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Did The Bastion die?


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I've been playing on the server since i got the game. But i noticed recently there's nobody ever at the hubs. It takes forever to go in a PVP match.. So is it time to pack up my things and leave? And what U.S servers would you suggest?:o
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  • 1 month later...
I've been playing on the server since i got the game. But i noticed recently there's nobody ever at the hubs. It takes forever to go in a PVP match.. So is it time to pack up my things and leave? And what U.S servers would you suggest?:o


This is the big problem with FTP games that don't try and advertise themselves 5 years after first release. IMHO games like SWTOR and Planetside 2 need relaunches, server merges, and some serious advertising campaigns. I hope this game makes a serious come back or else it might not be around for much longer :(

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There's plenty of people around, especially when chapter 16 dropped. I just don't think we're a PVP server. I don't pvp but one of my characters is in a guild that does and they complain about slow pops at times. However, they said that pvp is nicer now, no nasties that are cut throat out for your head if you don't do X damage, that those people all moved to Harbinger. If you're interested in ops though, I'd sign up. I just have no desire to do pvp.


Also, I think people do not hang around hubs waiting for pvp to pop, too many gold spammers. Yes, I used to see 120 plus people standing around the fleet before waiting for pvp to pop, but not anymore. Now there's a vanguard section for pvp anyway. Occasionally, I see a few on board personal ships, or Odessen, I've seen numbers above 40 on Tython and Korriban, and the same on other early planets. Yavin 4 usually has a few players around too, we've actually had to wait to kill the commanders/take turns there. You don't see many people on, but there is still a population. I have been in guilds with over 50 active people online at the time when the DvL started up. So the pop is there for PVP, but I strongly suspect it's more of a PVE server. I've even had guildmates acknowledge to beating a team so brutally that pvp stopped popping the rest of the night. And others say that they won't be doing the Pierce or the Droid alliance quests because it's PVP.

Edited by americanaussie
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  • 4 weeks later...
I've been playing on the server since i got the game. But i noticed recently there's nobody ever at the hubs. It takes forever to go in a PVP match.. So is it time to pack up my things and leave? And what U.S servers would you suggest?:o


I agree it is dead I was logging in to close my account but may give it a few days to see if we get a response ...but doubtful.

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Yup. The server is dead. It's been dead for a long time. In order to actually play and enjoy the game, we are now expected to either:

A.) Pay $$$/CC in addition to what we are already paying in subscription in order to transfer to a more populated server.


B.) Start over on a more populated server.


I love this game. Seriously.... I REALLY love it. Followed it for years in development. Scoured the forums every day. Played multiple beta phases. Hung on every word of every dev post, hoping for some hint at a release date.

The day that my collector's edition box arrived at my door was the happiest moment in all of the many years that I have been gaming.

I'm not going to say the usual "Blah blah, gimme what I want or you suck and I quit" BS that seems to by typical of these threads. I think it's safe to say that I will continue to play this game until they shut the servers down.

However, with all that having been said... I am incredibly disappointed that BW/EA would not do everything possible in order to keep a happy and healthy subscriber base.

If people don't enjoy your game, they will take their money elsewhere. I implore you, please do not kill this game.


Merge the bloody servers, for Pete's sake! lol



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  • 1 month later...
Yup. The server is dead. It's been dead for a long time. In order to actually play and enjoy the game, we are now expected to either:

A.) Pay $$$/CC in addition to what we are already paying in subscription in order to transfer to a more populated server.


B.) Start over on a more populated server.


I love this game. Seriously.... I REALLY love it. Followed it for years in development. Scoured the forums every day. Played multiple beta phases. Hung on every word of every dev post, hoping for some hint at a release date.

The day that my collector's edition box arrived at my door was the happiest moment in all of the many years that I have been gaming.

I'm not going to say the usual "Blah blah, gimme what I want or you suck and I quit" BS that seems to by typical of these threads. I think it's safe to say that I will continue to play this game until they shut the servers down.

However, with all that having been said... I am incredibly disappointed that BW/EA would not do everything possible in order to keep a happy and healthy subscriber base.

If people don't enjoy your game, they will take their money elsewhere. I implore you, please do not kill this game.


Merge the bloody servers, for Pete's sake! lol




I actually came back because I was afraid it was going to die soon and I hadn't finished all the storylines. My dearest pipe dream is that they turn the game into a single player experience when they finally shut it down and release it that way. I know that probably won't happen but I would hate the story told in this game (the first MMO I've ever seen that really focuses on story and being an RPG first and an MMO second) to just die like that before so many of us have experience it in full.


I'm a solo player so unpopulated servers don't bother me but seeing unhappy players does. I hope they do a server merge or something soon just for the sake of those who are quitting the game because of it.

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Bastion did die and it was so saddening as we watched it go down. According to others there are have been no plans to merge servers due to a server incompatibility. Yet BioWare just changed all the servers to mirror each other here just recently. I would guess that their business model is to wait and see if any of these servers recover and merge later if they do not. The decision is going to come down to whether the server is profitable or not, and Bastion is now too small to have much say.

Edited by pfeiffert
spelling correction
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