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Vanguard Get Better at 50?


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Hard to say with no log but I suspect shield spec is capable of higher sustained dps due to stock strike cd resets and ammo mgmt. tactics has a better passive ammo buff but energy blast tips the scales. However tactics will have better burst damage with fire pulse and autocrit HIBs.


I doubt it. Don't forget that fire pulse costs 1 ammo and makes your next stockstrike free. Ion pulse has a 30% chance to make the next stockstrike free. Gut deals a not insignificant amount of damage, as well. Pulse generator stacks to a 50% boost to pulse cannon damage. The extra crit rate on stockstrike and the 50% chance to finish the cooldown on it every 4.5 seconds isn't going to overcome all the pure dps increases in a tactics spec. I'm certain tactics puts out much better sustained damage than shield spec


As for ammor regen, energy blast gives you 1 ammo every 15 seconds. In the same amount of time, cell generator will have given a tactics spec 2 ammo and be halfway towards the third.

Edited by GregP
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currently i see shield Vanguards being Top Damage, outdamaging even damage specced Troopers/Bountyhunters


biggest damage potential ive seen so far in swtor...


300k - 400k damage/ 60 kills + 40k protections on a good voidstar round is not unusual ... 12 + medals ... with 0-2 deaths


You can look at that both ways. We sit there doing low damage but we never die, kinda proving the OP's point. IF we never die, we never lose time respawning, instead we rack up points. Seen in every other MMO I've played, don't be delusional by those stats.


I'm only 31, I've got all orange gear with the best mods I can find, I find that I can tank no problem but it takes me ages to kill stuff. Its kinda getting boring.

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I absolutely love being shield spec vanguard and am always amazed at the things we can do. Our abilities make us one if the most OP classes in Huttball because of Storm and Harpoon and guarding nodes in the other two operations. I didn't do a tank spec to top dps charts, I specced it to be infuriating in PvP and reduced downtime in PvE during to being extra durable. I'm the one that holds the line. I'm the one that causes the confusion when guarding someone because due to other MMO's people auto-think "kill the healer first" 100% of the time.


That's my roll, I learned it, live it and love it and would be far more angry if they nerfed the abilities that help me define and play my roll just so that I did more damage which is almost EVERYONE else's job.

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It definitely gets harder from Alderaan onwards, but I enjoy it. Mindlessly blowing through mobs just makes the story seem less epic. That said, I group up with my brother about 85% of the time for some sweet heals. Between me and our companions I can take and dish out enough pain. We even cleared a heroic 4 with some help from CC.


I suggest teaming up with a friend if you're having difficulty; it's not just Vanguards that are having difficulty. Think of the poor solo healers! You can make each other happy. :)

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I'm currently level 37 on my Vanguard, and I'm finding this class to be absolutely miserable.



I enjoyed it all the way up to about 30, but once I hit 35 and playing with other lvl 35 players, I found myself being almost completely helpless in both PvE and PvP. I watched as countless other classes have shined (mostly Assassin/Shadow).


At level 37, I thought with my shield specialist talents finally kicking in it would finally feel like I'm a PvP tank... I was wrong... Totally wrong.




-It does subpar DPS for PvE.


-One Imperial Agent can take me from 100% to 15% within the round of one stun, despite spec'd as a tank.


-It doesn't feel like a tank at all in PvP, just a gimped class.

-I don't survive long enough to actually help people stay alive.

-2 of our most powerful abilities are bugged, whereas our counterparts do not have this issue.




I'm about ready to just drop the trooper and pick up a Shadow (which is a shame because I really want to love this class):


-More burst damage

-Tank abilities


-More utility

-More survivability

-More soloability



So, all I'm asking is if Vanguards are really worth it to take to level 50.


Just my two cents on this matter


I have a level 30 Vanguard that I am enjoying more and more each day.


Before I actually give my opinion on the class I will offer some suggestions that may improve your Vanguard experience


-Make sure you have the best blaster rifle you can have for your level through Flashpoints/Drops/Crafting/Commendations

-Best Shield and or Generator you can have

-Make sure you are prioritizing your main stats

- +Aim/Endurance/Armor Rating

- +Defensive Rating

- +Shield Chance/Absorption

- +Crit

The above is how I've decided to prioritize my gear and is subject to your own play style. It is nor the best or the only way to go.


-Remember you have selected to play what is essentially a TANK class. I personally see that as a consistent reminder to have the best equipment possible to allow me to do this.


Now to clarify things a bit and to give insight on what a Vanguard is and does (Again in my opinion)


1st point: PVP aspect

-I picked Vanguard because I enjoy playing Tanky DPS characters that disrupt and distract other players from jumping on the squishy players. The Vanguard Advanced Class seems to excel in following (Again in my opinion)

-Dealing steady and consistent damage to squishy less armored targets

- Reducing the amount of damage that my squishy teammates take through(Taunts/Harpoon/Cyro Grenade and Guard)

-Dealing significant AOE damage to multiple targets at once


2nd Point: PVE aspect

- Tanking

-Off Tanking


Conclusion(In my opinion)

If you wanted to play a class that

- Deals HIGH amounts of damage either ranged or melee

-Has rogue like skills

-Has heals

then you picked the wrong class


If you wanted to play a class that

-Deals consistent ranged and melee damage


-Protects squishy targets

-Defends objectives like a boss

-is an overall pain to deal with if played intelligently in pvp

Then congratulations you have selected the right class to play


Again this is all in my humble opinion

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