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New factions please.


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I've been loving the fallen empire story arc.

I love Zakuul: I love the culture, the people, the planet, the technology, the knights, everything and seriously hope that i will eventually become the new emperor of the eternal empire.

I would love it if you created 2 new factions.

The 1st faction being: Zakuul.

Storyline wise you could begin the story arc on zakuul before Valkorians death where the player is training to become either a knight, seer, trooper or <insert 4th class here>.


The second faction would be: The Order of Revan.

If i was magically transported into the star wars galaxy then i would be a revanite.

Revan is the Jesus of the swtor world and he has been there since the beginning.

I wasn't happy with Revan's portrayal in swtor as i think he should never of been unmasked and i feel like his popularity has suffered greatly because of how much was revealed about him in the shadow of revan storyline.

Those of us who played KOTOR 2 remember the way Kreia spoke about him. He was highly intelligent and charismatic. To stare at him was like staring directly into the living force. He was neither good nor wicked but a balance of both. He was both jedi and sith. Those who met him fell in love with him and many followed him into great wars.


The more factions the merrier i say as not everyone is comfortable with serving the empire or the republic. There are so many different factions in the star wars world so why not celebrate this fact in swtor. Who wants to serve the hutts? who wants to work for czerka corporation? or the exchange? Who wants to pe a peacekeeper of the galactic empire and to keep the coalition of the empire and republic in a state of perpetual peace? Who wants to become a master of teras kasi or a knight of ren?


What faction would you join?

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Neat concept, tho it most likely won't happen. I've thought of a few new Factions, but I never really said much mainly because the game hasn't received any new Factions, anyway, it was a pretty cool thread to read, and I'm always happy when the devs give out new content so who knows, maybe they'll decide to make a new faction and maybe one of your Ideas is one of them!
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I once upon a time had the ideal to have a neutral faction . Pull the smuggler and BH out as they can do jobs for either side add in the Zeison Sha and Jal Shey adepts from KOTOR(well had the armor anyways) and replace the two classes with a noble class(think Leia before she became a jedi or the ambassador from Essles) and replace the BH with the Imperial guard.


Many liked the idea but was never going to fly.

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I once upon a time had the ideal to have a neutral faction . Pull the smuggler and BH out as they can do jobs for either side add in the Zeison Sha and Jal Shey adepts from KOTOR(well had the armor anyways) and replace the two classes with a noble class(think Leia before she became a jedi or the ambassador from Essles) and replace the BH with the Imperial guard.


Many liked the idea but was never going to fly.


Darn, that did sounded like a really cool Idea, I feel like BioWare should make a neutral faction. Sounds really cool. Let's hope your Idea can come true at some point, most likely not, but at least you have a very creative mind!

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