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Maelstrom prison last boss problems


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Unremovable shield

For some reason he just likes his glowing thing. And its impossible to remove it as ranged group.

My group spent over an hour on that. At some point our commando ragequited and we got guardian... Guess what, we beat it on first try.


So... uh... could you allow ranged people to remove it too? With some item or something... i dunno.



Kilran positioning issues

Kilran keeps jumping back and sit in sniper mode before even pulling. It's kinda hard to even get to pillars, he just kills while we at the door.

Edited by unibim
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WAI, not a bug. You need to attack him <4m to remove this shield; this even works if you are a ranged player. It's been since way since vanilla, so if you had taken the time to look up a guide for this flashpoint, you'd have found out how to beat the boss.
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WAI, not a bug. You need to attack him <4m to remove this shield; this even works if you are a ranged player. It's been since way since vanilla, so if you had taken the time to look up a guide for this flashpoint, you'd have found out how to beat the boss.


One should not HAVE to find a guide to complete game content.


That being said, the boss was designed with a tank (and therefore melee) in mind. Therefore it was not a problem until TFPs were introduced where it was possible for all participants to be ranged. This is just one more issue with the implementation of TFPs.

Edited by psandak
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WAI, not a bug. You need to attack him <4m to remove this shield; this even works if you are a ranged player. It's been since way since vanilla, so if you had taken the time to look up a guide for this flashpoint, you'd have found out how to beat the boss.


It bugged out yesterday, we were literally jumping inside him all together.

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I've always found that moving about 5-10 meters past where he sets up triggers his stance switch out of turtle mode. It's never not worked for me. Ignore his hits (or LOS him with the pillars), shuffle past him to the stairs, he'll say his dialogue about being a super bad*****, switch up his attacks and his immunity will drop.


(I confirmed this again before posting using my merc in the tactical. Still works.)

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This encounter is very buggy, somtimes his defence screen goes down as it should and sometimes it stays up no matter what you do, and somtimes he shoots you right through the pillars. There lots of these bugs in the game that have been there for ages, (HK/Foundy goes enrage after 30 sec on a bad day, doesn't happen everytime but it happens). I doubt Bioware will fix it.
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