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Saber poles and Zakuulan Shields.


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Dear Bioware,


I was wondering why you are not implementing the shields within the game to us as players. Ofcourse there will be a chance that you as a company will be putting it alongside the pole sabers in a Cartel pack as a platinum leveled item that the majority of Roleplayers like myself will probably never have the luck of getting our hands on or even managing to get it from the packs due to the rare chance of it actually dropping within a chest without spending several hundreds of Euro’s on the packs. I understand that it may have to do with the fact that this may be cumbersome for some animations on the character models. But would it not be possible to make it some form of adaptive armour where players can put their off hands in regarding troopers, smugglers, Sith and so forth?


I honestly have no idea how much effort it would take to have polesabers and shields implented in the game for players but. I would love to see it! Mainly because ever since the release of KOTFE, my self and alot of roleplayers had been asking for this. I hope to bring a bit of attention to this and see if it is possible!


Could we also get more headband options for Twi'leks please? The current customization options that we have with them are rather..minimal.


With kind regards,


Edited by Edictus
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I want this so bad! It might take them some time to get it implemented to player characters but they can use a lot of the animations from the Zakuul Knights already in the game, sin/shadow dual saber animations, and jugg already has animations set out for it (their default stance, back hand).


Really all they'd have to do for shields is make it an offhand (duh) but give it a model like how Merc, GS, Mara, and sent all have different stances and model for their offhand weapon.


BIOWARE PLEASE DO THIS! I've wanted it for so long ;-;

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Probably sounds alot easier than it is. Just making a shield offhand show as a shield wont work on most characters. Vanguards allready use both hands on their rifle, Juggernauts and Guardians use both hands on their saber. Only Powertechs have a free hand for holding a shield(i think), the other classes would need some work before it could work.
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Probably sounds alot easier than it is. Just making a shield offhand show as a shield wont work on most characters. Vanguards allready use both hands on their rifle, Juggernauts and Guardians use both hands on their saber. Only Powertechs have a free hand for holding a shield(i think), the other classes would need some work before it could work.


ofcourse it's going to be harder than it sounds :p it'd take a lot of effort from the dev team. I was just giving a brief description of how I'd think it'd work.

Also Jugs hold their saber/sword with one hand so for guardians they could copy across some of the attack animations from juggies. Again, that's just a brief description of how I think they could do it.

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