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BioWare Heed My Advice Before It's Too Late


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I did miss your 2nd point. My apologies. I know the resolve feature works fine for me. It fills up based on what types of CC are used on you. Different types fill up the bar differently. It's about knowing when to use your CC breaking ability in timing with the resolve bar to ensure a period of immunity.


The only time you're constantly flying on speeders is in the Civil War warzone. The other 2 WZs have timers on the force fields that count down via the Pokemon looking orb in the center of the field from 4 full quadrants to 0. CW doesn't have this feature and thus you ride speeders into the battle to control the spawn rate.


I'm currently using enhancements, a hilt, a crystal and a shield generator that I've made myself. All items are of blue if not purple quality and provide bigger stat bonuses than anything else I've found in the game for my level range. The crafting has allowed me to keep my gear up to date while I learn recipes to help my alts, friends, guild members and I can also make some money via the GTN.


I do think there are some areas of the game that need polishing but I wouldn't say the game is unfinished as you can play to max level and clear the end game content.


Thanks again for the discussion :)


Back to the resolve issue.

Some classes have ONE cc breaker until their late levels. This is what I mean with assymetrically acquiring abilities. There is no way a class with a 3min CC breaker and 0 CC until his late levels can do anything to survive lets say, a sorc. which has so many tools at level 10. This is game breaking for anything that wishes to enjoy PvP at low levels.


I must say the artificing recipes are underwhelming and you can get equally good ones from removing them from items you win in dungeons. I dont have use for shields/generators, I picked it up to craft lightsabers, something that only happens at level 400 skill (also a shame, should be able to make low level ones).



I dont mean that the game is unfinished, but there is just a lot more that can be done to improve the game and this is not a good sign in this day and age of competitive MMO's.

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