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Quest problems


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Hi guys first thing, I'm sorry if the subject do not fit the section but I found nothing about quests.


Back when I played on the level 55 extension leveling was a bit harder (for a beginner) no easy heroique missions et no easy flashpoints ( at first then they made Kuat) so I had to do every missions I could find to have a hope to level up my character and they were planty of them.


So here's my "problem" after leveling a lot of charatcers by only class mission and H2 I wanted to start another one and do no flashpoints, no h2, only quests cause i forgot a lot of them, but still I remember some of them and I could never find them again, like for exemple on hutta ther's an npc who gave me a quest in front of fathra's palace I tried doing all the quest on the planet going back to him, I tried beeing higher level, then lower, I never could do it again, same thing on dromund kaas i remember a quest telling me to see some npc for some top secret mission, a chiss, a droid ... then i forgot x) ... and there's a lot like that again like on dromund kaas I remember doing a lot more quests, and the question i'm asking myself is am I so stupid or did they deleted them ?

Edited by YukashiePikachou
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First of all - have you enabled "Show Exploration missions" on your map?

Second - yes, some quest givers have been relocated, like Revanite quest giver on Dromund Kaas. It is hard to say who was moved, better to look quest-by-quest.

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