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Compare The Emperor's Wrath vs Darth Nox


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This is a question that I would like answered: what does the Emperor's Wrath have that Darth Nox also has AND does not have, and vice versa. Please compare the two characters on the following terms: influence, starting conditions(How they started off on Korriban in terms of status), power, strength, power in the force, attributes, political pull and power, resources, power bases, proficiencies, etc. . Please use objective facts from gameplay, their stories, and their lore when evaluating them. Please use as little, if any at all, bias as possible.


"]THIS IS NOT A QUESTION ABOUT WHO IS BETTER IN TOTAL! This thread is deciding who is better in each of the aforementioned areas. Please support ALL of the points. I DO NOT WANT, "This guy is my favorite so he is better here, here, and here." Use as much of an objective comparison as possible. DO NOT use ridiculous proofs because no, the Wrath cannot defeat the entire Dark Council at the same time and no, Nox did not increase his power by 1000 times his own power with ghosts.


Now, to give a guideline as to what may be within those lines, here is an example:

Quite honestly, on the topic of how Darth Nox and the Emperor's Wrath started on Korriban in terms of status, the Wrath was much more privileged than Nox as the Wrath started out coming from a noble family. Nox started out as little more than a slave, having come directly out of slavery and into the trials of the Academy. To be sure, this provided more of a challenge than that of a privileged arrival and treatment with little time to complete your tasks. In light of this, I would say that Nox's achievements during the time are more impressive, seeing as how he had not one, but two different people bashing on him and waiting to kill him at any moment.


On the topic of influence, political pull, power bases, and resources, I would say that the SW is not that far as he seems to lack much of a fleet, army, or system of favors that he can call in. As opposed to the SW, the SI definitely gained all of these things before he was even on the Dark Council, which gaining a seat on would only augment that sort of power by granting him control of quite a few fleets and armies in addition to the fleet of moffs with capital-class ships equipped with the Silencer cannon and his army of cultists on Nar Shadaa. In conclusion on this topic, Darth Nox seems to win here.


In terms of strength and raw power, the SW wins both of these two by a milestone. This is due primarily to the fact that this is what they are based upon as opposed to the SI, who is based upon unleashing relentless and punishing force attacks or using the force to make their attacks stronger. The SW is focused on being able to easily hack their foes to pieces with little effort.


In the category of lightsaber mastery, we can honestly say that the point goes to the SW, who has trained in the art of lightsaber combat. That is not to downplay the SI(if one chooses the assassin) as they can use the force to augment their lightsaber with deadly power. However, the SW still wins here as they have more experience and training with a lightsaber.


In terms of strength in the force and focused power, the flipsides of strength and raw power, the area is mainly dominated by the SI seeing as how they, at the Korriban Academy, were trained to manifest their hatred into the force, rather than a lightsaber. Not to make the SW seem bad because they do specialize in their own fair share of force attacks, but the SI is better here.


Now in the final category, attributes, all we are doing is stating how they are different in their personalities and inherent traits and how it affects their abilities. As mentioned before, Darth Nox started out as a slave and climbed his way up to power. The best thing that can happen to a slave is to become powerful, and the SI needed to be resourceful in order to do that. That plays into the fact of why he was more than willing and able to support the Silencer in order to gain support, manipulate a cult, and keep entire fleets under his influence. That same resourcefulness is also possibly the reason for his self drive. Naturally, his resourcefulness stems from his progressive nature, in which he seems to want to expand sith knowledge, which can be observed after the main story line, at the start of the Hutt Cartel campaign, where you see Darth Nox attempting to unlock the secrets of an ancient artifact. He basically represents the sith, which is based around unlocking unlimited power and fighting against death by searching for immortality. Also in comparison to the SW, his/her knowledge of the Sith arts seems to be a little bit higher as he/she for instance learns about the Sith Code quicker than the SW. This displays Darth Nox as the one that people envy more often and strive to be in the following regards: resourcefulness, progressiveness, ambition, ability to bend others to your will, and mastery of the force. Now on to the Sith Warrior. There is just as much about the Sith Warrior too, I'm sure but I can't really say as much as the SI as I haven't played as much of the SW. Now, what I do know is that the SW, being of noble blood, naturally is trained from birth to be a fighter. This is manifested by exclusive treatment. In contrast to the SI, who is very progressive in nature, the SW seems to lack the same initiative. The link to this is that the SW was not put in the same situation as the SI, otherwise the lack of initiative would not be there. The SW is more or less shown to be the one who is best suited to the role of the merciless killers who strike down all who oppose the Empire. This seems to work in tandem with the SI as the SI displays the principles of the Empire, and the SW is the one who enforces those principles. Thus, he is seen as a lone wolf who strikes down the enemies of the Empire. This is why he doesn't really need an army. Because he is displayed to be the ultimate lone wolf. And thus, my example of a comparison is over.

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Influence - For the most part they are actually pretty equal (Depending on your choices of course. THis being especially true with the warrior)... Until SOR where the Warrior's position as Wrath works against him, even if Marr gave hima shiny new title, the Warrior has probably lost plenty of influence.


Starting Conditions - The Warrior wins easy. While he is from a noble bloodline, the only privlege this gives him is that he doesn't have to wait months to take his trials; hell, it actually kind of goes against the Warrior when you realise that Tremel is basically painting a giant target on your head. Though the SI wouldhave struggled more due to the fact that he's a slave who ahs virtually no training in their supposed craft.

In terms of trials, I think the two are equal. The SI beats a weakened Dashade, while the Warrior is able to slay a beast that is apparently so strong in the dark side that Baras could feel it's death (The other trials weren't really anythign of note). Though I guess you cold say the Warrior gets kind of an dvantage in this one as he is able to kill his Overseer.


Combat - When it comes to combat, the SI far out does the Warrior in raw power alone. But, the Warrior outclassed the Inquisitor in skill, strength and strategy. Remember, the Inquisitor was never trained, for most of the story (Until at least the Imperial Fleet where you get the advanced trainer) he relied pretty heavily on just overpowering his opponent. Where as the Warrior is a master of most Saber styles, has a pretty damn strong connection to the force already and makes it pretty clear that he isn't just a mindless brute (Unless you play it that way). The Warrior is also superior when it comes to assessing a battle and forming a plan quickly, he's lead and strategised an assult on republic bases, and there are multiple occasions of him breaking down even jedi masters mid-battle (Nomen Karr beign an excellent example of this). While by the end of the story, I think the Sith Inquisitor has become very skilled, I think the Warrior's head start would make him better in that regard. And the Warrior has already had experience in facing opponents who far outstrip him in force power. Another thing to note though, is that the ghosts that the Inquisitor absobed do make him much more durible, but not invincible.


Compotence - This is very mixed as while Nox shows to be very incompotent a lot of times(The betrayal of Zzash and Thanaton were somthing Nox hould of seen from a mile away, plus not even bothering to try and research force walking before using it), other times he shows pretty good manipulation skills (Alderaan is a good shining moment for Nox). But the Wrath has many more moments to show off how compotent he is, how he beat Nomen Karr, converting Jeasa, turning Baras's enemies into his own powerbase before Baras even betrays him. I would say they could be considered equal in this field, but I kind of lean towards the warrior.

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Here's a bloody 26 page thread on this exact topic, literally half a page down from your own thread. Do people even read these days?

Actually, that is not the same thing as I was asking. I was asking who wins in each area and who has what that the other does and does not have. I was not asking who would win in a fight.

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Actually, that is not the same thing as I was asking. I was asking who wins in each area and who has what that the other does and does not have. I was not asking who would win in a fight.


That's pretty much the same thing, honestly. Especially after twenty-odd pages in the other thread.

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