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Dark Light Items Bound To Character? REALLY ?


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So I reached level 25 , and got my 5 Pack in the mail ,

got 2 armor boxes and a Cathar Sword , But , since my Merc got the Sword its now just GARBAGE in his cargo becuse its bound to the toon ,


REALLY , can this stuff at least be LEGACY !

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I understand your frustration, but just as a heads up: you can have a comp equip the sword and then unlock it in collections; I think Tanno Vik or Yuun for Trooper? Also KotFE comps are an option too.

"Merc" is a Bounty Hunter. The relevant companion would be the obnoxious one, Skadge. (And for troopers, it would indeed be Tanno Vik.)

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These new characters used for the Light vs Dark event are just going to collect dust once the event is over.

I don't want new characters, I want to keep playing my original characters.


To make this LvD event worth it, the items need to bind to Legacy, so that I am earning rewards for the characters I plan to keep!

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