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Black and Black dye

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Black and Black dye along with the white/black variants should be weekly sales at least once a month, the scarcity for something so simple is absurd. Any chance we can make this happen? Once a month shouldn't be a big deal. Granted, I've seen it a couple of times in the last couple of months. So maybe, that is what they are aiming for - thoughts?


I know personally, I'd shell out some bucks for them so it definitely wouldn't hurt their profits from cartel coins.

Edited by Cupcakesforsatan
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Part of the reason it remains so scarce is Because they charge such a stupid amount for them. Wasn't it like 2000cc?

If that's the case... or rather, was the case...


I just facepalm.


As someone who goes through dye like candy, all I can say is, making a dye that expensive and that scarce just means I will never, ever get it and I will use other dyes. I have limits to how much time and/or money I'm going to throw away on a one-time use item.


If it was an account unlock, maybe I'd understand. But a consumable? I just... I can't even wrap my head around it...


I can't even make sense in my head, the reasoning behind manufactured scarcity and exorbitant prices for virtual consumables. The whole reason companies that make physical goods halt production is because they don't want to be left with hundreds or thousands of physical units sitting unsold in a warehouse. Letting peoples' desire for the halted product build for a later, smaller release is just an added bonus and a way to justify manufacturing the product a few more times.


For the reason of built up desire, it makes a kind of sense for virtual items that are not consumables. After all, you don't want everyone to unlock all their stuff instantly and then stop paying attention. But for consumables???

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If that's the case... or rather, was the case...


I just facepalm.


As someone who goes through dye like candy, all I can say is, making a dye that expensive and that scarce just means I will never, ever get it and I will use other dyes. I have limits to how much time and/or money I'm going to throw away on a one-time use item.


If it was an account unlock, maybe I'd understand. But a consumable? I just... I can't even wrap my head around it...


I can't even make sense in my head, the reasoning behind manufactured scarcity and exorbitant prices for virtual consumables. The whole reason companies that make physical goods halt production is because they don't want to be left with hundreds or thousands of physical units sitting unsold in a warehouse. Letting peoples' desire for the halted product build for a later, smaller release is just an added bonus and a way to justify manufacturing the product a few more times.


For the reason of built up desire, it makes a kind of sense for virtual items that are not consumables. After all, you don't want everyone to unlock all their stuff instantly and then stop paying attention. But for consumables???


Isn't it unlockable in collections?

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No dyes are not in Collections, and yes Black and black dye is 2,000 CC"s when they do put it on the Cartel Market. BW has put that dye extremely high priced, so even the GTN cost for it will also be high.
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Question: If these dyes were made less expensive and therefore more prevalent would you still want them?


Point is, be careful what you wish for.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I would. I use dyes for the fashion fun of it, not because they're prestigious. In every game I've played, they make dyes like black harder to obtain because they know people want them a lot.


It's not as if it's some fabricated idea based on how rare it is. People just love looking like darth vader, or a ninja, or whatever. Black is a cool color to a lot of people.


This idea that people don't want things if they are common is partially true, but it's not the whole picture. Items that are, on average, prettier or more desirable to the human eye invariably end up as rarer items. It's not an accident.


Also, dyes are consumable, so I'm always going to want them, as long as I keep messing with outfits.

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Question: If these dyes were made less expensive and therefore more prevalent would you still want them?


Point is, be careful what you wish for.


Yes, definitely. black and black is great for my DS characters and white and white for my trooper characters. This includes my companions as well. It makes no difference to me how many other players would use the same appearance. A lot of players want the 'movie' look and these dyes allow that on a lot of costumes.

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I've never understood why the dyes are so ridiculously hard to get. I'd love to have black/black dyes on my imperial characters, but the cost & rarity are absurd.


You're exactly why Black/Black, Black/White, and White/Black dyes are so expensive. Imperial players outnumber Republic about 4:1 on most servers. Which do you think will generate a boatload of revenue? Making grimdark color schemes easily obtainable... or sell them for $20 each?

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You're exactly why Black/Black, Black/White, and White/Black dyes are so expensive. Imperial players outnumber Republic about 4:1 on most servers. Which do you think will generate a boatload of revenue? Making grimdark color schemes easily obtainable... or sell them for $20 each?

Eh, that logic only goes so far though. Makes sense for a brief spike of revenue, while your product is up for straight sale. But if the price is too high for a lot of people, or you remove it from sale, that magical "boatload of revenue" doesn't exactly pull consistent profit.

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Eh, that logic only goes so far though. Makes sense for a brief spike of revenue, while your product is up for straight sale. But if the price is too high for a lot of people, or you remove it from sale, that magical "boatload of revenue" doesn't exactly pull consistent profit.


Limited time offers - which is to say, putting the aforementioned dyes on the CM only once every couple of months - do tend to cause huge revenue spikes. I worked for a decade in fast food and I can tell you that around half of meal sales whenever there's a limited time special (ie. some short-duration menu item that'll only be around for a month or two) are that special item.


It's probably not quite that high with the CM (I'm willing to bet good money that there are many people who buy dozens of hypercrates every time a new one shows up), but I'm sure those Black/White combo dyes for 2,000 coins cause pretty big revenue splashes, especially from people on RP servers.

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Question: If these dyes were made less expensive and therefore more prevalent would you still want them?


Point is, be careful what you wish for.


You're seriously suggesting that every player rolling a sith wouldn't want a black/black dye for at least one of their toons?

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I'd like them to be back in fluctuation cause atm there like 25-50m on Harb, and they usually sold for 3-5m in the past, a big diff. But not as easy to get everytime, just have them permanently on the CM for max price 2.5k cc i believe it was the max price for b/b and 1.5k for w/w if i remembered, but just have sales every now and then Edited by Theeko
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You're seriously suggesting that every player rolling a sith wouldn't want a black/black dye for at least one of their toons?

My Sin uses the Ravager set (when she wants to look like a Sith Lord, which isn't very often), and it is already black.


My Mara uses the set from the character creation screen.


My Toggie Jugg uses the Zakuul Knight set (but shouldn't because it clips like crazy on her lekku) because it's default colour is "golden" like she is.


My Lightning Sorc goes for purple stuff, and uses the Xoxxaan (?sp) set in its native colour because it glows purple excellently when she uses certain skills.


I have a lowbie SW who uses the Ravager set, but it doesn't need to be dyed because it is already black.


My other Sorc-to-be uses the RV-03 Speedsuit because it's the closest thing I could find to a Tron suit. It is just fine in its default colours.


So no, I don't want black/black for my Sith types, thanks.


I've only used black/black on one character, and I *deleted* the module because it looked awful. My Vanguard (not a Sith at all) rolled black/black on the dye module in one of the Cantina Tour packs, so I tried it on his Tactical Infantry set. No, that set looks just fine in its native colour scheme, thanks.

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Yeah, that's great. Good for you.You want a little medal? A cookie? How does it feel to be the one exception out of a hundred? Was it that important to stand up for yourself and proudly say, "This is a thing that I care in no way about!" in a thread where people want to see it made more available, thereby attempting to sabotage it? Were you being so drearily pedantic that you were actually bothered that I said every instead of just 99%? Or do you just like being contrarian for its own sake?

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Dyes are a thing I don't consider their rarity for. I sort through dyes based on what looks good and what doesn't. Their price and rarity is irrelevant.


So even if they made black/black dyes drop off every mob in the game, it wouldn't change my want or desire to use them.

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Yeah, that's great. Good for you.You want a little medal? A cookie? How does it feel to be the one exception out of a hundred? Was it that important to stand up for yourself and proudly say, "This is a thing that I care in no way about!" in a thread where people want to see it made more available, thereby attempting to sabotage it? Were you being so drearily pedantic that you were actually bothered that I said every instead of just 99%? Or do you just like being contrarian for its own sake?


To be honest, no, I don't really care one way or another about black/black dye *for itself*. I tried the one I got because it was free (and bound to that character, a trooper). And yes, in essence, I was being contrarian because I like to do that once in a while, and pointing out the folly of making sweeping generalisations like that is the particular sort of contrarianness I like. My experience is that it is often better to use black/dark-colour or black/deep-colour (or in a few cases, deep-colour/black - I have a pair of boots where the majority of the boot is secondary rather than primary) than it is to use black/black.


All that said, I would actually support having these modules easier to get. That is, available in the CM(1) more often or even all the time, and available for a less stupid price.


(1) There's a separate debate as to whether cosmetic consumables like dye modules should *ever* be in the CM. If they were reusable, I'd be less conflicted about it.

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Thank you to those who responded. The reason I asked the question:


Question: If these dyes were made less expensive and therefore more prevalent would you still want them?


Point is, be careful what you wish for.


Is because I remember in EQ1 when armor dye was introduced and in all candor it was obscene how many characters were ALL black or ALL white and the fights that ensued in chat because player X "stole" player Y's appearance.


It got so bad that my friends and I went totally contrarian and our armor was "rainbow dyed" (every armor piece a different color; we even went so far as to coordinate our efforts so that none of us had the same piece of armor be the same color). Then over the course of several months and us grouping together constantly, other players - relative strangers (we may have grouped with them at one point or another, or they saw us in an area and we chatted) - started duplicating our "rainbow armor."


My point is that armor dye is an opportunity to be unique and you all just want to be the same, but some will still want to believe they are unique and then get upset when they realize they are not.

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Thank you to those who responded. The reason I asked the question:




Is because I remember in EQ1 when armor dye was introduced and in all candor it was obscene how many characters were ALL black or ALL white and the fights that ensued in chat because player X "stole" player Y's appearance.


It got so bad that my friends and I went totally contrarian and our armor was "rainbow dyed" (every armor piece a different color; we even went so far as to coordinate our efforts so that none of us had the same piece of armor be the same color). Then over the course of several months and us grouping together constantly, other players - relative strangers (we may have grouped with them at one point or another, or they saw us in an area and we chatted) - started duplicating our "rainbow armor."


My point is that armor dye is an opportunity to be unique and you all just want to be the same, but some will still want to believe they are unique and then get upset when they realize they are not.

This is why I mix and match pieces to make my own outfits. Not only do I get to be proud of what I've made, but I can know that it's something I put together with my own mind, not a copy.


As far as color goes though, especially with how lighting can be in games like this, color for me is more just a matter of "can I find the color(s) that works well with this skin tone, hair color, etc.?" With all the crazy alien skin tones, on top of lighting oversaturation, it can be hard sometimes to find a single color that fits well. For instance, medium gray is about the only color I've found that looks good on the darker blue color twilek.


I think white and black appeal to most people (in part, not the whole reason) because they are simple colors that look ok on a lot of different skin tones, hair colors, etc. It's very easy to look cool with those colors, if you aren't caring about the close-up details.

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You're seriously suggesting that every player rolling a sith wouldn't want a black/black dye for at least one of their toons?


Yea. Mine. I don't use black/black on any of my imp toons. I prefer black/purple instead of the black/black and I have 4-5 imp toons none of them with black/black on any of the 16 outfits they all have.

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