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Questions about Star Wars: Battlefront (ea)


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Game isn't dead persay, but your going to be limited on what you could play. Game is garbage anyway as it lacks content, skill gaps, and is awfully limited in guns, customization, maps, modes, and isn't anything rather unique to the gameplay. If you're planning to get that cash grab wait till the second game. Edited by peter_plankskull
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I've played it, and I got tired of battlefront after approximately 2 days. Seriously, the game has less depth than.. like the girl i dated two months ago. It's no substance, it's like right wing policies. After the second or third question (second or third game) you've seen and tried it all. it looks absolutely amazing, but is seriously is just a game with movement and 1 button, fire. There is no tactic, no true mission that matters or no true achievments or conventions or interaction with other players you just blindly run forward and die and to the same again. If youre lucky once a game youll be a hero character and be able to one shot someone. In SWtor im a hero character all day and can at least do alot of things and there is huge potential for social interactions in this game, something with which the MMORPG community have been suffering for decades since wow vanilla. There is huge potential and incentives for cooperation and fun missions and raids together which makes it so much more likely that you'll enjoy the game and there is tons of content and viable alternatives; something battlefront doesn't simply have!
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