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Theory: Is the Outlander a god of the Zakuul Pantheon?


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So, I have a bit of a theory. What if we (the character) are the reincarnation or avatar of an old god of Zakuul?

I mean, I see more than a couple similarities between Izak and Vitiate(even though Vitiate is also known as "Slayer of Izak"... ignoring that bit for now.)

Prophecy is brought up a few times in FE and it would bring in a couple possibilities for expanding the storyline...


Idk, does this make any sense? No?


Okay, I'm just gonna sit in this corner and see if this turns into a discussion.

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As an actual incarnate id say not. star wars doesn't really work that way cosmologically.


that said, its plausible for the outlander to fit into zakullan mythos as some demi hero or godling prophecied to bring ruin or as the harbinger of some coming apocalypse.


apocalypse doesn't neccesairly mean a literal ending of all things. it could be seen to mean the end of and transition to a new way of thinking and doing things. sometimes accompanied sadly by a lot of destruction and fire.


its also plausible for the character to be mistaken as such. Quote" don't yous ee, the scar on your face, and the red blade these all conform to the stories. your Zisha returned, the goddess seeking her lost love after years in darkness. unquote. or the like.

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I guess great minds think alike sort of, I had already written about this sort of thing in my fanfic 'Marr'. I see the Outlander as being a vessel of Izax...and I think that's all any of the men were, doesn't matter if it was Tenebrae, Vitiate, Valkorion, they're all vessels to Izax, the Ultimate Devourer...we've seen evidence of things getting devoured before, like Nathema and Ziost. I think that people in the game would call Vitiate or whomever the 'slayer' only because they fail to understand that the devourer wasn't slain, but just took over. :)


If you're curious it's in my chapter two, where I alluded to it...



Edited by Lunafox
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I agree with others here, you are not any kind of reincarnation.


Now, whether you might claim to be a reincarnation, or others claim that of you, that's an entirely different matter.


I doubt they'll go that route with the story, but it's possible.

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I agree with others here, you are not any kind of reincarnation.


Now, whether you might claim to be a reincarnation, or others claim that of you, that's an entirely different matter.


I doubt they'll go that route with the story, but it's possible.


Well, for me I'm not talking about reincarnation so much as possession, and with what Bioware has done in the KotFE chapters where the Emperor is sharing a body with you, it's rather like possession, and I can't say I'd be shocked if this is the spin they end up putting on it. It's the only thing that makes sense to me personally.

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