1. Is my general approach ok? I.E. is his guide still a good starting point?


2. I see a lot of reference in these forums to 'Type 1 Gunship', 'Type 2 Scout', 'Type 3 whatever'. But in the game itself there are no such references that I can find. Is there a post somewhere that lists ships categorised in this way? If not, could someone reply with those categorisations? It would be mighty helpful to me :D


Thanks for any help,


Edited by jojobanutz
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I've played the base SWTOR game for some time now, and have finally been tempted by the DvL event to dip my toe into GSF. Previously I'd tried the 'tutorial' and found it mostly just frustrating, so never gave GSF a second look.


Anyway, despite my general incompetence as a pilot, after a few battles I've found myself drawn in and wanting to do more.


I've read Stasie's guide, and got myself a Quarrel Gunship, which I'll concentrate all my efforts on. I think I'll progress better if I stick to getting vaguely competent on just the one ship at a time. I'm following his guide on which abilities etc to buy and upgrade, and when I move on to the other ships I'll do the same. I figure that when (if) I ever get more capable, I can then play about with other components.


Any way, my questions:


1. Is my general approach ok? I.E. is his guide still a good starting point?


2. I see a lot of reference in these forums to 'Type 1 Gunship', 'Type 2 Scout', 'Type 3 whatever'. But in the game itself there are no such references that I can find. Is there a post somewhere that lists ships categorised in this way? If not, could someone reply with those categorisations? It would be mighty helpful to me :D


Thanks for any help,



Hey there, and welcome to GSF!


First of all, I'd say that at least at the beginning when you're still getting the hang of controls, it is certainly OK to fly only one ship. I would recommend flying different ships later on, though, if only to learn how they fly. Stasie's guide is definitely a good starting point - that is, the builds there are all solid choices. Later on you might decide to deviate from them to your own preference, but they're all good suggestions.


Here is a link to an abbreviation guide, courtesy of Drakkolich. That should pretty much cover everything you need to know as to ship and weapon types.


Finally, if you have any questions check out my signature. Drakkolich's AMA thread is a great place to ask questions. If he's available he'll answer them, if not other people will too.

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Thanks for the swift reply, that's exactly the info I was looking for :)


Yes, I will try other ship types, but my pilot skills are so low that I'm trying to keep things very very simple at the moment :D


I find the basic controls bad enough to manage, 'up' and 'down' are the reverse of what I'd do instinctively, for example if I get flustered by incoming fire I tend to pull back for 'up' out of habit ! :D


It would have been handy if the Dev's had even supplemented the 'tutorial' with say some 'learner access' to a random sample of the battle maps that could be flown around in to allow nubs like myself to get comfortable with the basic flight controls. Somewhere safe to learn the ropes a little, rather than doing it while people are trying to kill you :D


Thanks again for your response


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Welcome to GSF! If you're willing to put in some time to get used to everything you'll find the community is very helpful for any questions you might have.


Greezt already took care of the links but if you do have any questions feel free to ask them in my AMA thread or if you prefer you could send them directly to me via private message. (Some players feel better doing it this way because they think their questions are stupid, spoilers there are no stupid questions if you really are looking to improve)



If you have access to a microphone we can also schedule a time to get together and chat and you can feel free to bombard me with questions.


Always glad to see new players enjoying them game, have fun and good luck!

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Thanks again for the welcomes.


I'm about 15 battles in now, and beginning to contribute to my team's efforts. I'm getting a couple of kills and some assists in most matches now. And usually manage to not fly directly into the scenery :D


I'm on the Progenitor server so will ask on Fleet if there's a GSF channel.


From what I'd read here on the forums I'd expected GSF pops to be quite rare, but so far have been pleasantly surprised. Just keeping myself queued while I go about other business has ensured plenty of pops.


So far so good! I only need another 2k ish Fleet Req and I can afford my 5th ship (Flashfire scout). Then I can finally spend all the req tokens I've accumulated!



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