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Jedi Sage and Lightsaber Training


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I'm at the point where i choose my advanced class, I know Sages don't use the lightsaber in the game, but lore wise do they still train with it, or do they just focus on Force powers. Guess I can role play my character is really good with a lightsaber just doesn't use it.
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They do train in the use of their lightsabers, if you look at the way they use single bladed sabers in the few melee range moves that you do have they actually have a rather fancy way of attacking compared to the jedi knight class. They go so far as to regularly change which hand they hold their sabers in between attacks.


It also comes up in conversation if you choose the option that your character embraces all forms of learning and thus studied possibly multiple forms of saber combat. As a sage however they simply have no real need to use a saber because their ability to use the force is so advanced.

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As a sage however they simply have no real need to use a saber because their ability to use the force is so advanced.


Yeah, it's kinda like Jean Grey training in stick-fighting. Useful if something blocks her powers, but the other 99% of the time someone who can throw cars and buildings at their opponents isn't gonna need it.

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Yeah, it's kinda like Jean Grey training in stick-fighting. Useful if something blocks her powers, but the other 99% of the time someone who can throw cars and buildings at their opponents isn't gonna need it.

Or on a more human scale, self-defense oriented jujitsu training, where a good discipline will train its members against both right-handed and left-handed attacks. Sure, right-handed attackers make up 90% or so of the attacking population, but since Rule One is, "Don't Get Hit," you want to train for the other 10% as well, in case you meet one of them or in case you meet a right-hander who fights left-handed..

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Or on a more human scale, self-defense oriented jujitsu training, where a good discipline will train its members against both right-handed and left-handed attacks. Sure, right-handed attackers make up 90% or so of the attacking population, but since Rule One is, "Don't Get Hit," you want to train for the other 10% as well, in case you meet one of them or in case you meet a right-hander who fights left-handed..


Another example is someone like me. In boxing I'm a switch-hitter. I can go from a normal stance to south paw mid-fight to throw people off. All my life I've been ambidextrous. Getting comfortable fighting left handed and right handed people is useful, especially in competitive fighting scenes, because at some point you will run into someone who is either left handed, can fight both, or is as you alluded to comfortable enough to use it to throw someone off. Now back on the topic of star wars..


Niman is a style that was mostly favored by diplomats (which fits the kind of story as the sage) but it's more than that. It's a style where the lightsaber is secondary and the force is your main weapon. Force attacks are used in tangem of lightsaber strikes. The idea is to use the force to create an opening in order to strike your opponent down. Such as pulling someone into your blade or slicing them and pushing them away before they can retaliate. This definitely fits with the Sorcerer and Sage archetypes. It's not like they can't use a lightsaber. It's just both archetypes are so powerful in their force techniques they use their lightsaber to compliment instead of the other way around.

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To add he does use lightsaber combat in cutscenes and he is very fast with it very fast. He was once attacked by a droid a very fast droid from behind but before he could attack the sage he was dead the sage cut him. The sage also defeated a sith lord in lightsaber combat in a cutscene. I do not know what form it was it seem to be form 1 and since that for is taught to all jedi for a long time since their children until they become padawans he is probably quite proficient in it.
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