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Treek & HK-51 Conversations Still Broken -- No Influence Gains. SIX MONTHS LATER!


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The title of the thread says it all. Both Treek and HK-51's conversations still gain no influence no matter what you select. As someone with over 40 toons, this is very annoying. BioWare, can you please. Also fix the courting gifts. They're still borked. :mad:
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The title of the thread says it all. Both Treek and HK-51's conversations still gain no influence no matter what you select. As someone with over 40 toons, this is very annoying. BioWare, can you please. Also fix the courting gifts. They're still borked. :mad:


At this point it should be obvious that they've deliberately changed HK and Treek to be like the CM companions and removed the ability to influence them through dialogue choices. Forces people to burn time and credits on companion gifts.


Nico inexplicably likes courting gifts. Toss the old drunk a few boxes of chocolates.

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This is so much a disappointment. (1) I search all over the galaxy to find all the pieces of HK-51. Who by all standards was a near perfect companion prior to 4.0 nerfing. (2) I spend some crazy amount of Cartel Coins to purchase the once totally awesome Treek (also nerfed at 4.0).


And now when I chat with either of them....NO INFLUENCE. Really Dev Team. This is a major ball drop. Why don't you just remove Treek from the Cartel Market. She has become no more important than a starter companion. Wait, sorry.. less than. No Influence.


HK-51 and Treek need to be revised. (1) Reinstate dialogue Influence. Can't see how this is hard as they had it before. (2) Make them better than any other companion. Both are unique and require special effort to obtain.


I have HK-51 and Treek sitting playing Pazaak on my starship awaiting the return of dialogue Influence. I am totally broke now as Treek has mastered the game and HK-51 is threatening me for my credits

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I must agree. I spent a lot of time, energy and money to either find HK 51 (and I so miss that kill shot every 5) and Treek, and they are now meh.


Bioware, are you trying to remove all the fun parts of this game? Trying to remove all the uniqueness of individual companions, especially ones WE PAID FOR or worked for???


YOU OWE US the value we used to get for our investment. Stop taking it away by stealth later. This is a big reason people leave.

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