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Im still making huge profits from slicing... The Truth about Slicing


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Gathering nodes are bugged since beta. They said they fixed it but other than shiny animation added, the nodes are still bugged.


Well, the bug is now change, before bug, I can't hover over the node, now I can hover the node and the node change to highlightable colour but guess what, I still can't harvest it.


Wrong... They did fixed it...


When you can hover on it (I made the test with a friend of mine) and it's not clickable is because someone "clicked it" maybe got a skill up or not.. But didn't realized and didn't looted it.


If you find that are really unlootable like before (can't even hover over it) send a bug report in game with exact coordinate.


Good Luck

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Thats where your wrong. If another player with say Scavenging sends his companions out on a mission he recieves a product. That product can be used for crafting or sold on the GE.


And the value of that item is usually a lot less than the funds invested, but the only way to get it without working the clunky GTN.


Even after the nerf my slicer is still ahead of my more traditional crafter by a large margin and we're only talking skill levels in the 200 range.

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Wrong... They did fixed it...


When you can hover on it (I made the test with a friend of mine) and it's not clickable is because someone "clicked it" maybe got a skill up or not.. But didn't realized and didn't looted it.


If you find that are really unlootable like before (can't even hover over it) send a bug report in game with exact coordinate.


Good Luck


This is what I called bug.... Whats the differnce between a hovable but unclickable nodes and a node that is unclickable and unhoverable?


EDIT: Can you say this is not the case post-patch? Instead of not hoverable pre-patch, you can now hover it post-patch. I dunno if they are the same or not but the results are the same. Ungatherable node.

Edited by ryancwn
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I think the one thing this whole mess has taught me, is I'm not going to do crafting at all until the dust settles down. Who knows what gathering or crafting will be the next fotm and then nerfed into the ground?


There's a big difference between taking a skill down to the level of the others, and just slamming it into nothing. I rue the day I thought slicing sounded like a fun thing to do :p And no, I didn't use it for crazy profit. I play only one character and I had decent gain from it while spending most of my time ingame questing, and playing.


All the crafting needed to be brought up to par, not one way of gathering resources just whacked out of orbit. Ugh.

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I think the one thing this whole mess has taught me, is I'm not going to do crafting at all until the dust settles down. Who knows what gathering or crafting will be the next fotm and then nerfed into the ground?


There's a big difference between taking a skill down to the level of the others, and just slamming it into nothing. I rue the day I thought slicing sounded like a fun thing to do :p And no, I didn't use it for crazy profit. I play only one character and I had decent gain from it while spending most of my time ingame questing, and playing.


All the crafting needed to be brought up to par, not one way of gathering resources just whacked out of orbit. Ugh.


So you did it for fun and not crazy profit? So why arent you still doing it, the only thing that changed is you dont get as much profit, so wouldnt it still be just as fun? Or just admit you did it for profit... Ppl are so dumb... LoL... Heres a tip: the REAL professions are actually fun..


What do you mean bring them up to par? I make a ton from them... What par are you talking about? The par that you do nothing and make heaps of money? God damn it such stupid whiners....


You dont deserve any money if you arent gonna work for it...



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