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What's this about 500 CC for subbing by July 7th?


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Saw the promo in my launcher, didn't receive promised CCs after Tuesday's maintenance. Contacted support who told me to post here if they were not received by the end of the week. Of course I haven't received them yet...
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I wouldn't be surprised if at least 50% of the people here who are complaining didn't actually get the targeted promo but only *think* they got it cuz they see it mentioned here then their brains have tricked them into thinking they saw the targeted promo and are eligible when they really are not.


It's also ironic how people complain soooooooo much about the Cartel Market and how they'll never buy stuffs to support "Biofail" but then all of a sudden when there's free coins being given out and they don't get them right.this.very.second then it's time to go to the forums and go into overdrive trashing the game cuz the sky is falling.


They really need a *facepalm* emoticon here.

Edited by PetFish
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I wouldn't be surprised if at least 50% of the people here who are complaining didn't actually get the targeted promo but only *think* they got it cuz they see it mentioned here then their brains have tricked them into thinking they saw the targeted promo and are eligible when they really are not.


It's also ironic how people complain soooooooo much about the Cartel Market and how they'll never buy stuffs to support "Biofail" but then all of a sudden when there's free coins being given out and they don't get them right.this.very.second then it's time to go to the forums and go into overdrive trashing the game cuz the sky is falling.


They really need a *facepalm* emoticon here.


It's kind of hard to forget that picture of Arcann and his light saber... and not to mention they were suppose to give us the coins on the 7th... and then the 12th... and then... now what? I haven't seen any real trashing anyway, just people simply stating whether or not they got it, so stop being such a defender here and acting like were the problem and whiners.

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I'm still awaiting my coins as well. I contacted CSR In game and was directed to the forums. Which I find very amusing.


C'mon devs. I've been playing since launch minus a few months here and there, don't let us down!

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That's one of the big problems with these 'targeted' promotions. People might actually see the promotion in the launcher even though they weren't supposed to. On BW's end, they don't see the player as eligible for it yet the player sees the promo in the launcher. Player says they saw it, BW says they shouldn't have.


I can't believe it would come down to something like that but in the end, it's the player's word against BW's and I don't know if they'd willingly 'give in' and just believe anyone who claims to have seen it.


Either way, this has been handled very poorly overall with so little communication.

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Ticket# 28888738 If you think you are eligible to receive the rewards associated with our promotion, please report it on our official forums.


Regardless of the "eligibility" that was brought up after the fact, I had a screen in the launcher that advertised 500 Cartel Coins. I was a subscriber on the 7th of April and again on the 7th of July. My wife was a subscriber at both of these times and she had the promo screen on the launcher as well.


Since the appropriate course of action is officially for players to air Bioware's dirty laundry in a public forum, here it is. Yet another unfulfilled promise.


My wife and I are both still waiting for the 1000 Cartel Coins advertised.

Edited by DarthReklar
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I also did not receive my 500 cc coins from the promotion. I submitted an in game ticket# 28887267 and was told that customer service could not help with this issue and to post here on the forums. I do have a screen cap of the launcher ad if needed for verification, But I suspect that nothing will be done to correct this. So much for them caring about loyal subscribers.
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Talk about slap to the face lol....


Ticket# 28887345


I am Thorsten from BioWare Star Wars: The Old Republic Support Team and I have worked on the issue regarding your 500 cartel coins.


If those coins have not been granted to you with the downtime your account was probably not eligible for the coins. Since this was an action taken by the studio and our marketing department I do not have any further information on this.


I want to encourage you to post your thoughts regarding those coins in the forum as we do not have further information on this promotion and we cannot grant you the coins:




In there, others can agree with you or advertise other possible solutions, which will be taken into consideration aswell.


They just contradict each other now..

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I saw a promotion offer on my launcher. From what I am reading (in this thread) I am under the impressioin (from reading in this thread not something that I was aware of previously) that I had to click on promotion offer on the launcher. If so that is a bit off as I was just under the impression that all I that was required was to be subbed by the 7th and that you would recieve 500cc. If all it was, was seeing the message in my launcher then I have not recieved and cartel coins either.


This isn't a rant but IF you were supposed to follow the link from the image (by clicking it) then I think you should make that clear that is the case. Not something that just looks like some kind of reminder that you will be getting something if you have taken some kind of action before a certain date. I.E being subbed before the 7th.

Edited by GolgoXIII
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I submitted a second ticket respectfully informing the CS of the replies that had been posted here after the first ticket I submitted was blown off. The second response was even more direct of a "buzz off". I Can't speak for anyone else but I think that after all the various design decisions from 4.0, this and the DvL event, I will not be continuing my subscription after the conclusion of KOTFE.


This was the response I just received to my second ticket:


"I am [redacted] from BioWare Star Wars: The Old Republic Support Team and I have worked on your ticket regarding the 500 cartel coins.


First of all I would like to ask you to accept my apologies for the length of time it has taken us to get back to you. We are handling an increased ticket volume at the moment and working hard to get it back to an acceptable level.


I am sorry to inform you, that you were not selected to receive the 500 cartel coins. All eligible players already received their coins and therefore I am sorry that you have not been one of the chosen players.


I would like to apologize for any disappointment or upset that this reply may cause and I hope it does not have a negative impact of your enjoyment of Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic"


So as a previous poster said, the responses from CS are now self-contradictory. Either they don't have any way of knowing who was eligible, in which case they have no idea if I was or was not supposed to get them, or they do know and have been essentially blowing off the other people who have submitted tickets and were directed here.


Not to mention,I am absolutely certain I definitely did have this promotion in my launcher, unlike the first one several months ago.

Edited by Lord_Velan
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So as a previous poster said, the responses from CS are now self-contradictory. Either they don't have any way of knowing who was eligible, in which case they have no idea if I was or was not supposed to get them, or they do know and have been essentially blowing off the other people who have submitted tickets and were directed here.


Not to mention,I am absolutely certain I definitely did have this promotion in my launcher, unlike the first one several months ago.



They messed up. Now instead of admitting the mistake, they will try to deny everything. Like saying - if you haven't received CC, then you weren't eligible. Doesn't matter it is the opposite to what people saw with their own eyes, or even to what Musco said earlier. Seems like no concrete explanation will be given, just their word against players(which is basically a one way communication).

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same boat....saw the launcher ad "confront Arcan with 500 extra cc" i remember thinking , "oh are we going to be buying him off instead of kicking his arse?"

was subbed on the 7th as the ad said (again nothing about click on the link JUST be subbed on the 7th)

and nada..


EA ****s us again..


however don't blame the csr guys..they have no power to make these calls , someone higher up has screwed the pooch on this offer and they're the ones who get dumped on with the standard company line to use.


Its annoying , but I was going to be subbed anyway , and its just imaginary money ..so meh...

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{I didn't see the advert, but I want the coins I wasn't eligible for too, because I can't deal with life if someone is getting something I'm not. I don't care what the eligibility criteria was, if someone else got something for free, I demand it too}


EDIT: forgot to add {sniff, boo hoo, wah}

Edited by CrazyCT
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Like in my tweet to swtor and EM with the amount of mail spam I gotten with the start of DS Vs LS i have been reporting the in game mail as spam and the fact is I have a pic of it showing up on my launcher and the date i first spotted it. And now if I have to do a ticket well be a pissed off if I got a piss off like what they gave you.:eek:
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