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New Jedi RP Guild <The Balance of Probability>


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The Balance of Probability


The current state of the galaxy is set after the events of the Eternal Empire revealing themselves to the galaxy.


Our order is based on the moon of Yavin IV, a world with strong connections to the Force. We use the Yavin IV Stronghold for the majority of the guild based roleplaying.


We are a Jedi based, heavy roleplaying guild on the Republic faction. We hold organised, regular events, with smaller RP sessions such as Master and Padawan RP on a daily basis. Some story arcs we have could span over the course of a week and sometimes longer. It all depends on the current story.


We DO accept non-force users in to the guild, however in order to fully experience all we have to offer, it is advised to roll a Jedi character. This does not mean that non-force users are not able to participate in any RP. It mostly means that they won't have the same rank progression as a Jedi would or be able to participate in the daily Master/ Padawan RP.


You can view our forums by going to The Balance of Probability here.


We kindly ask that you answer a few questions in order to join the guild when signing up, by posting in the join BoFP section of the forums.

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