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Body types 5 and 6.


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Yeah, the fat guys are unappealing (although still clearly strong, not just fat tubs o' lard), while the 'fat' women are really just extra curvy, not obese.


And I can't help thinking that obese people would not make particularly good bounty hunters/troopers/Jedi knights/etc. It's just not realistic to see a truly obese, out of shape person doing the things that our characters do.


And to the guy who suggested being able to adjust breast size: Only if I can adjust the size of my male characters' "packages", so that when I dress them in nothing but a loincloth or metal bikini, I can make male players uncomfortable. Only fair.


My body type suggestions:

pear-shaped women (the most common female body type IRL)

short, stocky, muscular guys

tall, thin guys


That's why I was recommending body type 5 from my first post. I'm trying to make my commando look like me as close as possible. Thin and tall, but still a certain amount of muscle tone.

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I wouldn't mind a breast size slider to be honest, not outside of what's already there but I like the breasts of body type 4 more than I do of body type 2. Generally when you are a larger woman, your breasts are bigger, yet I think Body 4 has smaller breasts than body 2. I also wouldn't mind body's 2 breasts on body 3, it would make it a little more feminine. But then I'm not really a fan of 3 at all so. ;/


I like body type 3 and 4 for females. I actually work a few employees that are kind of related to female body type 4 but don't have a large chest size. Instead they just got bigger butts. I learned over the past few years that they either have big butts and a small chest size, a large chest size and a small butt, or both small or both large. I love variations. :D

Edited by Clone_Enforcer
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I like body type 3 and 4 for females. I actually work a few employees that are kind of related to female body type 4 but don't have a large chest size. Instead they just got bigger butts. I learned over the past few years that they either have big butts and a small chest size, a large chest size and a small butt, or both small or both large. I love variations. :D


There indeed are variations! Though I do see fat girls with big breasts and butts the same as a skinny guy with abs. In most cases those features are unavoidable with those types of bodies!


Tess Holiday talks about her behind and chest a lot and how they're big, but it's hard for them not to be with so much excess body fat, it doesn't really count.:p


But people like different things so it's all good.:rak_03:

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