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Sith Marauders... Underpowered?


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The answer to this question is simply yes. At lvl 46 is when i currently write this. Marauders have No real stun abilities in PvP and the 1 we have is and ability to stun droids.. Which don't get me wrong is extremely helpful. This classes damage is extremely infereror to the other classes available for play and its survivability is less than a light armor ranged. This issue needs to be addressed immediately because at the moment Marauders are useless. I love my marauder but it is extremely pointless to play this class. Unless you want to be at a complete disadvantage in PvP and im assuming damage in PvE.


Also A Sith Jug or a Jedi Guardian should not out dps me as a marauder.. The marauder/sentinel is a pure dps class. THEY SHOULD DO MORE DPS!! its just makes sense.


On the bright side ya'll made an amazing game it just has some balance issues mainly what I've seen so far in PvP.

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I would have to agree my dps is low compared to other class's and I'm meant to be just dps, than there moves like pummel strike and savage kick which I get to use very rarely because they need to be under an a effect that I cant give them all the time.


Rage needs to be fixed as well some times I have to much rage and all my rage user spells are on cool down or the opposite I cant seem to build enough rage to use anything. There's even times were I'm just standing there doing barely any dmg trying to build rage.


Viscous slash needs to be quicker at the moment it seems to have a 1 sec channel before it dose any dmg and while I'm using it I cant cast anything so to do 400 dmg at my lvl to use one spell, when I can use 2 and do more dmg I usually never use viscous slash because its so broken.


Alot needs to be done to fix Sith Marauders there broken atm imo.

Edited by bluezues
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Marauder is garbage for PvP. I have come to this conclusion after many frustrating games of being stunned, knocked back, pulled back, have my charged target get pulled from me, and 3 shot by ops. Marauder has so much build up for their burst as well as build up for their utility (predation) as well as no real self healing potential.
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I'd have to disagree, and so would my mates who pvp with me. Go carnage, get a pocket healer. use your defensive CD's at the right time and you will steamroll through groups of jedi .

I can see why people complain, its really annoying when you get focused all the time and bla bla, but remember your not a fury warrior from wow, your more like a fury paperdoll. you just need to have an IQ, bind ~20 skills and dont mindlessly tunnel targets. you can pretty much kill light-medium armor targets in less than 8 globals.

O well, if we get buffed im going to have great fun for a week or 2, untill they then realise we were already abit op and nerf us even more than we are now. If people would l2p instead of spending all their time crying on forums then they would get to lvl 50 and realise how well your moves compliment each other.

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I'd have to disagree, and so would my mates who pvp with me. Go carnage, get a pocket healer. use your defensive CD's at the right time and you will steamroll through groups of jedi .

I can see why people complain, its really annoying when you get focused all the time and bla bla, but remember your not a fury warrior from wow, your more like a fury paperdoll. you just need to have an IQ, bind ~20 skills and dont mindlessly tunnel targets. you can pretty much kill light-medium armor targets in less than 8 globals.

O well, if we get buffed im going to have great fun for a week or 2, untill they then realise we were already abit op and nerf us even more than we are now. If people would l2p instead of spending all their time crying on forums then they would get to lvl 50 and realise how well your moves compliment each other.


Sorry, having a pocket healer against a bunch of unorganized low levels in WZ doesn't make us any better than the 100 thousand knock backs and stuns and mass utility from other classes. Nice try.

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I'd have to disagree, and so would my mates who pvp with me. Go carnage, get a pocket healer. use your defensive CD's at the right time and you will steamroll through groups of jedi .

I can see why people complain, its really annoying when you get focused all the time and bla bla, but remember your not a fury warrior from wow, your more like a fury paperdoll. you just need to have an IQ, bind ~20 skills and dont mindlessly tunnel targets. you can pretty much kill light-medium armor targets in less than 8 globals.

O well, if we get buffed im going to have great fun for a week or 2, untill they then realise we were already abit op and nerf us even more than we are now. If people would l2p instead of spending all their time crying on forums then they would get to lvl 50 and realise how well your moves compliment each other.


"get a pocket healer" any class with a pocket healer can own in pvp so im doubting you leet skills your saying you have. All so the people that "cry" usually have a reason to do so and people like you that say people need to L2P usually cant aka you.

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Sorry, having a pocket healer against a bunch of unorganized low levels in WZ doesn't make us any better than the 100 thousand knock backs and stuns and mass utility from other classes. Nice try.


Sounds like your just mad you have to press the 'w' key more than other classes. why do you complain about ultility when you have vanish, which depending on which tree your in can either remove snares or remove dmg, we also have a 5sec dmg imunity, a 90% miss chance on 1 target, a 20% dmg reduction which actually damage people hitting you which can last 30seconds, a aoe fear which is lovely to have when your getting 2v1'ed. not to mention a ridiculously long *** charge which doesnt need pathing (thank god).

Also, if you have an IQ you can use their knockbacks as an advantage to yourself, sure sometimes you'll get knocked to africa, but most times im smart enough to be in a good spot.



"get a pocket healer" any class with a pocket healer can own in pvp so im doubting you leet skills your saying you have. All so the people that "cry" usually have a reason to do so and people like you that say people need to L2P usually cant aka you.


Ok, im sorry. dont get a pocket healer, i was just saying with a pocket healer a marauder is probably the most destructive class along with an assassin. even without a healer its pretty average to hit 250-300k dmg in a huttball, more in void and less in civil or obvious reasons

Edited by nuwn
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I'd have to disagree, and so would my mates who pvp with me. Go carnage, get a pocket healer. use your defensive CD's at the right time and you will steamroll through groups of jedi .

I can see why people complain, its really annoying when you get focused all the time and bla bla, but remember your not a fury warrior from wow, your more like a fury paperdoll. you just need to have an IQ, bind ~20 skills and dont mindlessly tunnel targets. you can pretty much kill light-medium armor targets in less than 8 globals.

O well, if we get buffed im going to have great fun for a week or 2, untill they then realise we were already abit op and nerf us even more than we are now. If people would l2p instead of spending all their time crying on forums then they would get to lvl 50 and realise how well your moves compliment each other.


WOAH WOAH WOAH. Slow down so I can take note of these clearly advanced strategies.


So what you're saying is that if I get myself a pocket healer AND don't get focused, that this class is viable. Man am I glad I ran into you on these forums for help.


Seriously though - even in your post - less than 8 globals to kill someone.


I've been 2 shotted by a BH WITH Cloak of Pain up. Enjoy your class - I'm lvl 50 and rerolling.

Edited by Bawla
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Sounds like your just mad you have to press the 'w' key more than other classes. why do you complain about ultility when you have vanish, which depending on which tree your in can either remove snares or remove dmg, we also have a 5sec dmg imunity, a 90% miss chance on 1 target, a 20% dmg reduction which actually damage people hitting you which can last 30seconds, a aoe fear which is lovely to have when your getting 2v1'ed. not to mention a ridiculously long *** charge which doesnt need pathing (thank god).

Also, if you have an IQ you can use their knockbacks as an advantage to yourself, sure sometimes you'll get knocked to africa, but most times im smart enough to be in a good spot.





Ok, im sorry. dont get a pocket healer, i was just saying with a pocket healer a marauder is probably the most destructive class along with an assassin. even without a healer its pretty average to hit 250-300k dmg in a huttball, more in void and less in civil or obvious reasons


K done arguing with you, you just named a bunch of abilities and expected me to care. I can do the same for any class.

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I have to agree with marauder being amazing. I'm only lvl 32 and I am almost 100% all the time the highest damage on my team, and most of the time in the game. Annihilation is pretty damn good when you don't run with a healer in PvP, and using it correctly lets you 1v1 any class, anytime, anywhere.


I've beat lvl 50 juggs, bh's of both types, snipers, and sorcerer's in pvp (I don't ever remember 1v1ing an assassin they are rare on my server for some reason)


Ravage is god in huttball, when you have teammates who you know will be locking down a target that you need to kill. Deadly saber is easy to get 3 stacks up on someone, plus rupture and they take a third of their health in just bleeds, 2/3 or more if you have berserk up causing crits.


When you learn how to stick to your target (hint, use your slow every other rotation or slow) and pick targets correctly, you will find you are able to take down any target 1v1 and sometimes 2v1 depending on luck/skill/cd's up etc.

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I'm going to have to agree with Kricys in that it is completely a L2P issue. I don't roll with a pocket healer and am consistently top 3 damage (many times top), overwhelm most classes in a straight up 1v1, be extremely beefy when I want to and take on 2 or more people feeling completely safe and just escaping sticky situations when there's no other option. I'm just level 40, too.
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I'm going to have to agree with Kricys in that it is completely a L2P issue. I don't roll with a pocket healer and am consistently top 3 damage (many times top), overwhelm most classes in a straight up 1v1, be extremely beefy when I want to and take on 2 or more people feeling completely safe and just escaping sticky situations when there's no other option. I'm just level 40, too.


Yep, we have way too many tools at our disposal. Getting any kind of buff would make us ridiculous. Carnage and Annihilation could use tweaks tho.

Seems everyone just wants godmode and lots of stuns tho.

Edited by Kricys
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Yep, we have way too many tools at our disposal. Getting any kind of buff would make us ridiculous. Carnage and Annihilation could use tweaks tho.

Seems everyone just wants godmode and lots of stuns tho.


we have tons of tool, its just the tools QQing don't use 90% of them then QQ they are bad.

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we have tons of tool, its just the tools QQing don't use 90% of them then QQ they are bad.


I don't know what more they could expect out of a warrior archetype.

Perma 50% snare on your target.

2 Damage reduction self cooldowns.

Groupwide runspeed and defensive cooldown that can be used twice in a row.

Groupwide 15% damage and healing buff.

Choke, crush (if rage)

A vanish on a 45 sec cd which drops all threat against mobs

A 99% damage reduction bubble on a 45 sec cd.

Aoe fear

Short cd charge which has 0 pathing requirements

90% accuracy debuff

Last but not least, absolutely scary damage. No other class can bomb 5 targets for 4k+ at once. My largest crit so far was 4964. Juggs can get smash to hit even harder.


Oh and i forgot to mention an execute on a 6 sec cd. I have my pvp 4 set so it has a 15m range. Basically snipe low health targets all match long.

Edited by Kricys
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Yep, we have way too many tools at our disposal. Getting any kind of buff would make us ridiculous. Carnage and Annihilation could use tweaks tho.

Seems everyone just wants godmode and lots of stuns tho.


I roll Annihilation and I think even that is completely fine. The regen goes a long way with everything else the class has available to it and it most likely is the tree that melts tanks the fastest due to the dots being internal damage. I might try out Rage soon, though.

Edited by Swarna
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Of course. Wouldn't consider another spec until tweaks are made. Rage is just too good for everything.

kk. Ill give it a try. All the posts I have read on the forums have people being Annih or Carnage. But as much as I like the rotation of Annih I think I will deviate over to rage for a bit.


Any tips you have for it?

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