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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

what was stopping people from just, getting slicing?


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Like I said in many posts yesterday, only the mindless lazy man wins with this nerf. Which makes sense if you think about it. Instead of playing the game and enjoying it, they were sitting on the forums complaining.


Oh I hope to God this is a troll post, but I sincerely expect it's not, given the attitudes of most of the slicers who've been posting...


So the people that would rather take the time to research and earn schematics and put an investment into getting resources are lazy and mindless, whereas the people who click one button and send a companion to gather credits are somehow creative, active and engaged in the actual mechanics of the *game*? wow.


And if you really want to take it there, this post was made by someone who, instead of playing, was on the forum whining about the nerf...

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Simple question i really don't understand the answer too.


You're given three skills. Only one -could- be a crafting, but it didn't need to be. there were crafting skills, gathering to get mats for crafting, and mission skills.


I never really got the point of most mission skills, but thats beside the point.


What was stopping anyone from just dropping a profession, getting slicing, and using the "**** its sooo op" money to fund their crafting?



Because it is a poor game design if everyone has to get slicing to keep up with the rest of the economy. Freedom of choice is more fun in the overall scheme of things.


Think about it - if in real life, everyone was "forced" to bake bread in order to keep up with the Joneses, isn't there something inherently wrong with the value of bread baking and the economy?

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Because it is a poor game design if everyone has to get slicing to keep up with the rest of the economy. Freedom of choice is more fun in the overall scheme of things.


Think about it - if in real life, everyone was "forced" to bake bread in order to keep up with the Joneses, isn't there something inherently wrong with the value of bread baking and the economy?


I don't need slicing to lv up my crafting. I lvl up my crafting and gathering skill without slicing in beta and was able to do so and still get my speeder at lv 25. You just need to wise up on what you buy and do.


You use the money you gain from slicing and buy the mats from the AH since you sacrifice the mats gathering skill for slicing (and i think this is what they were intended for). The reason why gathering isn't profitable is because gatherer is undercutting each other by selling mats dirt cheap (I've seen plenty of 40 credits for 5 mats) and you guys base your income on a non-mature market and blame it on slicer about inflation etc.


When the market is mature and is inflated by the lv 50. Are you going to tell BW to buff slicing since the money gain from slicing is capped but the price for the mats you collect isn't? if not, then give me a reason why they should nerf it to 'your level' basing on the current market.

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I don't need slicing to lv up my crafting. I lvl up my crafting and gathering skill without slicing in beta and was able to do so and still get my speeder at lv 25. You just need to wise up on what you buy and do.


You use the money you gain from slicing and buy the mats from the AH since you sacrifice the mats gathering skill for slicing (and i think this is what they were intended for). The reason why gathering isn't profitable is because gatherer is undercutting each other by selling mats dirt cheap (I've seen plenty of 40 credits for 5 mats) and you guys base your income on a non-mature market and blame it on slicer about inflation etc.


When the market is mature and is inflated by the lv 50. Are you going to tell BW to buff slicing since the money gain from slicing is capped but the price for the mats you collect isn't? if not, then give me a reason why they should nerf it to 'your level' basing on the current market.



The way you describe slicing in the 2nd para is exactly what's wrong with it. In its pre-nerf state, it is by-far the most optimal way to earn credits and pay for crafting costs and all sorts of other costs. And because it is so easy to use and scale, it becomes abusable and it will lead to hyper-inflation whether in a non-mature or mature market.



If I was a developer, I will ensure that the total money supply/discharge is managed such that there is no risk of hyper-inflation. Pre-nerf slicing is too risky. If I had my way around it, I will make all slicing missions a confirmed net loss in lockbox returns.

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The way you describe slicing in the 2nd para is exactly what's wrong with it. In its pre-nerf state, it is by-far the most optimal way to earn credits and pay for crafting costs and all sorts of other costs. And because it is so easy to use and scale, it becomes abusable and it will lead to hyper-inflation whether in a non-mature or mature market.



If I was a developer, I will ensure that the total money supply/discharge is managed such that there is no risk of hyper-inflation. Pre-nerf slicing is too risky. If I had my way around it, I will make all slicing missions a confirmed net loss in lockbox returns.


If you think the money from slicing lead to hyper inflation, just go out and do some quest and you will see how much credits you earned just by doing dailies. It is not the most optimal way to earn credits but the fastest way to earn credits @ low level only. At high level, the credit gain from slicing is nothing at all compare to the natural income.

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