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reputation vendored weapons and the collections closet


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So, in a matter of speaking, having had this issue for over a year now, I've decided to inquire here and see if others have this same issue... This has to do with the named weapons you can get from one of the cartel vendors in the bazaar.


You know, the named weapons like Fortitude and Grit


Or Prowess and Valiance.


Basically, this is an unexplained error where when you pick one of these items up from the vendor the first time and lock it into use; you unlock that weapon and disable the apparent ability to unlock the other named weapon of the same type.


That is how I have surmised anyway; what gets me is that bw fails to explain this in any sort of manner on purchase from vendor [or at least, I dont recall any such explanation box given]. So if you get Prowess, but also want to unlock and use Valiance, presently it is not possible for that to occur.


Is it a design intention or is this bug in collections a bug by way of ommitted explanation? Certainly, at the time I got Prowess, I do not recall seeing any warning explanation where "If you get this weapon, you will be unable to put the sister weapon in collections" was given, so at this point, I assume it is an accidental oversight on the part of the collections database people. Thank you for listening, and if others have a similar issue, please feel free to add to this thread.

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