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Darth Baras vs. A Box of Twinkies (spoilers)


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Your first instinct is probably: Duh, Darth Baras would win. He eats the Twinkies and now they don't exist anymore. And though we can argue that he also lost, since the Twinkies have raised his cholesterol levels, keep in mind the following:


- Twinkies almost died out as a brand and then were resurrected.


This fact alone gives them something Darth Baras has never had: The ability to come back from the brink of death and live on. Darth Baras, the piddly little man, got one big chance and he messed it up, even with all his crazy DS power and everything.


Well, Twinkies tap into the yellow spongy side of the force, which has its own set of powers, clearly. Also, take note: Twinkies are yellow. What else is yellow-ish? Zakuul Knights. So Twinkies are at least as powerful as five hundred thousand Zakuul nights. Why five hundred thousand?


Moving on...


All of this is 100% proof that Twinkies are a serious contender. I think we have to consider that maybe Twinkies could take on the whole Dark Council.


Stay tuned for my next versus thread: Theron's Hair Gel vs. a Black/Black dye module.

Edited by Rolodome
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