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Some one please?


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Allright guys, i came back after 2 months of not playing.. now i am back on TOFN and EVERYONE is gone?

What happend? Can someone please explain it to me? because i have no idea what is going on ;(.


Thanks in advance


I'm in the exact position as you. I was off for a couple of months (since February). And looks like 'The Bastion' is in the same place as TOFN.


I hope they merge some servers soon. It would be awesome. :p

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So what servers are populated? And what do char transfers cost nowadays?


Not Bergeren, that's for sure. I came back to find myself alone on every planet I went to and 10 people on the fleet. I loaded up my highest toon with everything not nailed down and transferred to Harbinger. It's not exactly booming, but it's apparently the highest pop server and you'll actually see people while questing. There were even 60 people on fleet when I went yesterday.


1000cc for character transfer.

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