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Consular Story Continuity?


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(chapter 1 spoilers ahead)


So I decided to shield Yuon and kill Vivicar. When I was given the Barsen'thor title I was there to see Yuon talk about it. However, I later got a mail consoling me about the loss of Yuon. So, did she just suddenly die after the meeting, or what?


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Letter flags are sometimes bugged to **** in TOR. Originally in beta there was an option to kill Yuon Par at one point (which is why she never shows up again); that letter... shouldn't still exist but somehow you got it.


There are many other such instances where you get a letter that makes no sense given the events you played through, because you're getting the letter from the opposite event. It was very disconcerting getting a letter from Jaesa trying not to let me know she was despondent I murdered her parents on my DvL Marauder when I let them live for LS points.




Although to be fair they probably get murdered anyway because the real letter tells you that they're going to meet Darth Baras as a "welcome to the Empire!" thing.



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Letter flags are sometimes bugged to **** in TOR. Originally in beta there was an option to kill Yuon Par at one point (which is why she never shows up again); that letter... shouldn't still exist but somehow you got it.


Uh, you can still kill Par, unless SOR erased that choice and no one *****ed about it. And I don't thik this is a mistake, t very clearly stated that if you simply killed the Plauge Master, all the infected jedi (Including the ones you had shielded) would die. It's never said that they would instantly die, so Yuon still being there to congradulate you while diying later isn't out of the realm of possability.

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Uh, you can still kill Par, unless SOR erased that choice and no one *****ed about it. And I don't thik this is a mistake, t very clearly stated that if you simply killed the Plauge Master, all the infected jedi (Including the ones you had shielded) would die. It's never said that they would instantly die, so Yuon still being there to congradulate you while diying later isn't out of the realm of possability.



Yea, you can very much still kill her before you meet Vivicar. She even begs for you to do it in the meditation room. (Which, for some reason, is placed right next to the cantina.) I only chose not to because it was one of the very few dark side choices I just couldn't make. So I guess what must've happened then is that she died shortly after the ceremony. But there seemed to be no shocking announcement from the council about it, just master Jerik Kadan or however you spell it consoling me "again" on her death. But no one had said anything in the first place. So getting the letter seemed really out of place because I never saw her die and apparently no one noticed until Jaric sent the letter. It's all one big mess of continuity issues.


Edited by rhinoceroseosei
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Yea, you can very much still kill her before you meet Vivicar. She even begs for you to do it in the meditation room. (Which, for some reason, is placed right next to the cantina.) I only chose not to because it was one of the very few dark side choices I just couldn't make. So I guess what must've happened then is that she died shortly after the ceremony. But there seemed to be no shocking announcement from the council about it, just master Jerik Kadan or however you spell it consoling me "again" on her death. But no one had said anything in the first place. So getting the letter seemed really out of place because I never saw her die and apparently no one noticed until Jaric sent the letter. It's all one big mess of continuity issues.



Who WOULDN'T put a meditation room next to the cantina? I mean, seriously. Whiskey is a lovely pair to any type of meditation I have ever done... including moving meditation. Just feed the noise to the flame, man.


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Who WOULDN'T put a meditation room next to the cantina? I mean, seriously. Whiskey is a lovely pair to any type of meditation I have ever done... including moving meditation. Just feed the noise to the flame, man.



It was just really funny to be meditating all seriously and stuff and then in the background there's like really quiet peppy cantina music playing.


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