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It may not be easy, but the cat is out of the bag!


They could make the LI have the main spot light instead of Lana or Theron.


They could go in and retool the early chapters make some of the companions romanceable by everyone and then use them.


Kira, Corso, Jorgan, Vette, Kaliyo (though they'd have to rework some of her dialogue in KotFE too) and Mako. That puts it down to 6 of the original companions. All picked by the fact that they're the LIs with additional bonus quests.


Though some could say the likes of Risha and Nadia having lots of screen time before even picking them up could be a factor. Also, Jorgan and Kaliyo can be offed, so that might limit them too.


Either way, I think with a little retooling they could do it and hell, it would get people wanting to roll up all new characters just to romance those who were unromancable before.

Some are harder to work in than others. There are guys like Andronikos who is very defensive toward women and get upset when you're aggressive toward them. Although I doubt they would touch 1-50 again, it would be too much works for them and it would only appeal to a minority. They would rather focus on the expansion and new companions with Theron and Lana and put themselves on the back with the gay options fulfilled. It's kinda funny when they said they don't want playersexual and yet every romance and flirt option after the base game and gay for pay planets are playersexual.


It's not just Jorgan and Kaliyo, Vette can die as well. Almost all the companions from the base game can be killed off, so I think they have a stand on making the base companions expendable. They're not gonna have major roles, and even if they do, it's probably just moments in the spotlight before getting killed off like with SCORPIO.


I would totally subscribe for a year just to romance older companions again. Maybe even unromanceable characters like Tharan, he's a lot better looking and interesting than Felix .Alas, I doubt they would do that though. It wouldn't stop them from introducing new romances to the game. *Cough* Archann *Cough*. I'm not sure about females though, maybe the Sith Empress?

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Some are harder to work in than others. There are guys like Andronikos who is very defensive toward women and get upset when you're aggressive toward them. Although I doubt they would touch 1-50 again, it would be too much works for them and it would only appeal to a minority. They would rather focus on the expansion and new companions with Theron and Lana and put themselves on the back with the gay options fulfilled. It's kinda funny when they said they don't want playersexual and yet every romance and flirt option after the base game and gay for pay planets are playersexual.


It's not just Jorgan and Kaliyo, Vette can die as well. Almost all the companions from the base game can be killed off, so I think they have a stand on making the base companions expendable. They're not gonna have major roles, and even if they do, it's probably just moments in the spotlight before getting killed off like with SCORPIO.


I would totally subscribe for a year just to romance older companions again. Maybe even unromanceable characters like Tharan, he's a lot better looking and interesting than Felix .Alas, I doubt they would do that though. It wouldn't stop them from introducing new romances to the game. *Cough* Archann *Cough*. I'm not sure about females though, maybe the Sith Empress?


I think the about face on the playersexual was because they went one storyline route and wanted to use as few companions as possible. Either way, they know there are some popular companions they can bring back, put into the storyline as main characters and use them and make them LIs for all.


Even could use the one's they've already returned. Torian for all! No idea why anyone would want Jorgan :p

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I think the about face on the playersexual was because they went one storyline route and wanted to use as few companions as possible. Either way, they know there are some popular companions they can bring back, put into the storyline as main characters and use them and make them LIs for all.


Even could use the one's they've already returned. Torian for all! No idea why anyone would want Jorgan :p

Jorgan is very whiny, I didn't like him too much, but it's kinda funny when he gets jealous when you flirt with others though. Something I wish Theron would have also done, a little bit of jealousy show that you care.


Torian is cool and all, but he died, so they could really give him a big role. I think they would also get accused of being unfair if other LIs suddenly get bigger roles and the ones that could die didn't get as much contents in the expansion. Plus, the ones that are already there weren't available to same sex romance. I don't think they would change it if they didn't already when bringing them back the first time.


I can already see a lot of nerdrage when they suddenly make previous characters romanceable by everyone, accusing Bioware of being playersexual, and God forbids, asking for a toggle.


I don't find a lot of the male companions to be to my taste, so it's not really a big loss if they weren't back. The only ones I would romance are Tharan, Doc, and Xalek if they become available. Tharan and Xalek would be good since they weren't romanceable by anyone.

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Jorgan is very whiny, I didn't like him too much, but it's kinda funny when he gets jealous when you flirt with others though. Something I wish Theron would have also done, a little bit of jealousy show that you care.


Torian is cool and all, but he died, so they could really give him a big role. I think they would also get accused of being unfair if other LIs suddenly get bigger roles and the ones that could die didn't get as much contents in the expansion. Plus, the ones that are already there weren't available to same sex romance. I don't think they would change it if they didn't already when bringing them back the first time.


I can already see a lot of nerdrage when they suddenly make previous characters romanceable by everyone, accusing Bioware of being playersexual, and God forbids, asking for a toggle.


I don't find a lot of the male companions to be to my taste, so it's not really a big loss if they weren't back. The only ones I would romance are Tharan, Doc, and Xalek if they become available. Tharan and Xalek would be good since they weren't romanceable by anyone.


Theron cedrax ? Theron cedrax is a Fling for a female consular .


And Xalek can be killed or jailed . Or kept .

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Theron cedrax ? Theron cedrax is a Fling for a female consular .


And Xalek can be killed or jailed . Or kept .


Well, it doesn't stop Koth from being a romanceable character. They could still be romanceable, just not have a big role in the game. Xalek's voice is just sexy. :o


I didn't know Tharan was a fling for female consular, I guess you couldn't use him then if they want to include another male playersexual. All the sexy guys got killed off or could be killed off in this game, Marr, Archann, Xalek. :mad:

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About Aric, I was already a fan of the voice actor when I started playing swtor, so no matter what his personality I was already inclined to like him. Plus my actual husband's name is Eric, that helps too heh. Lastly it felt like a lot of the lines for the trooper were written specifically with males in mind - remember some class story npc telling us they'd stick their boot up our ***? So I could forgive a little inappropriate gruffness from Jorgan, being that he probably thinks he's talking to a dude most of the time.


His reunion in kotfe was incredibly sweet and earnest, heart-breakingly so. One of the most sublime moments in the game for me.

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Jorgan is very whiny, I didn't like him too much, but it's kinda funny when he gets jealous when you flirt with others though. Something I wish Theron would have also done, a little bit of jealousy show that you care.


Torian is cool and all, but he died, so they could really give him a big role. I think they would also get accused of being unfair if other LIs suddenly get bigger roles and the ones that could die didn't get as much contents in the expansion. Plus, the ones that are already there weren't available to same sex romance. I don't think they would change it if they didn't already when bringing them back the first time.


I can already see a lot of nerdrage when they suddenly make previous characters romanceable by everyone, accusing Bioware of being playersexual, and God forbids, asking for a toggle.


I don't find a lot of the male companions to be to my taste, so it's not really a big loss if they weren't back. The only ones I would romance are Tharan, Doc, and Xalek if they become available. Tharan and Xalek would be good since they weren't romanceable by anyone.


They've already gone back on things they said they would do, like bring back companions with KotET. No reason they can't do other things like...


Make those still missing companions romancable by all upon their return. Or even just some of them.


No reason they can't have bigger stories than the ones already back. Yes, sucks for some that already returned, but by that same token, it's not like all LIs got big stories in vanilla. Nadia? Don't get her until last chapter. Iresso? No going out to do mission quests with him, like knights can do with Kira.

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Lana is the most popular LI from Bioware's official data. It's understandable since there are more straight guys playing, but it's nice to see they show some love for women and gay guys with Theron and Koth if you're into him, I guess. I do feel like it's better if they focus on a few core romance instead of spreading out 12 or something romance, it makes them shallow. I always prefer quality over quantity. DAI was a disappointment when it comes to selection. Straight women hit the jackpot with 4 options, although I personally a bit disappointed with the gay and straight male options. I hope Mass Effect 4 will be better. I just hope in the next expansion, we can marry Theron and Lana. They have dated for a while.


You misunderstood the infographic. She is not necisarily the most popular, she is the most recruited. She is the first companion you get in KotFE and you are given no choice but to recruit her. You get Koth as a companion later, so he gets fewer recruitments because fewer characters have progressed to that stage of the story. Theron gets even less because he is recruited even later in the story and so the drop off gets bigger.

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Jedi Knight Sentinel (male) - Lana Beniko

Jedi Knight Guardian (male) Kira Carsen

Jedi Consular Sage (female) - Koth Vortena

Jedi Consular Shadow (female) - Felix Iresso

Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer (male) - Lana Beniko

Sith Inquisitor Assassin (female) - Andronikos Revel

Sith Warrior Marauder (male) - Jaesa Wilsaam

Sith Warrior Juggernaut (male) - Jaesa Wilsaam

Smuggler Scoudrel (male) Akavi Spaar

Imperial Agent Operative (male) - Kaliyo Djannis

Imperial Agent Sniper (female) - Vector Hyllus

Bounty Hunter Powertech (female) - Koth Vortena

Trooper Commando (male) - Elara Dorne


Sith Warrior Marauder (female) - Used to be Malavai Quinn


They broke up after his betrayal



Jedi Knight Sentinel (female) - no one


My other alts are still pending

Edited by Darth_Krushya
spelling, grammar
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Although I have almost one character per class, (save consular and warrior) my focus tends to be on my F!Trooper and F!Inquisitor. So, over course Aric and Andronikos are my favorite companions Pub and Imp side.


The voice work for both characters is fantastic. As far as the vanilla companion reunions in KOTFE, I think Aric's was the most in character and believable in terms of story. And, as I said the voice acting was great.


Hopefully there will be a reunion for the Inquisitors as well. Sooner rather than never......

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I know he's not an LI in the traditional sense, but I really would have liked to have seen more interaction between Jonas Bulkar and my trooper. Jorgan hadn't really appealed to me that much, so I always found it amusing when he'd disapprove/get jealous of the harmless flirting that unfortunately led absolutely nowhere. Besides, guy troopers got to knock boots with Jaxo, so it only would have been fair to have a little fling with the smart arse spy for the ladies.


Oh well, at least there's always head canon...

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I know he's not an LI in the traditional sense, but I really would have liked to see more interaction between Jonas Bulkar and my trooper. Jorgan hadn't really appealed to me that much, so I always found it amusing when he'd disapprove/get jealous of the harmless flirting that unfortunately led absolutely nowhere. Besides, guy troopers got to knock boots with Jaxo, so it only would have been fair to have a little fling with the smart arse spy for the ladies.


Oh well, at least there's always head canon...


Trooper was the first character my husband made when the game was new, so we didn't know Elara was the real romance for him. He missed out on it because he thought he was in a relationship with Jaxo and didn't want to be a cad for flirting with both of them, lol. That poor lonely trooper.


Anyway yeah Aric would get mad if I was even nice to the guy, I remember that.

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