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Resolve needs to be fixed.


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Sorry, i was a little tired when I posted this. But I played about 9 matches last night and had operatives chain mezzing me, and using sleep dart on me while My resolve was full. Their is also the issue of my resolve bar emptying while I'm stunned.


Iv also noticed that certain stuns generate WAY more resolve then others. Electrocute almost fills the resolve bar while carbonite only builds like 1/4 of the bar. So PTs can sit their and chain lock a team in carbonite freezes, but if a sorc stuns then overloads, the bar is full? This just doesn't make sense to me. There is also the issue of resolve emptying before it fills, so stealth classes can reaply mezzes freely simply waiting for it to start emptying then locking you again. I like the resolve system, it just need to be fixed cause Im sick of being stunned while white barred.


so as a sorc healer you are complaining?

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so as a sorc healer you are complaining?


No, it doesn't matter to much which class I'm playing on. Whether its sorc healing, sorc dps, merc healing, merc dps, sin dps, sin tank, PT tank, OP healing, and even on my jugg. Resolve is ridiculous in the way it is now. Some stuns generate almost no resolves, while others almost fill the bar instantly.

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On my healer Ops I have to kite as well... I'm not impressed that resolve isn't ever intended to help me stay out of reach. On the other hand I was pretty ignorant about this and I assumed white bar would prevent slow going on. It means I can be more generous using my slow on someone trying to run me down.


Juggs must be laughing about this given they're all probably running around with Pooled Hatred saying yeah... slow me, I dare you.


roll roll holo vanish... thats not kiting. no disrespect meant but you dont know what im referring to if you think all that is kiting.

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My main pvp toon is a serenity shadow... I need to kite just almost as much as any ranged class. My point was that making slows affect resolve would hurt classes that kite. Imagine as a merc, every time you use blazing bolts your opponent's resolve starts filling. Or as a sorc, every time you use force lightning... This would give you the exact opposite of kiting, because when you'll need your slow, you won't be able to use it.


Sure, it seems nice that you should be able to run away without worrying about slows, but frankly melee suffer from them more than ranged.


A fair point, i give full marks for the logic. I think id be willing to try it my way though as at least then i would have some control of it. I could always spec out of that skill that grants the slow for example. I know only that it isnt working as is either.

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last i check you have to USE your CC breaker when you white barred, being white barred alone isnt supposed to stop anything


Actually, it is, that is its point, to grant immunity to controlling effects. It does not do this in its current form unless you want to split hairs as to whether or not a slow is a CC. To me it is, im not able to move at full speed, that means im impaired.

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Sorry, i was a little tired when I posted this. But I played about 9 matches last night and had operatives chain mezzing me, and using sleep dart on me while My resolve was full. Their is also the issue of my resolve bar emptying while I'm stunned.


Iv also noticed that certain stuns generate WAY more resolve then others. Electrocute almost fills the resolve bar while carbonite only builds like 1/4 of the bar. So PTs can sit their and chain lock a team in carbonite freezes, but if a sorc stuns then overloads, the bar is full? This just doesn't make sense to me. There is also the issue of resolve emptying before it fills, so stealth classes can reaply mezzes freely simply waiting for it to start emptying then locking you again. I like the resolve system, it just need to be fixed cause Im sick of being stunned while white barred.

You can't be sleep darted when white barred.


Every second of hard stun generates 200 resolve. I.e Electrocute (without +1s utility) gives 800 resolve. With +1 utility electrocute instantly white barres you when used. Carbonise is a 2.5s hard stun (without utility) and as such gives 500 resolve. However since resolve depletes at a regular interval powertechs can easily use 2 Carbonise soon after one another and not completely fill your resolve bar. As such, 3 Powertechs can easy enough chain stun a group of people if used properly.


Resolve should deplete, anything else is dumb. Running around with resolve until someone maxes it is just bad design. The current system works quite well, imo.

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You can't be sleep darted when white barred.


Every second of hard stun generates 200 resolve. I.e Electrocute (without +1s utility) gives 800 resolve. With +1 utility electrocute instantly white barres you when used. Carbonise is a 2.5s hard stun (without utility) and as such gives 500 resolve. However since resolve depletes at a regular interval powertechs can easily use 2 Carbonise soon after one another and not completely fill your resolve bar. As such, 3 Powertechs can easy enough chain stun a group of people if used properly.


Resolve should deplete, anything else is dumb. Running around with resolve until someone maxes it is just bad design. The current system works quite well, imo.


Yeah, but I do think that some abilities need to be looked at for how much resolve they give. Carbonize, Bubblestun, and Overload/Force Wave all kinda feel like they should give more than they do.

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Yeah, but I do think that some abilities need to be looked at for how much resolve they give. Carbonize, Bubblestun, and Overload/Force Wave all kinda feel like they should give more than they do.


Carbonize is a half-length stun, and the other two break on damage. Giving any more resolve would be ridiculous.

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Yeah, but I do think that some abilities need to be looked at for how much resolve they give. Carbonize, Bubblestun, and Overload/Force Wave all kinda feel like they should give more than they do.

I disagree on Carbonise, since it does give the same amount per second as any other hard stun do.


But yeah, bubble stun and the root from overload could use some tweaks. Though I would prefer if they lowered the duration of the two. Bubblestun down to 2s from 3, and the root from Overload down to 3s and break from damage after 2. Or something along those lines.


Not to mention, assassins shouldn't even have access to the root on overload in the first place. Not even an aoe knockback imo.

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Yeah, but I do think that some abilities need to be looked at for how much resolve they give. Carbonize, Bubblestun, and Overload/Force Wave all kinda feel like they should give more than they do.


imo, two incapacitating events should fill resolve regardless of time or type. which is just a fancy way of saying the same thing. carb, bubble stun, and *I think* lolslash are the main culprits here.


you cannot give more resolve to overload/force wave because it's a punt. the frustrating thing isn't the punt. it's the root. well that's a root, first off (not applicable to resolve), and secondly, it's a utility. you cannot attach more resolve to the punt when it may or may not have that particular utility. if the root were baked into the base ability, I think your suggestion would be more realistic. then again, I think the option of such a utility, at the minimum, should be available to all cast classes. I would happily exchange the crap skillful utility that makes merc punt longer and adds a relatively useless root on RP for a root on my unbuffed punt.

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imo, two incapacitating events should fill resolve regardless of time or type. which is just a fancy way of saying the same thing. carb, bubble stun, and *I think* lolslash are the main culprits here.


you cannot give more resolve to overload/force wave because it's a punt. the frustrating thing isn't the punt. it's the root. well that's a root, first off (not applicable to resolve), and secondly, it's a utility. you cannot attach more resolve to the punt when it may or may not have that particular utility. if the root were baked into the base ability, I think your suggestion would be more realistic. then again, I think the option of such a utility, at the minimum, should be available to all cast classes. I would happily exchange the crap skillful utility that makes merc punt longer and adds a relatively useless root on RP for a root on my unbuffed punt.


Yeah, I understand that it'd be difficult to balance, but.. when I'm playing my marauder or even sometimes my op, with the current state of class balance (sorcs everywhere), getting bubblestunned and overload rooted every 10-15 seconds is kinda ridiculous. You can get bubblestunned like 4 times in a row without being whitebarred.


In a controlled environment, it's not an issue. However, when you get bubblestunned by the random sorc nearby that you're not even fighting, and he didn't target you to initiate such a controlling effect... yeah, it's dumb.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Actually, it is, that is its point, to grant immunity to controlling effects. It does not do this in its current form unless you want to split hairs as to whether or not a slow is a CC. To me it is, im not able to move at full speed, that means im impaired.


I said STOP and it dont, i didnt say anything about it slowing you, either way the CC breaker should be used when you are white barred. to get it full effect.


IMO Resolve isnt the solution, they should limit pvp to only have 1 cc/stun/mezz per person or what ever you want to call it , including grenades. but then people would complain about that too. there are to many cc/stun/mezz and to many get jail bs skill compared to when they launched it seem to be gett worse with each new level cap cause they add more of that stuff.

Edited by Kyuuu
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roll roll holo vanish... thats not kiting. no disrespect meant but you dont know what im referring to if you think all that is kiting.

If I'm "immobilised or hindered" I can't roll. Vanish is every 2 mins and only if I can get clear enough to use it. Holo can be used if I talent it, but I don't like to rely on holo as that can be very sketchy and has killed me a few times; but I can use that every 45 seconds. In between the 2 mins of vanish, you better believe I'm kiting and pillar humping my little heart out.

Edited by Rantank
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You can't be sleep darted when white barred.


Every second of hard stun generates 200 resolve. I.e Electrocute (without +1s utility) gives 800 resolve. With +1 utility electrocute instantly white barres you when used. Carbonise is a 2.5s hard stun (without utility) and as such gives 500 resolve. However since resolve depletes at a regular interval powertechs can easily use 2 Carbonise soon after one another and not completely fill your resolve bar. As such, 3 Powertechs can easy enough chain stun a group of people if used properly.


Resolve should deplete, anything else is dumb. Running around with resolve until someone maxes it is just bad design. The current system works quite well, imo.


That is not how resolve works...every form of cc generates a set amount of resolve. Carbonise generates 375 resolve. Electrocute generates 800. Electrodart generates 900. Spike generates 300. Jugg slap generates 950. Iv sat in warzones and had friends use stuns on me so we could see how resolves works. If your resolve is maxed with a hard stun, you CAN still be sleep darted. We tested this. It is also really dumb how mind trap builds 900 resolve, but sleepdart and flashbang only build 700? How does this make sense?

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